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  1. #1
    Community Member jcTharin's Avatar
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    Default PLEASE Make ship buffs pause in public instances.

    I hate ship buffs. I HATE THEM I HATE THEM I HATE THEM

    I know this has been said many times before but I am sick of pugs where 11 people are waiting for one guy to go to his ship and get his ship buffs. It is rude for everyone who has already been waiting forever for the raid to fill. The small bonus from he ship buffs is nowhere near worth making the rest of the raid party wait for you when we don't need the **** things.

    All this would be fixed if the buffs just paused in public instances. No more waiting, no more last minuet buffing.


    k I'm done complaining.
    Last edited by jcTharin; 02-03-2012 at 12:42 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post

  2. #2
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    Actually, there is no good reason why the buffs just shouldn't last until Death. All they are is a Time sink the way they are set up now.
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  3. #3
    Community Member redspecter23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Actually, there is no good reason why the buffs just shouldn't last until Death. All they are is a Time sink the way they are set up now.
    I think this is a great idea. Buff once, then don't worry about it until you die. Really it is just a timesink to run back to the ship every hour. I know you don't have to do it, but many people do and it cuts into actual play time as a result.

    I was running challenges for 3 or 4 hours last night on my monk and every hour I headed back for ship buffs. Did I NEED them? No, but having the extra 5 ac and non-dispellable resists helps a lot and keeps my resource use down so I feel it's worth it. I'd much rather not have to head back to the ship every hour, but I can respect the opinion of others that feel it's necessary.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Cam_Neely's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Actually, there is no good reason why the buffs just shouldn't last until Death. All they are is a Time sink the way they are set up now.
    No, there is a reason. Its a time sink. The longer people use to get buffs, thats time that they are not enjoying the content. The long it takes to enjoy the content, the longer devs have to bump out new content.

    If the powers that be in Turbine really wanted to increase the amount of time spent enjoying the content, as opposed to mindless time sinks, they would have done this long long ago.

  5. #5
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Here is how I want ship buffs to work in quests and public.

    I get what buffs I want from my ship.

    I go in quest.

    I survive then the ones I had when I entered will still be there. Just get rid of the timer.

    If I die, they go away inside the quest but get re-applied when I exit. It just has to re-apply the ones I had when I entered.
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  6. #6
    Community Member zeonardo's Avatar
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    We have to educate people.

    Let's create and acronym for that and start to spread it.
    JAB - Join After (Ship) Buffs
    JWB - Join When Buffed
    BTJ - Buffs Then Join
    AFSBAGKYMF - Ask For Ship Buffs And Get Kicked, You m(bleep)
    I don't care...

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  7. #7
    Founder Kylstrem's Avatar
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    I see no downside to this. the only thing the time limit does now is cause people to have to stop running quests to go get new ship buffs.

    In addition, change the House P 150 Pendant of Time to be a permanent effect in public instances. Once you get it, you always have it. Enter a dungeon, it ends. Leave a dungeon/adventure area, it is back in effect again.

    Having to wait for it to reset just to click on it again is silly.

  8. #8
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    Wow.. I'm going to take a wild stab at this and guess we're nearing a dozen threads at least on this particular subject lately.

    I would state my opinion here that it really is not Turbine's job to "fix" the ship buffs as they are completely optional.
    It is more up to the playerbase to recognize when the appropriate time is to get buffs, and when it is polite to just skip them and get on with the questing.

    I do heartily agree with the pause in public instances idea. Lots of things pause while in public areas. Why not ship buffs?

    /signed on making them pause in public instances
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  9. #9
    Community Member Battery's Avatar
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    just make the pause when on the ship, you can port pretty close to most quests right from your navigator
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  10. #10
    Community Member Malky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Battery View Post
    just make the pause when on the ship, you can port pretty close to most quests right from your navigator
    Yup this would be enough imo
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  11. #11
    Community Member Silverwren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcTharin View Post
    I know this has been said many times before but I am sick of pugs where 11 people are waiting for one guy to go to his ship and get his ship buffs. It is rude for everyone who has already been waiting forever for the raid to fill. The small bonus from he ship buffs is nowhere near worth making the rest of the raid party wait for you when we don't need the **** things.
    So how does the 12th person know just how long the other 11 have been waiting? You make it sound as though raid groups ALWAYS take forever to fill. I've seen Shroud runs fill in five minutes, and I've seen them never fill. You want to punish the 12th guy just for being the last one to join when he has:
    A). No idea how long the rest of you have been waiting and
    B). Every right to use an airship at his disposal and grab buffs.

    I'd be willing to bet the majority of the first eleven party members got their buffs on. If you ask me, I think you're the one who's being rude and selfish.

    That being said, I'm in agreement that buffs should be on timers. XP, Loot and Renown bonus Elixirs pause while in public, so buffs should also.
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  12. #12
    Community Member Spoprockel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverwren View Post
    So how does the 12th person know just how long the other 11 have been waiting? You make it sound as though raid groups ALWAYS take forever to fill. I've seen Shroud runs fill in five minutes, and I've seen them never fill. You want to punish the 12th guy just for being the last one to join when he has:
    A). No idea how long the rest of you have been waiting and
    B). Every right to use an airship at his disposal and grab buffs.

    I'd be willing to bet the majority of the first eleven party members got their buffs on. If you ask me, I think you're the one who's being rude and selfish.

    That being said, I'm in agreement that buffs should be on timers. XP, Loot and Renown bonus Elixirs pause while in public, so buffs should also.
    I always make sure to grab the buffs i need before i join a party. Especially if it's the last free spot.

    It doesn't matter how long everyone else in the party has been waiting.
    Waiting for the lfm to fill is an entirely different thing than waiting for the last one who joined to grab a dozen buffs he doesn't really need.

    For some content you'll need a full party / certain classes, but for most quests/raids 2 or 3 guild resists would be enough.

    I don't want to wait any longer when the lfm has finally filled, so /signed to stop the timer in public.

  13. #13
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoprockel View Post
    I always make sure to grab the buffs i need before i join a party. Especially if it's the last free spot.

    It doesn't matter how long everyone else in the party has been waiting.
    Waiting for the lfm to fill is an entirely different thing than waiting for the last one who joined to grab a dozen buffs he doesn't really need.

    For some content you'll need a full party / certain classes, but for most quests/raids 2 or 3 guild resists would be enough.

    I don't want to wait any longer when the lfm has finally filled, so /signed to stop the timer in public.
    This, I usually make the loop before even hitting the LFM panel to see whats up.
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  14. #14
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    How about the Guild ship beacon from the DDO store being a 2 way portal. One person standing outside the quest can throw up a beacon, invite everyone to their ship, and they can all go straight back to quest entrance. Only would be 2-way if it was used from a public instance. Could not return to quests or wilderness areas. Most quests are close enough it wouldnt make a lot of difference. Any quest entrance inside a wilderness area wouldnt be affected because you couldnt go straight back there. It would save time for quests like ToD, could go straight back to the cave, and make things much faster for reavers refuge. Turbine would make money by selling more beacons, and players would be happier by moving faster.

    That being said, I do agree with buffs pausing in public areas.
    Last edited by marb; 02-03-2012 at 04:38 PM.

  15. #15
    Community Member Plaidpooka's Avatar
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    I both agree and disagree with the OP. I don't hate ship buffs, I like them. But I also don't like waiting for folks who can't seem to get their act together. Want to join a group but you aren't buffed yet? Join. Ask if there is time for you to go. If leader says no, either go unbuffed or drop party. There are folks playing that act as if they are entitled to a group's patience, instead of asking politely for it. These are the folks that go from "I'm going to get my buffs" to "SHR PLZ!!!" to "Where's the quest, again?" Meanwhile, the rest of the pug could be standing around for 20 minutes. I've had folks ask for buff time, and granted it willingly. Because they asked nicely, and stated how long it would be before they were ready. Then the rest of the group knows they have time to grab a bio break, or a drink, or something before the quest starts, and no one is just waiting for an eternity of "are they here yet??" I also don't mind sharing a quest or helping out someone with a memory as swiss cheesy as my own, if asked politely.

  16. #16
    Community Member K_0tiC's Avatar
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    Ship inv pls!
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  17. #17
    Community Member drathdragon's Avatar
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    curious.... i thought to be the only one thinking about this problem.. lol

    but it is...

    the solution could be very simple, the buffs won't start until in a quest.

    why to debate about this ? simple change this simple thing... is a simple thing... , isn't it ?

  18. #18
    Community Member NecroKovy's Avatar
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    Absolutely in favor of these types of things going the way of the hireling clock. Always have them until you die is even better. Loading screens, do however, make for a terrific moment or two to remind you about a colorful advertisement!

  19. #19
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    At least make 'em pause while you're on the ship :/
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  20. #20
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    Or better yet, make them pause on the ship and in taverns. Anywhere else I am fine with but come on, ALL buffs should pause in taverns, and the ship is basically just another tavern, with amenities and the ability to exit to a different place than where you entered.
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