Take away my OP dots and gimme back my wings plz.
Take away my OP dots and gimme back my wings plz.
Well, Turbine "fixed" twf, then they added fortitude through the roof on bosses, then they "fixed" a lot of the quests, making them harder, then they took away vorpal for melee's, then they changed helpless status and autocrit... And I'm sure there's a lot more than that, That's just off the top of my head.
On the flip side of the coin, however, we now see melee dot's like the ravager set in ToD, improved sunder buffs, they're redoing the prestiges and the action points system, and so on.
Patience. It's FAR too early for the nerf screaming to begin. We don't even know what's coming yet. We only have a slight tease.
Last edited by danotmano1998; 02-07-2012 at 11:28 AM.
<-Curelite Bottling Company->
Originally Posted by Chilldude
Does anyone here even bother casting any of the DoTs when you're only going to have a single one of it up?
If I'm not going after an enemy that will last long enough to at least double stack it, then I won't even bother to cast it. It's just not very impressive at all until you start stacking it up.
you were, as one of not many, or you mean the time when heal scrolls umd check didint work for arcanes?. now almost any caster can solo, even epics
and to counter saying that lowering power on casters would make them boring, i would sugest doing that only with lowering hp, bonus to hit and saves on enemies too, becouse it would make melees more efficient against enemies while casters would hit for less but still would be about same way powerfull against bit weaker enemies, everything is based around the problem of raising hp and other things on enemies becouse casters are killing them too fast, higher hp on enemy hits melee more as they have to beat one enemy for longer, so its more about balancing game not only between melees and casters but also melee and casters against enemies, raising power of all classes above what pnp allows is not a way to go
Last edited by bloodnose13; 02-07-2012 at 12:44 PM.
"If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong."
— Groucho Marx
Remove stacking and you'll see no more use of the spells. Not to mention people will stop taking more than 1 arcane into most raids, them being only CC/hages. We already have the raiding environment as much more mêlée friendily.
I do agree that in some (or a lot of) quests, multi-TRed-geared-to-the-teeth arcanes are much more powerful due to hp-bypassing instakills, CC, shield-blocking and whatnot. With those changes, those that can't get the DCs to instakill the entire quest will be left only with hagesplacing the party and waiting for the mêlées to hit things with their pointy sticks. Does that promote game balance?
I second the guy who said he'd believe they are completely unbalancing the game when you try getting into a raid party with 3 mêlées and you get declined: 'Sorry, we already have too many mêlée, only taking casters now for TEH DOTZ.'
Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
Ekkehart (human PM) - Hammet (WF AM) - Cerussite (helf THF kensei) - Anordineth (helf dark monk)
Buy my stuff!
I certainly don't, but I mainly play heavily-splashed arcane/divine melee with 12 levels of the casting class. In fact, I don't even bother with DoTs unless the mob is self-healing faster than I can "dps" him down.
Unfortunately, the eyes of the players and designers are too focused on pure casters to consider how their proposed nerfs/buffings will afffect the deeply splashed casters.
My fault for not playing the game the way they want me to, I suppose.
Thelanis - BDA - Tamalthor/Tamgaidan/Tammalcar
This is just it right here. People continue to ramble on about caster power but the majority of their suggestions are to nerf caster power. We saw what that did for the game when casters had 12 options to build for, and 11 were effectively removed in the end game using blanket immunities. 44 CC DC or G7FO - casters werent "fun" during those times, unless you didnt mind being a buff bot for melee. When I want to do that, I log my bard on.
I still find it odd that the designers have an obvious fear of unhittable AC being too powerful, but when we look at the big picture, unhittable AC doesnt get the job done anywhere near as fast or efficiently as insta kills and dots. The willingness to overpower one aspect of this game while making another completely irrelevant is where the imbalance occurs. AC not working in epics is just as bad as blanket immunities. Here guys, you can build for this option and we will even create the illusion that the linear progression of your character makes AC slightly more and more powerful through levels 1-19 and right up to end game, where we take it away and make it not work at all.
Raiding, especially epic raiding, is losing its attractiveness in general, because the only reason to raid is to progress the gear of the toon, and if the toon is an AC build, you are basically running raids to get higher AC so your toon still wont work in the SAME EPIC CONTENT it doesnt work in now, that you had to run in order to get the gear.
there are those all caster all fvs raid runs happening, so its not like its not happening.
as for dots, i dont say they should have stacking removed, in other thread on similar topic some time ago i sugested that dots could do less dmaage but also have a damage vulnerability effect similar to guard effect that fvs has, that way everyone in party would get boost to damage, divine punishment could do light and good aligned, eldar electric and niac cold, thats just an example of what could be done with thoser spells instead of complete nerfing
also i still say that first casters should be balanced down in comparison to melees and then enemies should be balanced to both, becouse atm games difficoulty is always raised when its too easy for all those too powerful, compeltely forgetting about anyone else who didint tr few times and maybe dont even intend to do so but want to just play the game
"If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong."
— Groucho Marx