Please be sure all high level healing hirelings have Quicken and a high concentration. Please be sure, for instance, that level 20 clerics can and will heal themselves in combat.
I have been very frustrated with many hirelings for many updates and took a break from using Clerics for awhuile, came back this week and found that high level clerics especially don't seem to want to heal either me or themselves in high level quests, causing more deaths and wipes in the end than if they weren't there. (FVS are better but they sure burn through their spells fast.)
Healing hirelings are one way that melee's can seek out more adventure solo, as they provide survivability not otherwise present in the melee class.
Especially Wyho, who does not appear to heal herself (himself?) at all in battle and just dies.
In my opinion the first job of a defensive divine caster hireling should be healing if I desire it, above all else.
I have not tested this on Lamma but I am sure its the same, its been this way for far too long. Each time discussions arise about hirelings and everyone seems to be satisfied with how they work and there appears to be no improvement on this particular front.
Thanks foe letting me give this feedback, the availability of high level divines that can and will heal themselves (and eventually other party members) is at times a very important aspect of DDO for me.
(Also, I can't help but wonder why the high level FVS are so much more survivable - AC? HP?)
-- OOPS! I meant to put this in the Lammania Discussion forum, My bad! Apologies! (Although MadFloyd addressed this in the General Discussion forum since I posted this...)