More drama for Sarlona.
Hosting elite HoX today, an unknown sorcerer applies. Lfm said "know H method", since he doesnt seem to know what i'm speaking about, i ask him "What is H method ?"
He answered :Then i myddoed him, 24 Cha sorc, 14ish in the other stat, wearing half of the lvl 5 abishai set. I told him i didnt want him, very politely, then he insisted, i had to decline him (clicking on decline button) because i had forgotten to do it.its when some1 tank the mother and healers heal him and all other take runes and after just killing the mother'
Then he nicely told me :When i told him that declining someone from a lfm because he doesnt respect asked requirements, he said :i will speack with GM_DDO sorry man but i think you will get bunned'
No name, put just wanted to put it somewhere in case something weird happens to my account.ol he didnt need to understand he is my freind and i just will say to him so you make me angry