Should I make it a TWF Dorf with axes, or a two-handed half-orc with smashy smashy?
I have Veterancy and 32 point builds, by the way. And any suggested builds for the above two options?
...Where the hell did that 'ove ' come from?
Should I make it a TWF Dorf with axes, or a two-handed half-orc with smashy smashy?
I have Veterancy and 32 point builds, by the way. And any suggested builds for the above two options?
...Where the hell did that 'ove ' come from?
Last edited by Amorenkaire; 02-02-2012 at 01:50 AM.
If you have ever pulled a SOS shard on any toon then make a Horc THF barb. Otherwise unfortunately without it or even an epic antique GA THF is behind on dps than TWF. So make the dorf barf with some nice dwarf axes till you pull a SOS shard. THen TR into a Horc
Characters: Groundnpound - Whatmanabar - Paleforce - ChonknorrisCaelasreth - Giggidy - DrGinger - Brassmonkey
Member of Captains Crew Ghallanda
Alright then... What would be the stat array and skill points I'd want to invest for such a dorf, then? I figure Str 18, Dex 15 (or whatever minimum I need to qualify for the TWF chain), the rest con?
Kinda depends on if you have access to Tomes.
YOu will want GTWF. So you need a 17 DEX for that.
I also really suggest going 18BRB/2FTR on a TWF build. The two extra feats really help a lot.
Also, it is NOT blasphemy to go with a 16 STR it it helps even out other stats (like CON for HP and WIS for Will Save).
For Feats on an 18/2
I go levels 1-3 Barb 4 FTR 5-8Barb 9 FTR 10-20 Barb
Also go with Two Handed Fighting at the Beginning...Carnifex is just that great. Swap to TWF fighting at level 9 or 12.
1 Power Attack
3 Cleave
4 (FTR Feat) Stunning Blow
9 Imp Crit Slashing
9 (FTR Feat) ITWF
15 Toughness
18 Whatever you see fit...
You can obviously swap things around, but TWF on a Barb is kinda rough feat-wise. You could also go Human and use Khopesh with your bonus feat.
Or you can stay Pure Barb and go human and skip Stunning Blow and not have a "bonus feat" for whatever you like.
But must have...
Improved Crit
Power Attack
And those are all 7 Feats you are allowed on a Pure Barb. (1,3,6,9,12,15,18)
"Hireling" and "Hjealer"
Member of THACO on Ghallanda
So, I take it the barbarian capstone isn't worth the two fighter bonus feats then?
Well you would be losing 3 STR (2 from Capstone and 2 from Mighty Rage, but 2 levels of FTR gives +1 STR back)
But 2 FTR gives Haste Boost (HUGE) and having Stunning Blow really helps. As does Improved Trip (helps with Crowd Control).
I mainly suggest 18/2 if you go TWF. I would say 20 Barb if you THF. You can make TWF work on a Pure Barb though.
Its all personal preference.
"Hireling" and "Hjealer"
Member of THACO on Ghallanda
Alright, I guess the two levels of fighter would help with the dwarven feel anyway. I also have plenty of turbine points stocked up from all the time I played off and on earlier, so a +2 dex tome should be pretty easy to get, so 15 starting dex should be all I need.
You did NOT just advise someone to take 16 strength so they can have +2 on will saves. I cannot even begin to fathom the silliness. Also, THFing is better until around level 6, at which point you can handle the to-hit penalties it brings about, and start to do more damage with TWFing. When you pick up ITWFing and IC:S, the TWFing takes the advantage in damage.
On a pure barbarian half-orc, 32 pt build, take the following.
Strength: 20
Dexterity: 9
Constitution: 17
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 6
Intelligence of 8 gives you skill points, but so long as you max balance and intimidate you're fine. Dump int and dex and take 18 con if you want, but it's only 2 AP to buy a +1 con enhancement.
Feats: Toughness, Power Attack, Two Handed Fighting, Improved Critical: Slashing, Cleave, Improved Two Handed Fighting, Greater Two Handed Fighting.
Tomes: +2 strength and constitution for sure, rest are up to you.
For a twfing variant, do this. Fighter(2)/Barbarian(18). Take fighter levels at 6 and 11.
Strength: 20(16 pts remaining)
Dexterity: 15(8 pts remaining)
Constitution: 15(0 pts remaining)
Intelligence: 6
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 6
Skill points: Balance and intimidate.
Feats: Toughness, Power Attack, Two Weapon Fighting(fighter bonus feat), Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical: Slashing, Cleave, (fighter bonus feat) Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Oversized Two Weapon Fighting/Stunning Blow/Toughness, Improved Sunder. In that order.
If you want Khopesh/Bastard Sword then do this.
Level 1: Toughness
Level 3: Power Attack
Level 6: Khopesh/Bastard Sword
Fighter level 1 bonus feat: Two Weapon Fighting
Level 9: Improved Critical: Slashing
Level 11, Fighter level 2 bonus feat: Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Level 12: Cleave
Level 15: Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Level 18: Improved Sunder/Stunning Blow
Done. Enjoy.