As the title suggests, I'm looking for help/advice on gear to keep an eye out for a first life wizard. I've spent the last few hours searching through the forums for info, and got a LOT of good info out of MrCow's diary of a true arcane post. But most of what I've been able to find is just concept builds for epic content chalked full of assumptions that you have full raid gear already farmed ad infinitum.
What I've also seen is a distinct lack of info for newer players, or people who have never run an arcane caster. Oh, there's general info such as "drop firewall, lol, collect exp/loot". But I haven't found any real good guides for a 1st life toon focused mainly in reaching 20 first, then starting the gear grind for later lives at that point. Is it a case of arcanes just being that OP while levelling?
I'm fairly familiar with DDO and its underlying mechanics in a general sense, but not very much with arcanes past level 10 or so. Some of the things I saw on MrCow's list of items made perfect sense. Such as consumable pots, scrolls, wands, and equipment that increased casting power such as potency items. Survival gear like fortification, movement, saves, etc as well.
But other items left me scratching my head. +5 light mithral shield? Heavy picks of backstabbing?
So....How would you go about doing it? I mean you, personally. Consider if for some reason your account got banned or hacked, or the server you're on crashed and burned, or you just felt like starting fresh on a new server for the challenge: whatever reason you like to come up with for starting a 32pt build AM or PM on its first life with no gear. How would you go about gearing yourself out? What are some key items you would really go out of your way while levelling to get?
Here's what I understand of the basics that you want to try and keep covered.
STR/INC/CON item of some type(str to counter ray of enfeeble)
Voice of the Master
Item of extra mana to cover buffs at the quest start/shrine
Item with spell pen
Item with +DC
Clickies of all sorts to cover specific cases and save mana.
Wands of Stoneskin
Scrolls of Reconstruct if WF(heal if you have enough UMD?)
Heavy Fort
But that's really all I know to do. I've rolled a few abortive attempts at sorcs and a PM, but my experience with arcanes really thins out after level 10 content. And specific equipment to farm for, I'm just plain in the dark. So I guess what I'm really looking for is mid to upper-level gear that you'll really need to push through the later levels.
Also, if there's already a really good guide out there that I've somehow spaced and missed completely, just point me in the right direction. I'd really appreciate some detailed info here that isn't just "farm epic content", or "equip your raid gear" unless that's really all there is to it. Thanks in advance!