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  1. #1
    Community Member psi0nix's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Australian guild (or similar time zone)

    Currently I am in a guild, but I notice that when I jump on to play there is no-one else one, and vice versa, this being due to the guild being largely from the US, I was wondering if there are any guilds about (Ghallanda) that have a large Australian player base in them ?

    At the moment it seems I am just using the guild ship, as I don't run quests with any guildies / raids or anything else for that matter.

    The ship is nice, but It would be good to be part of a guild that plays in a similar time frame to myself, so we could get some better groups going / guild raids things like that. (gets boring soloing or 3 manning it with the other 2 Aussies in the guild.

    Is there a list that shows the main country of players or is it just too random ? (alot of guilds have members from all over).

  2. #2
    Community Member Meetch1972's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    What generally happens for me is I build up a list of "friends" who are Aussies. I still don't group all that much with them, but there is more chance of it if I know they're on and ready for it.

    Our guild is mostly Aussies, but I'm the only active member for now. The leader barely manages to avoid delinquency, so if they don't come back soon I may consider applying my non-haggle toons to one of the bigger guilds. Alternatively as I've got an officer I guess we could throw the gates open to homeless/desperate Aussies and I actually do some recruiting... We're L49.5 and slowly climbing.
    Goe ahed... korekt mah spelin'.

  3. #3
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    I used to play on Sarlona and had similar issues. I started playing DDO with the intention of making Khyber my home as it was my understanding that it is the defacto aussie server. However, I accidently ended up with a level 20 character on Sarlona though through favour farming and forgetting to stop so just stayed (capped 5 toons and TR'd 1).

    After a long break I came back and transfered 1 toon to Khyber and picked up my old toons (gimpie as they are) and now I'm a happy resident of an awesome guild - Crimson Eagles - that plays mostly in my timezone. The great people, their high skill level and the frequency of tough end game content is just gravy

    We have a ship too ...

  4. #4
    Community Member psi0nix's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Ah so Kyber is the server for AU (generally speaking), I chose ghallanda years ago simply because at the time it was the first one in the list, I did no research on the servers or anything like that / had no knoweledge.

    At first it seemed there was alot of AU players on Ghallanda, but after taking a yr break and coming back I find the opposite, don't get me wrong, this Guild has some good players and are a good bunch, (when I actually get to speak to any of them), it's just that my main play times during the week are at odds with everyone else.

  5. #5
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by psi0nix View Post
    Ah so Kyber is the server for AU (generally speaking), I chose ghallanda years ago simply because at the time it was the first one in the list, I did no research on the servers or anything like that / had no knoweledge.

    At first it seemed there was alot of AU players on Ghallanda, but after taking a yr break and coming back I find the opposite, don't get me wrong, this Guild has some good players and are a good bunch, (when I actually get to speak to any of them), it's just that my main play times during the week are at odds with everyone else.
    In theory it is anyway, I'm not actually sure how many Aussies are playing on Khyber but the frequency of Aussie/NZ accents in pugs is reassuring.

    I do reckon though that if we manage elob next week that we'll be the first AEST guild to do so.

  6. #6
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    In theory it is anyway, I'm not actually sure how many Aussies are playing on Khyber but the frequency of Aussie/NZ accents in pugs is reassuring.

    I do reckon though that if we manage elob next week that we'll be the first AEST guild to do so.
    As if CE was an AEST guild? :P

  7. #7
    Community Member Stillwaters's Avatar
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    Mar 2009


    Speaking as an aussie trying to make it on wayfinder!!!

    Use the friend system to your advantage....

    Do a search during times you play and tag a few names.... if those ppl are on consistently when you play, those are the ones you want to approach.

    If they are good players make sure you note it in your friends tab and keep up diplomatic relations
    -Stealth RULEZ- A compilation -Favor 101- "How-to" unlock the game -Boycott the changes- combat changes stink
    You say you want your $$ back, i d g a f about the $$. I want my GAME back..

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