I don't know if I'm being unreasonable in my thinking or not.
What's the going rate on each of these?
I don't know if I'm being unreasonable in my thinking or not.
What's the going rate on each of these?
Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
True Join Date: Circa mid 2007. Still a noob. My simple forum rules: http://pastebin.com/ftE2V1GG
Pretty sure nobody is gonna trade you a greater for a lds, but you can try. Hes saying that martials r droping a lot, check the AH and see if u can find any.
Predat, completionist Artificer - Currently on life #25/25
Tyraeil, completionist Sorcerer - Currently on life #10/20
You might be right about greater cells costing more than an LDS (but that's what's worth to me), but as for martial and mystical not only they are dropping frequently (we run these raids couple times a week as a guild), but on every 5th MA and LoB runs you are almost guaranteed one of them. Greater cells, however, are harder to come by.
Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
True Join Date: Circa mid 2007. Still a noob. My simple forum rules: http://pastebin.com/ftE2V1GG
On Ghallanda they have sold for 2-3 reds for a greater and 1-2 reds for a martial. Mysticals don't sell as well, maybe 2 mysticals for a martial.
Now, that being said, I certainly wouldn't pay that much, but then again I run a lot of LoB.
~ Cheara : Raizertron : Pozitron : Higgz Bowtron : Illudium : Staphe Infection : Abraa Capocus ~
Nooby McNoobsalot
Ghallanda Rerolled
Alright, I was pretty sure about Greaters being more expensive, since every recipe needs them.
But I was more unsure about Martials. I've been looking for one for a while now and been getting some pretty ridiculous asking prices. I offered a FRDS to one person and they told me that they "just sold a Martial for 2 FRDS and an LDS". Another person wanted a Scroll of the SoS for one.
I felt that these were (and are) considerably overpriced, so I though I'd check on here.
EDIT: Also, I've never seen a Martial on the AH. Plenty of Mysticals though.
AH, in general, is bad news. Because you get the snowball effect inflation all the time. Many times item are grossly overpriced and to make matters worse every time there's a wave of abuse/exploits, then all the prices go bokers.
So, for relative pricing I would say (IMHO):
Greaters are as rare as an LDS
Mystical/Martials are the equivalent of a random large ingredient.
As I said above, Mystical/Martials are almost guranteed on every 5th run (as end rewards), whereas greaters aren't therefore their rarity.
Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
True Join Date: Circa mid 2007. Still a noob. My simple forum rules: http://pastebin.com/ftE2V1GG
ok maybe u dont run lob to much, so let me try to explain to u, End Reward = every 10 runs, not 5. Second u need 3 greaters and 3 martials to upgrade every iten to tier 3, so ppl dont usually sell those, so yeah i would say 2-3 at least
Predat, completionist Artificer - Currently on life #25/25
Tyraeil, completionist Sorcerer - Currently on life #10/20
Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
True Join Date: Circa mid 2007. Still a noob. My simple forum rules: http://pastebin.com/ftE2V1GG
MA is every 5, but I thought the list was just weapons? At least it was the 2 times I hit 5th.
LoB is every 10th... and every 10th I have hit there was a greater there on the list, as well as a martial/mystical.
eLoB is indeed run consistently (at least several times a week), but are typically guild runs (just because you don't see them, doesn't mean they are not there). But why did you even mention eLoB? Normal Lob is run everyday, even pugged with success...that is where you get you completions, you martials/mysticals/greaters in chests. As for T3 alchemical..I know of at least one person who has completed one, and he is in this thread too (not me btw).
To the OP: martials worth 2ish FRDS, greaters worth 3sih FRDS, IMO anyways.
Just so you get an idea of how they drop: I have about 30 LoBs done and pulled 8 martials, and 4 greaters (out of chests). Also gaurenteed on your 10th run as an end reward.
Kits -- completionist on life 24/24
MA 5ths are weaps and chance of mystical/martial (and I imagine greater, but never gotten one that way). Also MA with optional chest you get 3 chances at one. Yes, I reckon it's an annoying raid to get to and god awful lag once in final room, but well worth to get the Mystical/Martial cells + blanks.
Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
True Join Date: Circa mid 2007. Still a noob. My simple forum rules: http://pastebin.com/ftE2V1GG
Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
True Join Date: Circa mid 2007. Still a noob. My simple forum rules: http://pastebin.com/ftE2V1GG
So 2-3 LDS for Martials then? That seems far more reasonable.
Let the market decide. Put them up for trade at whatever price you think it's fair. If you don't get any offers, lower the price a notch. If you get too many up the price a notch. This is helpful when you have different opinions on the perceived value of an item. For example, you might have people who think 4 FRDS is too much for a eSoS scroll and have someone offer you 10 FRDS for it at the same time. Gotta play the economy game![]()
Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
True Join Date: Circa mid 2007. Still a noob. My simple forum rules: http://pastebin.com/ftE2V1GG
No one? i got 3 weapons at tier 3 made, i run epic lob at least 3 times a week, and ma doesnt have any cells at the end reward
Predat, completionist Artificer - Currently on life #25/25
Tyraeil, completionist Sorcerer - Currently on life #10/20
I honestly didn't know it was being run so often. Given that it took top guild (back then Chaos Knights) in this server about a month after release to beat it. And IA did it maybe 5-6 weeks ago for the first time. Anyway, I'm glad it's being run that often. I withdraw that part of my comment.
Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
True Join Date: Circa mid 2007. Still a noob. My simple forum rules: http://pastebin.com/ftE2V1GG
Can anybody else confirm this? MA 5th giving martials/mysticals/greaters? Everyone I have asked so far says only weapons...so
2 5th end rewards for me, never saw one. Anyone else?
Kits -- completionist on life 24/24
Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
True Join Date: Circa mid 2007. Still a noob. My simple forum rules: http://pastebin.com/ftE2V1GG