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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Build Advice: Self-Sustaining Solo Caster?

    Hi there,

    Normally I prefer playing melee so that by now I never played a caster in DDO. Now I really would like to start my first caster. In fact I play solo most of the time so that I need a self-sustaining solo build that is not too gear-dependent.

    I already studied some of the builds in this forum, so that I know some of the basic concepts. What would you advice: warforged sorcerer, 18/2 wizard/rogue, wizard pale master? Or something completly different? Or are at the end of the day the new artificier the best casters? ;-)

    I would greatly appreciate your opinions on that issue and a link to an existing build that fits into my schema.

  2. #2
    2016, 2018 Player Council Member Ziindarax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feanor74 View Post
    Hi there,

    Normally I prefer playing melee so that by now I never played a caster in DDO. Now I really would like to start my first caster. In fact I play solo most of the time so that I need a self-sustaining solo build that is not too gear-dependent.

    I already studied some of the builds in this forum, so that I know some of the basic concepts. What would you advice: warforged sorcerer, 18/2 wizard/rogue, wizard pale master? Or something completly different? Or are at the end of the day the new artificier the best casters? ;-)

    I would greatly appreciate your opinions on that issue and a link to an existing build that fits into my schema.
    It's really up to you, as nearly any caster build can be self-sufficient, and with near-minimal gear dependency. All you really need in my honest opinion are 1) items that boost your main stats [generally, these are your casting stats + Constitution]. 2) Items that augment the strength of your spells and maybe even their critical-profile, and 3) Increase your mana pool.

    The "ideal" caster has all of this, plus items that restore spell points (ear dweller and bauble are particularly valuable). However, even a minimally geared caster will generally outperform a top-notch melee build if played well-enough.

    Edit: However, from the looks of it, a good "first-caster" build for you would, in my opinion, be something like the Soul Survivor Build. It's a warforged build that takes advantage of the proficiency with great swords, and I hear they can solo just about every quest in the game on elite (however, there are other builds such as the Godhand build which mixes cleric with monk levels). With a build such as that, you would not stray too far from your preferences, and you get the added benefit of learning some of the inner workings of a caster.
    Last edited by Ziindarax; 01-31-2012 at 10:40 AM.
    Ziind Stargazer - Level 12 fighter/6 Barbarian/2 rogue Half-Orc (Neutral Good) - Formerly a level 20 Paladin Human - Orien

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  3. #3
    Community Member ArcaneMelee's Avatar
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    Haven't played an artificer, so I can't comment on the class.

    However, I'm curious what type of casting are you looking for?

    The reason I ask is that if you like seeing huge damage numbers, and seeing them often, you should go sorc.

    If you like taking control of the battle (charming, holding, slaying, etc...), you should go wiz. If you're a lazy player like me, and would rather ignore a lot of incoming damage instead of dodging/prepping with spell protection, the 2 rog splash would be just the thing.

    In either case, I do recommend WF. If you can get your hands on a Docent of Defiance and a Torc, you're golden. Not needed, but it sure is sweet.

  4. #4
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    well an arti is definitely survivable. Mixing basically a tommy gun with magic. Though I wouldn't call er a caster. Least not until later levels. They're more like a mechanic technician.

    As far as self sustaining, WF. You won't get any better self sustaining then that. You don't need umd you can jack up your own repairing, reconstruct scrolls, it's just complete self reliance.

    As for which if you want to just blow everything up, choose a sorc, if you want to cc like no tomorrow, choose a wizard.

    At lv 5 or 6 is fireball. You'll be able to blow plenty of **** up. (Just remember the one thing many overlook. A superior inferno clicky gives you 75% dmg for 3 minutes and is plenty easily click-able from a hotbar. A superior potency or specific element gives you 50%. And yes the dmg is noticeable.) Get that and a major lore item and ur golden for dmg.
    Through avarice, evil smiles; through insanity, it sings.

  5. #5
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    Warforged wiz/sorc/arti has better self healing early on than other types. For total self sufficiency I would go with WF archmage18/rogue2, for endurance I'd pick the arti, cause they can just keep shooting, for firepower sorc all the way.
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  6. #6
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    Would you advice the 18/2 archmage/rogue because of the benefits of the rogue splash? Or does the mage have other benefits in your eyes?

  7. #7
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    So after some consideration, I think that my first caster will be a WF sorcerer.
    I learned that it is good advice to start as fire savant at lv6 and later on respec.

    I already found Aspenors Sorcerers Handbook
    Could some1 link a good build for me?

    Should I play my toon as a pure lv20 sorcerer or should I plan minor splashes?

  8. #8
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    Naw stay pure. Sorc is actually one of the few classes that doesn't need to splash. In fact it actually hurts you to. You could splash get some extra hp or something, maybe evasion, but a sorc capstone gives them a stacking 20% more dmg with spells.

    So with that going, your maximize, your empower, your 3 minute clicky for 75%, your savent line, you just really pack the punch.

    The nice thing about sorc's are, umd is their main stat. Much like why it's so beneficial for a wiz to take 2 levels of rogue because int is their main stat and it's also the stat that jacks up reflex with a feat, disable device and search.

    But as a sorc's main stat is cha, umd wise the skys the limit with your mod, plus gear, plus skill points invested. They can clear 40 easy with the right setup. Which not only applies to heal scrolls, but also raise dead, resurrection, greater restoration scrolls, all those nice lil goody spells divines use.

    Now starting as a WF you will lose 2 cha and therefore 1 umd 1 dc. But It's an exceptable tradeoff considering some of the hardest hitting spells don't need a save. And you can heal in a split second casting a repair spell or using a no umd scroll.

    As for leveling i'd toss all my action points into fire. Fire dmg, fire crits, cause when you get fireball it's just gonna light those suckers up like a Christmas tree. As a robot you easily flip the hold spell the bird, shrug off poison, and all that other neat stuff.

    Stat wise, 16 cha (max) 20 con(max) any additional points (34 and up builds) can go to str or int. I like int as it's always nice to max haggle as well for extra thousands vendering **** or buying it.
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