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  1. #1
    Community Member Slink's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default item sets for ftr/rog halfling advice


    I am not terribly familiar with some of the newer content, particularly house c and am not sure of options as far as that content is concerned with 'alchemical items'.

    This character is a 7th lifer, 3 rogue past lives, 3 ftr past lives.
    Final build is halfling, 12 ftr/7rog/1mnk, str based but otherwise flat stats.
    Weapons are mostly GS rapiers/picks.

    Being he is done with the TR train (although i have considered monk lives for dmg, yet, I digress at the thought of another TR on this character ),
    I am wondering what things I should consider for epic gear, particularly helmet, bracer and perhaps glove slots.
    His current gear setup is/or will be:

    minos helm (looking for alternative)
    Shintao set w/ exc strength
    spare hand with +6 chr/+2 luck
    stalker ring with gtr false life
    GS air +45 cloak
    tharnes set @ bracer/goggle yet i have tharnes avail via DT on 3 sets of outfits (looking for alternative at bracer)
    epic facets @ trinket
    epic gloves of claw

    I am wondering if I may have room to fit in abishai set or looking for advice towards alternatives. yes, grinding chrono sounds worse than the TR grind...

    Also, does anyone know the bonus to BS with assasin set?

    Last edited by Slink; 01-31-2012 at 10:34 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Dwarfo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Hey hey slink! you still on khyber, used to be with you in FH and you kinda me you your char name.

    As with your toon - i would replace either your goggles as your HP item, so that you can fit in eEnvenomed Cloak, put heavy fort/toughness on it. Then replace minos with eHelm of Frost, and put on some eScorched Bracers slot them with again either heavy fort/toughness.

    To me the extra sneak attack from tharnes is alot less powerful than the eAbishai set...up to you though. Alchemical weapons are somewhat a tier up from GS, alot more special effects, and a **** load better for casters. For your build id go Flametouched Iron air/air/air Silver. Just look this up on the wiki and you'll see the special tier effects.

    Hope this helps a bit, cya around!

  3. #3
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    Did you take a look at the gear set of Sockpuppet?

    Quote Originally Posted by KingOfCheese View Post
    head: epic Helm of Frost with poison immunity
    neck: triple earth shroud crafted necklace with +45 hps
    trinket: bloodstone
    cloak: epic Envenomed Cloak with heavy fort
    belt: Colethenis's belt (ravager set)
    ring 1: Ravager ring with +2 exceptional STR
    ring 2: Oremi ring with +2 exceptional CON
    gloves: epic Charged Gauntles with disease immunity
    boots: epic Boots of Corrosion with +6 dex and luck (with swap to Madstone boots for clicky and procs)
    bracers: epic Scorched Bracers with toughness
    goggles: tharnes googles
    armor: DT armor with GFL, corrosive salt guard, and Tharnes
    It uses the Ravager Set, but that seems to be sufficiently easily replaceable by EStalker and Sparehand, allowing the Trinket to be the Gem of many facets, which opens up the option to switch for Raven's Eye. If you wanted to include Claw, I'd aim towards

    head: epic Helm of Frost
    neck: Shintao
    trinket: Gem of Many Facets
    cloak: epic Envenomed Cloak
    belt: Spare Hand
    ring 1: EStalker
    gloves: EClaw
    boots: epic Boots of Corrosion
    bracers: GS Hp Min2 bracers
    goggles: tharnes googles/Raven's Eye
    armor: DT armor with Deathblock, HAmp, and Tharnes
    Toons on Orien: Meinir // Flodur // Twiddler // Thorkar // Impetor // Juliacantor // Minor all Soko Irrlicht
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We may or may not intentionally insert in red herrings, purple mackerels, or horses of different colors. Void where prohibited. Not available in all planes of existence.

  4. #4
    Community Member Renvar's Avatar
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    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Slink View Post

    I am not terribly familiar with some of the newer content, particularly house c and am not sure of options as far as that content is concerned with 'alchemical items'.

    This character is a 7th lifer, 3 rogue past lives, 3 ftr past lives.
    Final build is halfling, 12 ftr/7rog/1mnk, str based but otherwise flat stats.
    Weapons are mostly GS rapiers/picks.

    Being he is done with the TR train (although i have considered monk lives for dmg, yet, I digress at the thought of another TR on this character ),
    I am wondering what things I should consider for epic gear, particularly helmet, bracer and perhaps glove slots.
    His current gear setup is/or will be:

    minos helm (looking for alternative)
    Shintao set w/ exc strength
    spare hand with +6 chr/+2 luck
    stalker ring with gtr false life
    GS air +45 cloak
    tharnes set @ bracer/goggle yet i have tharnes avail via DT on 3 sets of outfits (looking for alternative at bracer)
    epic facets @ trinket
    epic gloves of claw

    I am wondering if I may have room to fit in abishai set or looking for advice towards alternatives. yes, grinding chrono sounds worse than the TR grind...

    Also, does anyone know the bonus to BS with assasin set?

    Yo, Slink!


    Definitely drop the minos helm. You can slot toughness and heavy fort elsewhere. Get the Epic Helm of Frost (+7 charisma). Get the Epic Envenomed Cloak. Now you only need to squeeze in one more abashai item and slot your hp item elsewhere. Go with boots of corrosion or scorched bracers. You can slot the GS Hp on the gogges if you go bracers since you are dropping the tharnes bracers. Your belt is probably not helping that much anymore as you can slot the good luck anywhere with epic yellow slots and and have a better charisma with the helm of frost.

    So you have some play in the belt and boots/bracers. Some of the newer cannith items (Bracers, and boots of propulsion) are nice, and some of the challenge items are nice (rock boots). Check those out.

    And look me up when online.
    Asheras - Velania - Renvar - Ventarya - Officer of Lava Divers - Khyber

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