I'm getting tired of all these afk'ers
I'm getting tired of all these afk'ers
I don't!
What if I'm soloing a quest and my wife needs my help? I step away from my compy for a few minutes and come back to a dead toon?
No thanks.
I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just gonna ask 'em where they're going and hook up with 'em later on - Mitch Hedberg
Silverweb - Silverwren - Silverware - Daydream - Dubbelklik
This might lead to more "I'm lagging, relogging brb"
Pikers gonna pike!
Just let me push afk'ers around and I'll be happy I'll find a nifty place to store em
And those who afk at the start of the quest and die from it, get no xp or favor until they're rezzed!
Goe ahed... korekt mah spelin'.
So I get up to go to the bathroom and come back to a dead toon even though I was in a completely safe spot while soloing a quest and was harming no-one?
It should only apply to people in a group with more than one live person.
I like it.
If you need to tend to real life in the middle of a quest, leave party. Or take damage. I like it a lot.
The problem though is that pikers don't mind riding in your backpack or even completing the quest as a soulstone at the entrance. As long a they didn't get a late entry penalty, they don't care. So what if it costs the party 10%? Still easy XP for them.
(I'm still grumpy about 2 different party leaders yesterday who stepped into the quest and said "AFK 5/10 minutes, go ahead and start without me." Grr...)
Last edited by Galeria; 01-31-2012 at 09:39 AM.
Can't really tell if this is a serious suggestion. Not a good idea though, as anyone with small children would testify to.
This ideal is beyond horrible. It's bad enough you have a piker, but you want him to cost you 10% XP as well from a death?
Beyond stupid.
And in the spirit of DDO, this should only happen to melees, not to casters or people with blue bars.
*Equips ring of pikers action*
"K guys, afk gonna go watch a movie, be back in 2 hrs"
(That Guy! build) http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=3957241#p3957241
(That Guy! build) http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=3957241#p3957241
Check out my Cannith trade list: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...05#post3574205
Actually, forget taking damage.
If you actually set off the afk timer, it starts the late entry penalty timer ticking. So if you are AFK for 10% of a quest, you take an 10% penalty.
Walk in the door and go afk til the quest is over? 80% penalty. Pikers would still get completion and favor as well as chests if they bother to go get them but wouldn't gain experience from doing nothing.
The AFK timer does even kick in for 5 minutes so the quick bio/phone call afkers wouldn't even set it off.
No, because of three words.
The Titan Awakes.
For those not familiar with the raid, only a few people in the raid itself have active roles. Every one else in the raid essentially has to pike, hanging off a ladder just out of range of the Titan's blasts.
Those "pikers" are important because the Titan has extreme random aggro, and he switches targets every couple seconds. Having a good number of people there means he'll often times just sit and try to range them, and NOT chase the person on the bottom pillars around making the gunner's job more difficult.
I do not object to ANYONE whose job in the raid itself is a "ladder guard" going AFK for the 10-15 minutes it takes to position and kill the Titan. Even more so if they contributed to the pre-raid.
In addition, my guild are all older players. Many of the members have children, spouses, and businesses. If something comes up with any of them, and they have to take 10-15 minutes to deal with more important matters, why should they be punished in game?
This is a bad idea. Is this a problem that you have with someone going AFK in your group, or just the masses that stand around the city? How about a little more detail why you think they should take damage or an xp lose because they need to go take care of something in the real world?
If it during questing, I would suggest when forming a group to post that AFK will be at risk of being booted from the group.
No need for a down side of walking away from the game.