How will "Arcane Lore", "Religious Lore", or "Wilderness Lore" will be implemented in game play. It seems that a bard should get all three instead of just Arcane.
How will "Arcane Lore", "Religious Lore", or "Wilderness Lore" will be implemented in game play. It seems that a bard should get all three instead of just Arcane.
I'll assume it will come into play like, for example, the spot check in DQ1. If you have the correct lore, the DM will tell you something that he wouldn't tell you otherwise, like "You notice a stylized carving of an Octopus above this door."
Of course, you know what they say about assumption.
ETA: It would be very neat if there was some way to work in Bardic Lore, like maybe it being one of the other lores, but at a penalty. Or if it was just another category, straight up, but with slightly different information (like True Seeing vs. Paladin vs. Spot to see through Tiefling disguises in Partycrashers, for instance.)
Last edited by Oakianus; 01-30-2012 at 05:46 PM.
Akrites: 10 Wiz (TRed Bard), Oakianus: 20 Wiz and Odanta: 20 Monk. All on Khyber, because I love drama.
I said it what seems like years ago the easiest thing would be make any INT/WIS rune checks us CHA for bards. So VoN 5 for example a bard could use CHA to activate the WIS rune.
From what people have said, it's showing up as just "Arcane Lore" at the moment.
I agree that Bards should get thrown a bone here, and at least get a Bardic Lore that encompasses Arcane & Divine Lore.
I agree as they are not purely arcane or divine, whereas every other class is, clerics/fvs/pally/ranger all are purely divine
wiz/sorc/art are all purely arcane
bard pure and simple is everything
Just to nitpick a little, bards are purely arcane. They have arcane versions of divine spells.
On that note, however, bards are one of 2 classes with all knowledge skills in PnP and additionally have bardic knowledge. I don't see a reason not to give them all 3 and still add bardic lore unless there is a technical limitation preventing multiple lore abilities.
The new 'Lore' feats will basically be a value on a character that our quest scripts can reference. You might have more dialog options, the DM might say something different, etc. The dungeon designers probably have more than just that in mind, but for now it exists to give them more tools in their toolbox.
The Bardic Knowledge suggestion is interesting and worth considering.
Last edited by Vesuvium; 01-31-2012 at 09:56 AM.
By the way, I LOVE the flavor those kind of checks provide... I love extra spot messages that no one else in the party can see, etc.
I had one guy once who had a high skill in Listening...
Some of the earlier dungeons actually checked for that, and I'd get unique messages standing outside a door giving me hints of what was inside...
I agree with you completely. I love that the Listen and Spot skills gave extra information in several of the low-level quests. I'd love to see more of that in quests, especially Listen since it has little practical use (it's not like we can use Listen when we are blind to know where mobs are).
That's one of the things I liked about House C: you got different dialoug from NPCs if you were WF. More things like that would be nice.
I'd like to see Dragonmarks get more hints/dialog from NPCs in quests. I've even suggested before that Dragonmarks should give a +1 loot bonus to quests of the corresponding house (in example Elves with Phiarlan Dragonmarks get +1 loot from chests and end rewards of House P quests).
The Funniest Thing I've Ever Read
Toons: Twengor (pal), Margween (Bard/FTR/Rogue), Nestrana (wiz), Ammerlyn (Arti), Ostarin (Monk) on Cannith
Chelos - TRing multiclassing support
One of the top scorers of the 2011 and 2012 PAX EAST challenge and winner of 2 Lifetime memberships to DDO.
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As far as I think your quest scripts can reference character class and determine MAX(levels) -> primary class to say in a dialog: "Hail, gimpy wizard (12/7/1 build)!" Why introduce a bunch of new feats since you can determine primary class and therefore you can determine amount of 'arcane lore' internally. :\