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  1. #41
    Community Member
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    This seems like a very good way to just make clerics VASTLY overpowered. Some of these 'domains' are better than entire PRE lines. Have you seen domains in pnp? They don't provide boatloads of abilities. They usually give access to spells, not SLAs, and 1-2 very minor abilities. That is how they should be. The war domain, for example, is just absurd. This is better damage than the entire offensive fvs PRE. The SLAs alone are OP. But then kinetic line for BBs that do more than the 30% fvs pre gives?

    Your suggestion:

    Quote Originally Posted by Combat_Wombat View Post
    War Domain
    Feat: Gives Martial Weapon Proficiency,Weapon Focus, Improved Crtical for diety choosen weapon, +1 caster level evocation
    SLA: Divine Power 1AP
    SLA: Power Word Stun 2AP
    SLA: Blade Barrier 3AP 60 second cooldown
    Kinetic damage and crit line

    PnP War Domain:

    Granted Power

    Free Martial Weapon Proficiency with deity’s favored weapon (if necessary) and Weapon Focus with the deity’s favored weapon.
    War Domain Spells

    1 Magic Weapon: Weapon gains +1 bonus.
    2 Spiritual Weapon: Magical weapon attacks on its own.
    3 Magic Vestment: Armor or shield gains +1 enhancement per four levels.
    4 Divine Power: You gain attack bonus, +6 to Str, and 1 hp/level.
    5 Flame Strike: Smite foes with divine fire (1d6/level damage).
    6 Blade Barrier: Wall of blades deals 1d6/level damage.
    7 Power Word Blind: Blinds creature with 200 hp or less.
    8 Power Word Stun: Stuns creature with 150 hp or less.
    9 Power Word Kill: Kills creature with 100 hp or less.

    The logical transition would be that you do exactly what the pnp does for war. You get these spells at each level specified for free. You get the bonus for weapons as it states. Done. Very simple, still provides a nice benefit by giving you access to ALOT of spells, and a bonus ability. These aren't meant to be powerful. I mean clerics get TWO of these for free in pnp.
    Denorn - Megaden - Denorc - Denarn - Yalan - Yalana - Yalann

  2. #42
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aesop View Post
    Ya know one thing that was suggested a LONG time ago is having the Domain Spells act like the Dragon Mark Spells... ie a limited number of castings per spell but allows full Metamagic. Not sure that is necessary now but its something to throw out there.

    1st effect you start with 3 castings at 5th level you gain an extra casting of the first tier and 2 casting of the second tier at 9th level you gain and extra casting of the 1st and 2nd tier and 2 castings of the 3rd tier etc to the 5th tier at 17the level. Additionally there were Enhancements for Extra Castings.

    If this is the case then don't bother implementing them. Dragonmarks are, at best, wasted feats that provide minimal benefit now.

    Implementing them properly means they actually have a use. Which means not a limited use clicky.
    Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...

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  3. #43
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    Oh nice and overpowered.

    Better SLAs then Archmage without any penalty. I take it

    Guess this at least shows how they should not do it.
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  4. #44
    Dual-Wielder of Halflings DevHead's Avatar
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    Plant Domain, Tier 3 - Control Plants

    Really? Seems boring compared to...I don't know....Death Domain? How about putting Horrid Wilting for Tier 3 Plant Domain. Makes more sense to me.
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  5. #45
    Community Member Gauthaag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yalann View Post
    I mean clerics get TWO of these for free in pnp.
    Nope, Sir ...clerics get only one bonus slot for domain spell per lvl, so they must decide which spell from two domain spells they d memorize into that one

  6. #46
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Combat_Wombat View Post
    which is why firewall has been nerfed a few times, I gave it a 60 second cooldown and again clerics are going to have to invest extra AP to get the firewall damage up with the current ammount 6 just to get firewall and then however much of the damage line they feel they need likely at least another 6+ thats allot of other things that cleric will miss out on
    If they would actually give us more of the spells from P&P and make them all work fairly well, we wouldnt have this dilema of one spell that is still hugely OP after 3 "nerfs".

    I also dont consider the crit on damage chance change -vs- the crit on cast chance change a nerf. I am actually more efficient now than I was then, because I didnt have to throw down 5 walls on average to get that crit wall. I can throw em down one at a time.

    The spell lasts for 30 seconds, and you gave it a 60 second cooldown. That means the cleric can have one up for half the time they are in the quest. I dont even know casters who have firewalls up half the time unless they are in zones with lots of wraiths or other undead.

    The main issue with persistent AE is the AI that you can keep kiting through it and will follow you straight to their deaths. This makes persistent AE very powerful in general. When a mob isnt immune to fire, artificers are running shop in quests with alot of melee mobs, such as eVON1. While they do not have a 60 second cooldown, they can only have one turret up at a time. That limitation doesnt seem to curtail the power of the spell that much.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  7. #47
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    Doesn't the game already have something along the lines of domains in it with the Silver Flame, Sovereign Host and various racial sect enhancements?

    Those seem to add that bit of flavor everyone who brings up domains asks for without simply adding more power to an already good class, that I assume is the "flavor" they really want.

  8. #48
    Community Member Therrias's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yalann View Post
    This seems like a very good way to just make clerics VASTLY overpowered. Some of these 'domains' are better than entire PRE lines. Have you seen domains in pnp? They don't provide boatloads of abilities. They usually give access to spells, not SLAs, and 1-2 very minor abilities. That is how they should be. The war domain, for example, is just absurd. This is better damage than the entire offensive fvs PRE. The SLAs alone are OP. But then kinetic line for BBs that do more than the 30% fvs pre gives?

    Your suggestion:

    PnP War Domain:

    Granted Power

    Free Martial Weapon Proficiency with deity’s favored weapon (if necessary) and Weapon Focus with the deity’s favored weapon.
    War Domain Spells

    1 Magic Weapon: Weapon gains +1 bonus.
    2 Spiritual Weapon: Magical weapon attacks on its own.
    3 Magic Vestment: Armor or shield gains +1 enhancement per four levels.
    4 Divine Power: You gain attack bonus, +6 to Str, and 1 hp/level.
    5 Flame Strike: Smite foes with divine fire (1d6/level damage).
    6 Blade Barrier: Wall of blades deals 1d6/level damage.
    7 Power Word Blind: Blinds creature with 200 hp or less.
    8 Power Word Stun: Stuns creature with 150 hp or less.
    9 Power Word Kill: Kills creature with 100 hp or less.

    The logical transition would be that you do exactly what the pnp does for war. You get these spells at each level specified for free. You get the bonus for weapons as it states. Done. Very simple, still provides a nice benefit by giving you access to ALOT of spells, and a bonus ability. These aren't meant to be powerful. I mean clerics get TWO of these for free in pnp.
    I concur.

  9. #49
    The Hatchery
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    To me, it seems the PnP domains are weak, and not very compatible with DDO.

    Domains would probably work best as a free feat line, like FvS have with their faith. As a free thing, a different penalty should be given.

    The domains should be moderately useful, but not incredibly powerful, and should add a lot of diversity to the class.

    When judging balance, do take into consideration the power of the FvS class. Ever since their PrE came out, I have been seeing FAR fewer clerics. They're a very powerful class, and cleric needs something to compete.

    Most power should be present at cap. The cleric capstone is relatively weak, and splashes like clonks are common because of this. There should be a hard(ish) choice between the domain capstone and a splash.

    I think it would be interesting if each domain was designed to give a certain other class benefits, along with the cleric.

    Some examples:

    Death domain: bonus to Death and inflict spells, support for Palemasters
    Penalty: 10% increase in healing spells' SP cost.
    1st level: Fear SLA
    5th level: 15% bonus to negative energy damage
    10th level: Enervation SLA, another 10% bonus to negative energy damage.
    15th level: Activate Aura of Wilting (Aura that gives enemies -2 to saves against Death spells)
    20th level: Death Aura as a spell, Inflict Horrid Curse (single target, savant like curse. Doubles incoming negative energy)

    Trickery domain: rogue-like combat bonuses, support for rogues
    Penalty: -2 to fort saves?
    1st level: +2 bonus to reflex saves
    5th level: one bonus sneak attack die
    10th level: Activate Aura of Lies (auto-bluff to nearby enemies every 10 seconds or so. Add 1/2 character level to bluff checks)
    15th level: two additional SA die
    20th level: Wicked Colaberation: bonuses to rogue and self when in close proximity to a rogue (no splashes: dominant class must be rogue)
    Bonus to the rogue(s): two additional sneak attack die, +2 to assassinate DC, 10% fortification bypass.
    Bonus to the cleric: three additional SA die, +4 to reflex saves
    Possible limitation: Trickery die do not stack with helf rogue dilly die.

    Earth domain: bonus to self hit points and survivability, support for tanks and Acid spells
    Penalty: -2 to reflex saves?
    1st level: Hit die increased to 1d9 (1 additional HP per level)
    5th level: DR 3/adamantine
    10th level: savant like curse, stacks with savant curse, 10% increase to acid damage.
    15th level: 10 bonus HP
    20th level: DR improves to 7/adamantine, Iron Skin as a 9th level spell (grants DR 15/adamantine on self or ally until 20*CL have been absorbed. Long cooldown and high SP cost).


  10. #50
    Community Member bloodnose13's Avatar
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    some of those seem very powerful, others more utility like, anyway they are good idea,they would need lot of balancing to make them work,but one thing is sure, it would make clerics more popular to play
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  11. #51
    Community Member orakio's Avatar
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    Sorry but I agree that as is the OP's suggestion is ridiculously broken. Aesop has it right in that domain feats in DDO should be flavor bonuses but far from huge character bonuses, clerics just simply don't need that much help as they are already incredibly effective.

    Ideas like being able to automatically slot your domain spells are good. Being able to get SMALL bonus feats, like the equivalent of a spell focus or weapon focus, is ok. Being able to get slight bonuses to specific spells especially if you spend AP on it is ok.

    Things like the War domains free bonuses and access to kinetic lines, inherent guards like airguard/enervation guard/etc., +10enhancement bonus to strength and spell immunity spells from strength domain, are just WAY WAY too much.

  12. #52
    Community Member Duke-H-'s Avatar
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    Not going to comment on the balance of this suggestion.

    I just want to say that i think any implementation of domains using enhancements/AP is a mistake.
    Unless they get "special AP" that can only be spent on domain enhancements, putting it in the main enhancement system would just be giving with one hand and taking away with the other.

    Implementation via a bonus feat system seems to me the way to go (similar to how fvs get their deity bonuses and monks pick light/dark).
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  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duke-H- View Post
    Not going to comment on the balance of this suggestion.

    I just want to say that i think any implementation of domains using enhancements/AP is a mistake.
    Unless they get "special AP" that can only be spent on domain enhancements, putting it in the main enhancement system would just be giving with one hand and taking away with the other.

    Implementation via a bonus feat system seems to me the way to go (similar to how fvs get their deity bonuses and monks pick light/dark).
    To me, not giving with one hand and taking away with the other, at least to some degree, would be a mistake. I don't see how adding options necessitates adding more total options, just more choices.

  14. #54
    Community Member Noelemahc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Combat_Wombat View Post
    Air Domain
    Feat: 10 inherent electric resist, turn earth creatures, inate airguard, +1 caster level evocation
    SLA: Obscuring Mist 1AP
    SLA: Chain Lightning 2AP
    SLA: Whirlwind 3AP
    Electric Damage and Crit Lines

    Animal Domain
    Feat: acts like Augment Summon
    SLA: Hold Animal 1AP
    SLA: Dominate Animal 2AP
    SLA: Shapechange 3AP

    Choas Domain
    Feat: Adds 1d6 choas damage to all attacks, 1d6 random element to all attacks +1 caster level evocation, turn lawful outsiders
    SLA: Choas Hammer 1AP
    SLA: Cloak of Chaos 2AP
    SLA: Word of Chaos 3AP

    Death Domain
    Feat:Inate slay living guard, +1 caster level necromancy
    SLA: Cause Fear 1AP
    SLA: Death Kneel 2AP
    SLA: Destruction 3AP

    Destruction Domain
    Feat: Smite(like paladin)
    SLA: Inflict Light Wounds 1AP
    SLA: Infict Critical Wounds 2AP
    SLA: Disintegrate 3AP
    Full smite line(minus exhalted smite)

    Earth Domain
    Feat: acts like Toughness, turn air creatures, 10 inherent acid resist, +1 caster level transmutation
    SLA: Quicksand 1AP
    SLA: Stoneskin 2AP
    SLA: Acid Blast 3AP
    Acid damage and crit lines

    Evil Domain
    Feat: innate enervation guard, +1 necromancy caster level
    SLA: Create Undead 1AP
    SLA: Summon Monster IX 2AP
    SLA: Blasphemy 3AP

    Fire Domain
    Feat: 10 inherent fire resistance, +1 caster level evocation, turn water creatures
    SLA: Burning Hands 1AP
    SLA: Fire Shield 2AP
    SLA: Firewall 3AP 60 second cooldown
    Fire damage and crit line

    Good Domain
    Feat: +1 caster level evocation
    SLA: Protection from Evil 1AP
    SLA: Holy Smite 2AP
    SLA: Holy Word 3AP

    Healing Domain
    Feat: +1 caster level conjuration
    SLA: Cure Light Wounds 1AP 4 second cooldown(twice length of fvs capstone)
    SLA: Cure Moderate Wounds 2AP 8 second cooldown
    SLA: Cure Serious 3AP 16 second cooldown

    Knowledge Domain
    Feat: wisdom mod as reflex bonus, +1 caster level divination
    SLA: Detect Secret Doors 1AP
    SLA: True Seeing 2AP
    SLA: Death Pact 3AP(component free casting)

    Law Domain
    Feat: +1 caster level enchantment, turn chaotic outsiders
    SLA: Command 1AP
    SLA: Hold Monster 2AP
    SLA: Dictum 3AP

    Luck Domain
    Feat: acts like lightning reflexes, +1 caster level enchantment, innate blur
    SLA: Freedom of Movement 1AP
    SLA: Break Enchantment 2AP
    SLA: Mislead 3AP

    Magic Domain
    Feat: Treats your cleric levels as half wizard levels for the purpose of scrolls and wands, +1 caster level abjuration
    SLA: Dispel Magic 1AP
    SLA: Disjunction 2AP
    SLA: Antimagic Field 3AP

    Plant Domain
    Feat: +6 natural armor bonus, thornguard, command plants via turns, +1 caster level transmutation
    SLA: Barkskin 1AP
    SLA: Spike Growth 2AP
    SLA: Control Plants 3AP

    Protection Domain
    Feat:+6 resistance bonus area buff via turns, 10 inherent light resistance, +1 caster level abjuration
    SLA: Protection from Energy 1AP
    SLA: Energy Resistance 2AP
    SLA: Spell Resistance 3AP 60 second cooldown

    Strength Domain
    Feat:+1 enhancement bonus to strength per 2 character level(1 min duration) via turns(self target only)
    SLA: Bulls Strength 1AP
    SLA: Enlarge Person 2AP
    SLA: Spell Immunity 3AP,

    Sun Domain
    Feat: 10 inherent light resistance, +1 caster level evocation
    SLA: Searing Light 1AP
    SLA: Sunburst 2AP
    SLA: Sunbeam 3AP

    Travel Domain
    Feat: inherent freedom of movement, +1 caster level conjuration, can use turns to make dimension door
    SLA: Jump 1AP
    SLA: Teleport 2AP
    SLA: Greater Teleport 3AP

    Trickery Domain
    Feat: acts like Stealthy, makes bluff, hide, move silently class skills, +1 caster level illusion
    SLA: Invisibility 1AP
    SLA: Hypnotic Pattern 2AP
    SLA: Mislead 3AP

    War Domain
    Feat: Gives Martial Weapon Proficiency,Weapon Focus, Improved Crtical for diety choosen weapon, +1 caster level evocation
    SLA: Divine Power 1AP
    SLA: Power Word Stun 2AP
    SLA: Blade Barrier 3AP 60 second cooldown
    Kinetic damage and crit line

    Water Domain
    Feat: 10 inherent cold resistance, turn fire creature, +1 caster level evocation
    SLA: Obscuring Mist 1AP
    SLA: Water Breathing 2AP
    SLA: Ice Storm 3AP 60 second cooldown
    Cold damage and crit line
    Last edited by Noelemahc; 02-04-2012 at 04:10 PM.

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  15. #55
    Community Member bigcrashzone's Avatar
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    Last edited by bigcrashzone; 02-04-2012 at 04:18 PM.

  16. #56
    Community Member deadkitty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noelemahc View Post
    In before the ban hammer strikes!
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  17. #57
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    back on Topic.

    Domains for Clerics are a good idea. Letting them offer specific improvements is a good idea.

    Making them ungodly powerful ... not such a good idea.

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  18. #58
    Community Member Xeraphim's Avatar
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    I like these ideas, and the Domains are long overdue. Then again, so is Druid, and there is a lot of Character Building content that has not been completed to 20 yet. Many existing PrEs still do not have Capstones, some PrEs are incomplete, and many loot tables lack PrE-specific gear in generally PrE-specific loot tables.

  19. #59
    Community Member Xeraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aesop View Post
    back on Topic.

    Domains for Clerics are a good idea. Letting them offer specific improvements is a good idea.

    Making them ungodly powerful ... not such a good idea.

    "Ungodly Power" is why you see so many Sorcerers (and Half Orc Barbarians) and almost no healers. Clerics come standard with Healing spells loaded every level. I see no reason to avoid making them attractive to play.
    Last edited by Xeraphim; 02-13-2012 at 10:57 AM. Reason: Barbs: The "drooling idiot with a big stick" side of ungodly overpowered characters

  20. #60
    2015 DDO Players Council InsanityIsYourFriend's Avatar
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    love the idea, hate that if implemented as is would make them basically the only class played... ever
    weaken them a bit, and balance between the different domains is not required just the ones that are better would be used a lot more and the ones not used would be niche
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    Quote Originally Posted by 404error View Post
    Thanks for the report and Whoa.
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    This is talked about a ton, and nothing is concrete at this point. Enter bugs with examples. Tons and tons of bugs. Make Gazebo cry.

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