Chainmail is announcing the return of family night on Thelanis.
A weekly event that let's you have your children play in like groups with adult supervision, and low impact questing.
As today's children have much better gaming skills than most adults, we will set up groups depending on abilities.
The very young will be with a parent close by, and will be sent on low impact runs into adventure areas & given some really fun challenges written by yours truly!
*(We used to use the questing sigils in harbor for this* Bringing them back would be great ))*
Those with children that play other games will be grouped with other young gamers and adults.
*For the kids that play WoW and other mmo's and are say 10 + yrs old, they will be put in groups that have a more PvP and sent on "races" to finish assignments, (like which team can complete korthos or acquire muck bane as an example)**
We are planning on Tues nights starting at 7pm est, and will run thru 11 pm est to accommodate west coast people.
I am also in need of help from other Thelanis parents willing to facilitate grouping. If you have children that hang on your shirt tail while you game, here's your chance to let them game with mom or dad!
A new chat channel called "myturn" is being created tonight, and we will start tomorrow if there are enough people showing up.
All content will be based on F2P quests, and if a group has packs and/ or vip will be adjusted as needed..