Community Member
As an arcane, it's not my job to keep you hasted or raged, I spend my SP they way I.... wait, sorry, wrong thread.
Or is it?
More like:
Some guy kept running off and missing the haste/rage cast. Then he got angry and wanted me to cast on him. After a couple of times doing this I decided that if he wanted haste/rage he could get it at the same time as everyone else.
He ragequit and his guildie went with him.
You just don't seem to get it Heath.
Simple things, like the obvious, of getting heals in the center should not need a playbook by the party star or healer.
Do you also expect the Caster to bark out instructions on when and where he/she will place the CC, which mobs they will insta-kill, which portals they will cover. No you don't or at least hope not.
You know why ? because it's very obvious where/what the caster is doing (cc, instakils, etc) without giving instructions. Just like it's obvious of how the healer is healing the party, to most anyway except said Fighter.
Running eDA:
A) if playing a caster i don't give out instructions of where my CC is going, star or not.
B) if playing a healer, I don't give out instructions on how I am healing, star or not
C) if playing any class and asked questions, I will answer them, star or not.
It's as simple as that.
Then don't complain if the group fails, or you have to drink pots.
Simple as that.
I've had melee run off in DA before... A simple "Hey, stay near the dancing ball as much as possible so I can mass heal everyone" works just fine.
No one rage-quits my groups, and I don't have to drink any pots.
But you keep doing it your way.
Community Member
LOL, in DA I hope no pots are drank. Like you have never had to drink pots in an eDA PUG group.
And I will keep doing it my way with success.
It's a small room not some long quest(s) or raid, sometimes the clueless just remain clueless.
BTW: I don't complain on the forums about failed groups or party wipes.
Thanks for the advice...NOT!
When Im healing and a melee or anyone dependent on my healer to stay alive becomes more a drain to, than a benefit to the party ..I gladly let them die..and I have it pretty plain and clear in my the op..cheers
of course when Im healing everyone dies!
ThwartedFhalhaenaWrekkinWrexxMaisterThwarteddHematemesisRhayzedOffensiveReductionShillelahFhalhaenaPimpin toons since 2006AVATAR
If you're PUGGING an epic or elite end game quest and assume that everyone knows exactly what they need to know, offer no quick suggestion to help them out when they do something that doesn't work, and then get ****ed at them when they keep it up, the only one you're making an ass of is yourself.
If you give suggestions and they ignore them or give you lip, then sure give them hell. But don't just assume everyone knows what to do in epic/elite quests, especialy in a PuG.
Archangels~Shyvik~Old school Tharashk player since '06
Community Member
I've contrasted two ways of playing with others who are doing stupid things. The OP's way is to say nothing, let them die, and then leave them for dead. My way is to give a friendly warning or make a request of the person doing stupid things, and only until that's been done, consider leaving them dead.Originally Posted by DragonMageT
My way is much nicer, more polite, more gentlemanly, more beneficial to the party and more beneficial to the person playing stupid than the OP's way, which, in my never humble opinion, is obviously crass, rude, elitist and detrimental to the party. In the OP's case, he acted in a way that contributed to five people's time being wasted. Had he acted otherwise, no doubt the fighter would have fallen into line and learned something, while everyone would have finished easily.
In this particular case, the OP should have used his mouth for its evolved purpose: communicating. It hurts nobody to spend the two calories required to communicate something to whoever is playing stupid. Guess who usually benefits? Everyone.
To pretend that I'm suggesting that one should list every action one will take in a quest on every toon one plays is silly, and misses the obvious point.
A trivial and modest courtesy goes a long way. I'm advocating for some modest courtesy here. And so I'm clearly in the right.
You are only right for your play time/style, not mine or others.
And this statement hits exactly to my point.
It's a freaking small room, with no doors, no hallways and no way to get lost.
It wasn't the first wave or second wave which is plenty of time for someone to figure it out.
Seemed like a kill count junkie IMO...gotta get that kill, kill, kill
Alts are in my sig but I think you know them...feel free to not hit any eDA lfms that I may happen to put up because I won't be giving instructions for the melee toons to stay in the center.
The big ball with the flashing lights in the center of the room should be instructions enough.
I have to say I agree with you here. I'm guilty myself of jumping out of the middle a lot to fight archers and such (especially mages) on my melees in eDA...but I don't expect heals when I do it, and I either heal myself if necessary or jump back into the mass heal as it happens. eDA is not the place for not knowing to be around the healer or the caster - it isn't a hard epic, but no epic is easy if your approach to it includes ludicrous amounts of stupid.
Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)
My question was how was the cc in there?
I mean really most runs with my caster I have the melees checking their facebook acct and reading the forum.
It's a 8 by 10 room can't get lost in there or anything like that. Theirs got to be more behind the scenes. It doesn't make sense everyone recalling out and you soloing it. Using 15 pots to finish the quest is just silly IMO hope you got something good from the chests.
Finally were you the party leader if so why didn't you address the problem? If you weren't the party leader why not send him or her a quick tell to address the issue. Problem solved. This was a pug with some random person you normally don't group with right? I personally think pugs have potential if the group leader is strong and the strategy is coherent and doable.
I think you went off the handle a bit and honestly showing this post in light of what occurred makes you look childish. I personally soloed EDA with little pot usage. There is no challenge to soloing any epic quest anymore with the ddo store so near.
Hulk Smash!