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  1. #1
    Community Member Doomwafflez's Avatar
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    Arrow Helping me think of a build? <:D

    I've been told that a fighter/wiz (or sorcy) wouldnt be very workable, so how about a Rogue/Wiz? anyone have any builds that i could work off off, I'm trying to build a bit of a favor class, im wanting a char that uses 2 katanas (Khopesh) and has an affinity with fire magic, im going to be using outfits of course, i dont have monk, or any special races/tomes/classes except for favored soul,

    Im guessing it would be a Wizzy/16/Rogue/4/ split, if i remember correctly thats when rogues get evasion, been awhile since i played, but anyways, if any of you have any template builds i could work off, would be great, any advice is appreciated too

  2. #2
    Community Member jfgddo's Avatar
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    2 levels of rogue gets you evasion, so start as rogue then go anywhere between 2-8 wiz then another rogue level.
    Search ddo rogue/ wizard build and you can find some good builds there also.

  3. #3


    Well, the standard split is a Wiz 18/Rogue 2 as a WF. That gives you evasion, enough open lock and disarm to be viable as a trap monkey, a heap of UMD if you want to use divine wands/scrolls or have to because you're a fleshy for some reason, a small SA bonus, but mostly because 18 wiz gets one more 9th level spell, better DCs and shares the Int stat with Rogues. If you want to go Sorc and take fire savant you'd have that affinity you outlined at the cost of more Cha.

    But really, DOO doesn't support Battle Mages all that well. Your casting ability will suffer and your melee will be even worse. Without an arcane and melee past life or two, the Monk class and a boat load of gear, I wouldn't even attempt it.

    If you really want to try it out, Wiz or Sorc 18 / Rogue 2 is the way to go. If you must dual khopesh, that's an EWP:Khopesh (or Master's Touch), TWF, OTWF to hit anything offhand and a Dex 15 (usually a dump stat on casters). Your Str (another dump stat) is going to be a point drain on Int or Cha as well as your DCs.

    I too enjoy a bit of flavor in my builds, but there are some combinations that just don't make sense even with 36 points and several past lives. The worst that will happen is you get tired of dying and roll another character. There's always the possibility that Turbine will release the Warlock class which is really what you want.

    Best of luck.

  4. #4
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    I dumped a long rambling post onto your old thread. The gist of it, play a pure caster and use weapons at low level if you feel like it. It also mentions how to start a sorcerer on the road to fire mastery while wielding a sword (use a two handed sword, not two swords).

    copypasta wizzy/rogue:

    Wizard/rogue split is:
    1. rogue level (grab up all the skills)
    2-8. wizard levels (don't stop before getting firewall)
    9. rogue level (get evasion while you are riding the "just got firewall" wave).
    10-20 wizard levels.

    First level feats:
    insightful reflexes
    [human] toughness

    Must have feat: Insightful reflexes
    Unexpected part of the build: dexterity is a dump stat. Whatever you do, don't waste points in dexterity.

    For a standard human(ish) build, max your intelligence, put as much in to constitution as you can (likely 16), and the rest into strength (likely 10). - note that this is true for almost all wizards. I would strongly suggest planning on becoming a pale master (self healing is huge. Probably bigger than evasion). If you have warforged, consider archmage as well (and definitely forget playing a fleshling caster).
    Last edited by yawumpus; 01-29-2012 at 03:08 PM. Reason: too hostile to warforged pale masters (no idea how they are)

  5. #5
    Community Member Doomwafflez's Avatar
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    What if i took the Precision feat so i could boost my chance to hit with melee? o.o probablly wouldnt work huh,

    What would a Rogue/Cleric be like? o.o i know i have some weird ass ideas xD,

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doomwafflez View Post
    What if i took the Precision feat so i could boost my chance to hit with melee? o.o probablly wouldnt work huh,

    What would a Rogue/Cleric be like? o.o i know i have some weird ass ideas xD,
    It won't work at all. You need tons of int and con, and you'd need to waste NINE build points in dex just to get the TWF tree... and strength.... and you'd waste four feats that you don't have doing so.

    Now, the rogue cleric... it isn't typical. if you want evasion on a cleric you usually take monk, but I have seen a few cleric rogues that function well. The basic split is again, 18 cleric, 2 rogue. Spellcasting levels are just too important at endgame. You could, however, try
    17 cleric / 2 rogue / 1 fighter. You have a little more leeway with divines because you can cast more things that don't allow saves. I dont recommend it necessarily, but some builds have very little wisdom, and basically cast buffs, heals, and blade barrier (Which still does damage on a save if the mob doesn't have evasion).

    That being said, I love my 18/2 wizard/rogue!

  7. #7
    Community Member Doomwafflez's Avatar
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    Also...question....Say i was a sorcerer, and i gave myself 1 level of favored soul, would that allow me to cast without failure while wearing medium armor? o.o

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doomwafflez View Post
    Also...question....Say i was a sorcerer, and i gave myself 1 level of favored soul, would that allow me to cast without failure while wearing medium armor? o.o

  9. #9
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doomwafflez View Post
    Also...question....Say i was a sorcerer, and i gave myself 1 level of favored soul, would that allow me to cast without failure while wearing medium armor? o.o
    well, actually YES and NO

    If you cast a divine FvS spell you wouldn't suffer from arcane spell failure. If you however cast one of the arcane Wizard spell you would suffer from it. Anyway better never ever consider to combine divine and arcane classes.
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

  10. #10
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    Default some templates

    The basic builds that have been fixed for new players are here.

    Basic problems you are encountering:

    1. [effective] Two weapon fighting requires either 12 levels of ranger or 17 dexterity (and three feats in addition to other melee feats).
    2. Melee fighting (one or two weapon) wants high strength, high BAB (clickies exist as a work around), power attack, improved critical
    3. Casting wants high casting stat (18 to start +level ups for CC&instakills, pretty high for everything else) and lots of levels in casting class. Several feats required as well (class dependent).
    4. All builds require toughness and about 14 CON (more if there are spare points). Going lower means a dead toon (especially if you gimping your ability to kill mobs).

    A few other things. Nothing (but a few weird magic items) helps a sorcerer cast spells in armor. This makes almost no difference because armor doesn't matter in DDO anyway. You can increase your AC from level 1 to almost level 9 pretty easily (progressing from battleworn chain to full plate, maybe a dex +2 item, cranking said fullplate to +5, maybe a ring of protection...) and after that, things get very hard and rare. Meanwhile, the mobs just keep cranking up their ability to smash through said armor. A barbarian quickly learns that a robe or outfit can have two magic effects while armor only has one, once he starts using frenzy a barbarian will prefer said robes and outfits if he can't find named armor with decent effects (the AC is meaningless). On a sorc (or wizard) there just isn't any point in trying to get an AC anywhere. Depending on the class and build, other classes eventually find that there is no way to get an AC that stops attacks without gimping the build. Trying to build melee fighting into your build means walking a tightrope that as far as I know, only Tucaw has done. If you want a wizard swinging a sword, slot the master's touch spell and grab mage armor and shield wands from a vendor. Sword swinging and casting are not compatible in the long run, so don't gimp the build by mixing fighter and wizard classes.

    Pick one of the builds listed in the link. Don't gimp it with off the wall ideas like mixing favored soul and sorcerer. Bothering with stupid things like putting a sorcerer in armor shows that you don't know what you are trying to do, and really need to learn the game by playing with a build that works.

  11. #11
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    solid advice all, but other side of the spectrum that throws a bit of a wrench into your logic spokes: i have hit 77 AC with my epic geared sorc, no big sacrifices to casting outside of lack of torc (never pulled one) or conc op (want to keep SP slot option open in the race to get spirit sight shard or torc which is last gears i need to complete on that toon ATM)
    Reckter 91PLs, Anhilliation 36PLs. Rekter 17 PLs. Vikzor 9PLs. Veisha 7PLs. Rekinja 4PLs. Rekalidin 4PLs. Minirek 3PLs. Artirek 3PLs. 175 total past lives gained, 1 XP stone used (the free one)

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeremyt View Post
    solid advice all, but other side of the spectrum that throws a bit of a wrench into your logic spokes: i have hit 77 AC with my epic geared sorc, no big sacrifices to casting outside of lack of torc (never pulled one) or conc op (want to keep SP slot option open in the race to get spirit sight shard or torc which is last gears i need to complete on that toon ATM)
    First, between your sig and my.ddo, it lists "Anhilliation" as having 39 (still impressive, but does it help in any endgame content?) with what is presumably your prefered gearset. Second that is a TR3, which gives plenty of options the OP won't have for awhile (dex even begins to make sense with 36 points). Third, "epic geared" implies that you somehow have to be able to live through the epic grind to get AC levels that might possibly have some effect in cases you run regularly.

    Exception proves the rule. A character who can thrive without AC might somehow gain AC. A character built with the assumption that AC is needed will never get it.

  13. #13
    Community Member elujin's Avatar
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    these might be usefull on a sorch but you would still need feats you can't spare to make somthing meele well
    Virt II makes elujin smile !

  14. #14
    Community Member EpiKagEMO's Avatar
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    Default My suggestion/advice

    arcane knight/tukaw? hrm

    i would just go pure wf fvs soul survivor style :P

    i took the hard way to learn this but, never make a first life arcane/divine twf unless you really know what your doing.
    twf=will affect your hp, casting, and attack because you need points into dex. the onlyway a twf arcane/divine would work is with tomes, or lower stats.

    what you need to think about is this-> how will my build be better than a pure class? what if he has the same gear?
    A rogue is basically, "Look at me or die."

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