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  1. #41
    Community Member Gorbadoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarisa View Post
    "Mario"ish quests are great, when they are optional.

    The Pit is done right. It's good experience when done quickly, and is a good quest to learn your "mario" skills in. Spies in the House is another example, not quite as good of experience as The Pit, but still decent and completely optional...

    The Crucible and Coalescence Chamber are not as good. Both are a class of quest that many people do not like, and they can be QUITE frustrating when you dislike them since you HAVE to do them to flag.

    If the physics problems with jumping and hitting your head and flying uncontrollably sideways are fixed, these quests would be a lot less frustrating.
    The other great thing about The Pit is that newbies can have fun following along. There's no penalty if the newbs just stay on the ground in the hardest Mario parts (the furnace rooms). First-timers won't know the map, but they can easily make it up and down the central shafts if someone is guiding them. Then some of the rooms have puzzles where newbs can participate, and not just in the hack'n'slash.

    Coalescence Chamber is the opposite on all of the above points: EVERYONE has to do the annoying climbs. Knowing the map doesn't make the endurance climbs less annoying. The room fights are generic and boring.

    I like The Crucible. It's very manageable on Normal, and it's a good challenge on Elite. Fun fact: The swim CAN be done reliably without taking a single hit. It's just that most people don't want to practice it on Normal before joining an Elite group-- and understandably so.

    As a matter of practicality, it's a crapshoot whether you'll get an elite-capable swimmer in your party. That's rough now, because Bravery streaks have reduced the fraction of veteran players willing to run quests on Normal.
    Last edited by Gorbadoc; 01-30-2012 at 01:14 PM.

  2. #42
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ferd View Post
    Titan Awakes in a pug with first timers.
    Quote Originally Posted by somenewnoob View Post
    Now that, is what would take what I call SKILL.

    (Patience being one of those skills! )
    Done that, taught several people both the green side and red side puzzles. When you get people who genuinely want to learn them, it's not that slow and it's an enjoyable run.

    What makes it frustrating is when you have people who don't want to learn them and don't listen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gorbadoc View Post
    I like The Crucible. It's very manageable on Normal, and it's a good challenge on Elite. Fun fact: The swim CAN be done reliably without taking a single hit. It's just that most people don't want to practice it on Normal before joining an Elite group-- and understandably so.

    As a matter of practicality, it's a crapshoot whether you'll get an elite-capable swimmer in your party. That's rough now, because Bravery streaks have reduced the fraction of veteran players willing to run quests on Normal.
    It's a well designed puzzle-ish quest, it's just a mistake that it's a required quest for flagging. If it were an optional, like Maze of Madness, it would be perfect.

    The main issue with the Crucible is that unlike the Pit, it comes down to just one or two people doing each part, while everyone else has to sit back and be bored. The forced downtime makes it far less enjoyable if you're one of the ones that ends up having to sit back throughout the quest (for instance, the average Cleric).

  3. #43
    The Hatchery Bonulino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ferd View Post
    Titan Awakes in a pug with first timers.
    What's even worse is being that first timer who is desperately trying to keep up with 11 other people who already know the dungeon inside and out!!!
    Snarly Dwarf Chick With A Great Axe

  4. #44
    Community Member jbleargh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    At that level, get Althea, lvl 16 FVS. Or look at this:
    Thx. Great link. Thx. Going to use FVS hires instead of clerics.

    Cogito ergo doleo

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkniteyogi View Post
    Another one is Inferno of the damned... Frustrating coz if you kill all the Acolytes w/o getting teleported, there's no way to finish the quest, and you need DDoor (??) & Detect Secret Doors, So i end up a few times running around for an hour in circles.. but never again..
    This is not true. Inferno is a widely feared quest, but once you've learned it, it's a piece of cake and an excellent high XP/min farm.

    Anytime you miss an Acolyte express (which won't be missed in a competent speedrun), you're basically a few steps away from a portal which will allow you to rejoin the group. If you miss an express, you can break the nearest portal and rejoin the group. (In some cases, the group will have to open a door in the room they're in for you, but that's not a big deal.)

    Detect Secret Doors (or True Seeing, perhaps from the Wrath of Sora Kell set) is required, yes. You can pick up a Detect Secret Doors clicky on the Auction House for 5000 plat. You only need one use, so this isn't a big deal.

    You do not need Dimension Door, although having it will slightly speed up your ability (by a full thirty to sixty seconds) to reach the optional Shield chest.

    A good group will run this quest in 7 minutes, easily. I recommend you search these forums for a walkthrough. For a speedrun, you need someone who can light and put out the torches. But if you can learn the quest solo by using the mephits to light and put out the torches.

  6. #46
    Community Member Forzah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    OK I've finally found a quest that beats The Pit, Coal Chamber, Spies in the House!

    It's name:

    Raiding the Giants' Vault.

    Aaaaaarggghhh - 49 minutes.

    Please tell me this quest is not required for flagging.

    I'm an altoholic and I really don't want to have to complete it ever again.
    Huh... it takes only 4 minutes, and it's quite fun!
    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.

  7. #47
    Community Member balagorn's Avatar
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    OH god ..the pit was terrible. Took me Forever, and I lost count on how many times i fell all the way back down to the bottom. That was the most annoying quest I have done so far.

  8. #48
    The Hatchery DarkForte's Avatar
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    First one in the list is Crucible: Never managed to complete that swim bar on casual. Everything else there, I can live with.

    Coalescence Chamber. Not only it is an annoying quest due to the horrid jumping, but also a compulsory completion one (unless you really hate greensteels)! And the fact that it has but one shrine and a bunch of scattered mobs prevents my non-torced caster from doing it on anything but norm.

    The last fight in Fleshmaker's also gets on my nerves, not really due to difficulty, but because having climb a long stepladder everytime a non-charmed elemental hits me (or every 10 seconds really) annoys me VERY fast.
    Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
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  9. #49
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Im adding Enter the Kobold on leet, final fight.

  10. #50
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonulino View Post
    What's even worse is being that first timer who is desperately trying to keep up with 11 other people who already know the dungeon inside and out!!!
    Don't know about Titan, but do know that zergers who do not wait for you make Tempest Spine a miserable experience.
    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

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  11. #51
    The Hatchery Bonulino's Avatar
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    If I had to list the quests that irritate me most, they would be: Bookbinder Rescue, Stormreaver Fresco and Hold for Reinforcements. Rescuing the Bookbinder family and keeping Coyle alive are just painful. And Stormreaver Fresco bores me half to death. Plus, there are no chests in either Bookbinder or Stormreaver Fresco.
    Snarly Dwarf Chick With A Great Axe

  12. #52
    Community Member thwart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thwart View Post
    My vote is Tomb of the Tormented ... I am a solo player and it is rough. Not because I die, its because I refuse to wear my dorky looking +10 hat of patience. Also, I am a rogue so I bring a cleric with blade barrier with me and I cannot get him to conserve enough spell points to get me through the third part.


    P.S. I feel a little better now.
    I finally finished this quest ... its amazing what blade barrier cakes can't solve!

  13. #53
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Yes, Bookbinder's Rescue is wicked at level on elite. At least it's mercifully quick.

  14. #54
    Community Member darkniteyogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faent View Post
    This is not true. Inferno is a widely feared quest, but once you've learned it, it's a piece of cake and an excellent high XP/min farm.

    Anytime you miss an Acolyte express (which won't be missed in a competent speedrun), you're basically a few steps away from a portal which will allow you to rejoin the group. If you miss an express, you can break the nearest portal and rejoin the group. (In some cases, the group will have to open a door in the room they're in for you, but that's not a big deal.)

    Detect Secret Doors (or True Seeing, perhaps from the Wrath of Sora Kell set) is required, yes. You can pick up a Detect Secret Doors clicky on the Auction House for 5000 plat. You only need one use, so this isn't a big deal.

    You do not need Dimension Door, although having it will slightly speed up your ability (by a full thirty to sixty seconds) to reach the optional Shield chest.

    A good group will run this quest in 7 minutes, easily. I recommend you search these forums for a walkthrough. For a speedrun, you need someone who can light and put out the torches. But if you can learn the quest solo by using the mephits to light and put out the torches.

    Thanks for the reply,

    Im not completely sure. Ive run this quest w/o getting the acolytes and succeeding. But on another run, missed the acolytes, then run around in circles for an hour without being able to get to the torch room... I then posted an LFM and asked 'if it was possible to finish if i missed the acolytes' and a familiar multi TR toon answered 'No, it wasn't possible, and that id have to restart the quest'.

    Another run, the same thing, ending up running around in circles until I remembered i had Ddoor and used it to access the west Non-fire hallway from the center, which I couldn't seem to get to without Ddoor.. either that or it just completely slipped under my nose.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonulino View Post
    And Stormreaver Fresco bores me half to death. Plus, there are no chests in either Bookbinder or Stormreaver Fresco.
    I'm pretty sure that there are at least two, possibly three, chests in Fresco. Still dull, for the most part.

  16. #56
    Community Member darkniteyogi's Avatar
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    Has anyone mastered soloing Fleshmaker's Lab? Completely slipped my mind that they were charmable,

    Is it possible/ easy to have all of them charmed? No new respawns? Even with an over-level character

  17. #57
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    Necro 1-3 are all TERRIBLE.

    Necro 1 is "how many mobs can we throw at you at once!" bloody crypt takes all the mobs from 1-4 and makes you fight them again!, the find the coffin mechanic is fun, however
    Necro 2 is "like necro 1 but with shadows so its twice as obnoxious!" shadow crypt is an annoying maze zone
    Necro 3 is "lets introduce a bunch of new mechanics each of which is more annoying than the last!" cursed crypt is a really cool looking zone though

    Any quest where the automap either doesn't work or is useless due to overlapping levels

    The Pit, Sleeping Dust, Coal Chamber, are the ones I can think of offhand but there are others

  18. #58
    Community Member Combat_Wombat's Avatar
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    necro 3 and protecting coyle always rides at the top of this list though tangleroot and sorrowdusk are quickly rising. Their use of the same areas repeatedly wears on you they really need to be reworked.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Ultimately you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it be a good player.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant
    Please don't make posts like this, thanks.
    You can give a man fire and he will be warm for a day, but set him on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

  19. #59
    Community Member Kadriel's Avatar
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    What do you mean this thread is not about tomb of the tormented?
    Heck last life I actually paid larg ings for some ppl to do that one for me

  20. #60
    Community Member xapanelis's Avatar
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    If you liked "Parkour at giants vault" you probably gonna love this event:

    yep Mario...mamma mia indeed.

    Ps:Japan always get the cool stuff in a way or another.
    Last edited by xapanelis; 02-08-2012 at 04:19 PM.
    trolling happy people flaming.

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