Advanced guide for tanking the Lord of Blades.
I called this guide "advance" since it is designed for epic speed runs/ epic pot less runs however, the methods in this guide are true and valid for lower difficulties as well.
This guide will reference the WR epic lob speed run (true to the date of this post) which was tanked by my toon, Catalyster. Video link
The tactics in this guide rely heavily on Helf social skills, Improved shield bash and no fail intim. However many tactics in this guide are relevant and usable by any kind of tank.
My thoughts about epic lob tanks:
HP does not make you a tank, the severe lack of it means you're not a tank.
High heal amp is not advised, it is mandatory. Around 200% is very good and the more the better.
Damage mitigation is the main reason you are the tank, you can take and survive what others can't. Shield mastery is a must, improved Shield Mastery is highly recommended. Lob double procs most of his attacks that inflict about 169 damage each or 338 per attack animation. The extra 5% from that, which improved shield mastery allows you to ignore, is translated to about 17 damage ignored per attack animation.
No fail intim is golden. Get it!
As the tank you must watch for special attacks tells, be mindful of your intim timers, touch of the mournland timer and plan ahead. Furthermore a tank can and should do a lot about mitigating mournland suffered.
Getting into action:
Starting the fight:
Your first task is to grab lob agro and drag him away from the rest of the party and on to the very edge of the platform (being on the edge allows you to go quickly for a dip in the water for whirlwind and you're doing your part of keeping the lob away from his dogs). Make sure your back is not directly facing the water. Should you get stunned and knock backed by the LoB you really don't need the extra damage the water inflicts. This task may seem trivial however it is important to do it fast; the first trash fight is rather messy and disorienting for the healers. A squishy toon can meet an early death if you do not perform well.
Rule number 1 for mitigating touch of the mournland. If the party's dps isn't swinging neither do you.
Don't endanger yourself before you absolutely have to. The time frame between the point where you isolated the lob [(5:13) in the video] and the point where Party's DPS starts attacking lob (5:47) allows you to build up hate while shield bashing.
Lob at 100%-75%
This is the nice and easy part, no specials other then mighty stun and most importantly for the tank, no agro resets. Be careful though, you might lose this edge if the lob gains the power of the forge buff. Each time lob gets it his agro resets. At this phase just keep shield bashing +use your main intim whenever it comes off timer to max out your threat generation. This part allows you to assess the party's dps. If you can hold agro until lob reaches 75% then that means shield bashing + intim is enough for you for the entire raid. The other option is that agro swapped before hand (7:04 in the video). Even with max hate gear (stance, s/b, 10%, 15%, 20% and 30% sources, obsession proc and intims) I couldn't hold agro shield bashing (with a +5 holy burst of GCB adamantine tower shield) against epicly geared barbs hacking and slashing a fortification reduced lob with their deadly weapon enhanced esos and claw sets.
Once agro flips use your main intim if off timer, if not don't wait for it and use your emergency helf intim, that's what it's for. Any party should be able take one double swing from lob but the punishment of two double swings can be fatal for squishy toons. Now is the time to use your main hand weapon for damage, no reason not to you should still be with max hp. You can see in the video after (7:04) I am swinging at lob and keep agro until he reaches 75%.
Lob at 75%-40%.
Fun is over now things are getting serious so you must think both "mournland mitigation"," whirlwind watch" and "Neo leap".
Rule number 2 for mitigating touch of the mournland: lob is stinky! If you see his right arm pit shield block! Got your attention? Good, hold that thought.
"Neo leap"
Every so often the lob will jump into the air and then land either on a random target or a cardinal point on the edge of the platform. Tough you can still dps lob after he jumps off the tank should use this time to switch to his ranged weapon.
If the lob lands on a party member close the distance to him ASAP and switch to your S&B, use intim and drag him back to the cloud kill. If the lob lands on a cardinal point you have enough time to hit him 3-4 times with ranged and switch back to s/b. He will come to you. Watch out for cheap shots, the lob might try to stun you straight off the bat, be prepared to block at all times. Example for this can be seen at (11:00).
Edited addition:
An alternate option is to use the services of an experienced blue bar/AA that you trust to follow instructions to the letter and keep focus throughout the raid. This person must stay adjacent to you while using damage over time spells/ranged weapon to grab lob agro after it resets. In this fashion you can stick to your mille weapons, intim the LoB when he comes after your friend and gain some initial hate that will probably be greater then what you could generate with your own ranged attacks. Whom ever pulls the LoB should be ready to block once the LoB gets close in order to eliminate the possibility of getting touched by the mournlands.
"Whirlwind watch"
The most devastating special lob has. Under no circumstance is the tank allowed to lose agro at this point and so the tank must maintain agro at all costs. If you have your main intim off timer use it now, regardless whether you intim or not you have to make sure you are the last party member to attack him before his wind up is complete and he starts whirling around at great speed. A good party will recognize this special quickly and back off ASAP however it's your responsibility to make sure you keep agro even if others do not perform as they should. An example to this can be seen in the video at (10:28)
"Getting out of the water"
Timing is important here especially if you are in the process of shaking off your mournlands. When lob starts slowing down it's your chance to hop up, don't let him tag you before you get in position. Best to break your re positioning into two parts. Jump out of the water and block. Once you block his first attack, tumble back or flank him quickly to get back into position. As you can see in the video, I had a few seconds on mournlands when I hopped in the water and so simply blocked as soon as I came out and waited 3 seconds.
"Mournland mitigation"
Other then the mighty stun attack, lob has 4 other attack animations: High sweep, low sweep, upper cut and spell casting. The first two can proc mournlands while the others do not. The high sweep has a *greater chance to proc touch of the mournlands then the low sweep, therefore blocking his high sweep attacks effectively means you are negating most of his mournland wounds. [Note* this info comes from my personal experience tanking lob on several toons which is pretty extensive and getting the feel* for it. Imo low sweep procs less mournlands then high sweep]. So how do you do this? Well, the trick is to watch his right shoulder and remember that he is stinky. When his right shoulder goes upwards and reveals his arm pit he is going for a high sweep, if his right shoulder goes across his chest to his left then he is going for low sweep. His upper cut and spell casting do not involve much movement of his right shoulder. Have your auto attack on and finger ready on the block key. When you see that right shoulder moving hit block. This drill requires practice and even if you do it perfectly you are reducing your dps, however you are also keeping your max hp up for a longer period of time making the time intervals between your needs to shake off mournlands greater. To practice this I suggest watching Axer's video The video is taken from the tank's perspective and has very high resolution. Imagine you are tanking and practice hitting the block key for shoulder movement and letting it go again after the sweep is completed.
Shaking off touch of the mournlands
Normally the tank will call the dps out and just keep blocking till the touch of the mournlands has expired or have a designated off tank take over agro, however for speed runs you want to keep the dps on at all times and chances are that your max dps party does not have a durable off tank so you must plan a way to hold agro while blocking long enough to shake off the debuff. The secret for this is timing.
When newly applied the touch of the mournlands lasts 80 seconds. If you are shield blocking for his right shoulder movement you should easily reach 60 seconds or lower on that timer between newly inflicted debuffs. Decide upon a red line max hp value that you will not go under. This value depends on how many people are healing/scrolling you, how competent they are, how high your heal amp is, whether you are grasped by a light monk and if not grasped are you confident enough to successfully block all mighty stuns. I recommend setting this value to 750 hp and starting to think shaking off mournlands at 850hp. Your healers will greatly appreciate you if you can keep you max hp high throughout the raid, especially if you have very high heal amp.
A good time to start shield blocking continuously is any time your touch of the mournland timer is under 60 seconds and especially at any time the party dps lays off (rain of blades, neo leap). NOTIFY your party you are attempting to shake off mournlands. This is very important! Cooperation and synchronization is key to success here, you don't want your dps to hit their boosts, many shot when all you have for hate generation is intim and shield bash. At this point you want to have your backup intim (helf intim) off timer. It is best to change your strategy for intim usage at this point. Only use it when agro flips rather then anytime it comes off timer. Doing so will buy you an extra few seconds here and there. If the agro flips while your main intim is on timer use your backup. You can see in the video I've shacked off mournlands twice throughout the raid at (10:49) and at (13:55). At 13:40 you can see emergency intim usage since the party flipped lob agro 7-8 seconds after my primary intim.
"Double Whammies"
What ever can go wrong will go wrong. Expect the worst scenarios and prepare for them.
Sceanario1: Tank is chained and the LoB is going into Whirlwind.
This scenario will certainly test your healers focus. Taking damage from Whirlwind will not knock you back so much since the chains will hold you down and so getting into the "safety" of the water will be harder.
MO: Intim the LoB with your main intim if it's off timer and if not use your Helf Emergency Intim.
Position yourself between the lob and the closest edge of the platform, once the LoB is into full whirling speed hammering on you make sure to shield block. Your goal is to minimize the distance from the water and the damage taken from LoB intensive hammering.
Scenario 2: LoB just came down from "Neo leap" onto a party member in the center of the platform and is about to go into whirlwind.
MO: Recognizing the person who has agro is vital. Close the distance to him ASAP. If Whirlwind has already begun you have to guess LoB trajectory, It should be a straight line to the person who has agro. Run in a way to cut him off and hit intim when in range of the LoB. Once you have LoB agro you will probably be some distance away from the water. In order to get into the after fast you can use the LoB whirlwind. If you are airborne when struck by whirlwind you will be knocked back a considerable distance (even more so if you have feather fall on) which should be enough to land you in the water but you are not safe yet. You might very likely be out of your healers range. Call out your position, drink a SF pot if you need it and swim into healers range.
Scenario 3:
Dog kiter is down and the tank gets some puppy love.
This Scenario can and should be avoided (a backup kiter must be assigned to take over dog agro when the main kiter goes down) however this may happen and so be prepared.
MO: LoB + 2 epic dogs hammering you down and spewing their ooze is unacceptable. Your aim here is to mitigate damage in order to make it easier on your healers keeping you up until dogs have been pulled of you. So where do you go? You guessed it! Back into the water. The water will inflict significantly less damage then the lob+dogs. Just stay put patiently till the dogs have been pulled. You will get divine punishment from the LoB but still, the DP and water damage combined will be far less then alternative.
Lob at 40%-5%
This stage adds another special, Rain of blades, that is not as dangerous by it self as are the implications of the tank losing agro during it. This special is definitely another instance in which the tank must hold agro at all costs. Just like for whirlwind use your main intim if it's off timer and make sure you are the last party member to attack the lob. Implementing the first rule for mournland mitigation does not swing during this special once the party has gone to the center. Note, there is a visual bug for shield bashing. If you've ever seen a tank intim and hold agro for a long period of time while just blocking and couldn't understand how that's possible with the new intim mech this is why. Through out the raid I never blocked only shield bashed however me shield bashing looks at times as shield bashing and at times as plain blocking.
Remember, once lob reaches 5% you get a break from tanking him so if he's close to that keep going full speed even if you are getting close to your red line max hp. You will have time to shake off the mournlands during the trash fight and for the final part in which you'll be tanking you can continuously shield bash him. Another great thing about improved shield bash is that you can enable your light monk to attack the lob and generate ki for grasping the kiter/tank without having the lob turn or suffer mournlands debuffs.
Lob at 5%
There are two options for you now, move with the rest of the party as a swarm and kill off mobs 1 by 1 or be a helf pin cushion. You can suggest the latter to your party leader and if he approves go around the platform intimidating the archers/using ranged weapon to grab agro and then find a nice spot to stand still and shield block. The archers will do a lot less damage to you then to the party and one person scroll healing you is more then enough to keep you up. Make sure you are shield blocking off the cardinal points, you don't want the lob to land on you or knock you down.
Final fight:
When the last archer goes down the final fight will start. Be on the ball! Make sure you are close to the LoB and intim him the instance he becomes active. Drag him to the edge of the platform where no party members are positioned. Your party members will be focused on the pillars and might not notice the LoB is next to them until he rips them apart. You will also have the kiter running around and you don't want him to collide with LoB.
Once you have the LoB on the edge, shield bash him. Free hate generation that might prevent agro swap by accident (ranged weapons flying around) AoE's etc.
Grabbing the lob once he lands is trickier at this point since arcane AoE's or even lucky high dc blade barriers can get his attention as soon as he lands. Get your main hand weapon ready and prepare to melee him in order to get his agro. Trying to use ranged weapons at this point is very difficult unless you have a ranged weapon of precision to allow you to hit your target regardless of mobs in the way. If you have trash on you call it out, if the kiter can get it off you great if not just bear it till next time LoB jumps and then run through AoE's to shake it off. Be very very careful with your intim. Only use it if you are certain nothing but the lob is near you. An exception to this rule is if the kiter has LoB agro and is in great immediate danger. If the kiter has LoB and trash agro it is only a question of time (and not much at that) till he dies (get's stunned, chained, cursed).
Thank you for reading, any constructive criticism is more then welcomed :-)
My toons:
Goldmooon, Goodthings, Goodtings, Catalyster, Lichlordd, Blackart.
The Helpers Guild, Khyber.