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  1. #41
    Community Member falcon2030's Avatar
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    Default Vet 1 prereq

    I exited out of the game and relogged to see if it reset--> nope
    I then recreated the character to check to se if I could reset (just incase because I was already in teh Korthos chain) --> nope still end up in Korthos not on boat;

    Then I bought Vet I and recreated the character --> now have Vet II and can chose to start at lvl 1, 4 or 7.

    Conclusion, apparently you must have Vet I for Vet II to work you cannot just buy Vet II. DEV's: if this is WAI I would reconsider the pricing, a comparable price to Vet I would seem more on point considering the combined cost accrued. if Not WAI please look into this.

  2. #42
    Community Member Rumbaar's Avatar
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    I think Vet II should allow TR's to start at L4 as a perk.
    Leader - Ωmega Syndicate [L41] guild of Khyber|Orien -
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  3. #43
    Community Member
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    Bought Vet status 7 and rolled up a toon - everything worked fine during the creation. Got my gear for her and noticed a few things

    1 she got the chocolate 6 year birthday cake
    2 she got the cake of wishes
    3 she got a BtA sibreys cake and still got the BtC one from Korthos

    in line with these items - all my toons here got the 6year cake but no one got the cake of wishes. Was this supposed to happen this way?
    Also a BtA sibreys cake? I can see this being exploited readily by creating and deleting 100 toons and never needing to purchase them again. Its a great bonus to starting at that level but it should probably be looked at a little closer and BtC or just not be included - you can still get the one free one from kothos.

  4. #44
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    Default Vet Status

    The whole notion that a brand new, just created toon, who has never seen a kobold or met up with his first dragon can bypass the first 6 levels of the game while a TR who "Remembers a bit about his prior lives" must start at level 1 befuddles me.
    A new toon who does not have a real need to have an expanded bank account yet can get right to work on getting his new slots, while a TR has to wait and run countless, what I like to call Training Quests, just to get to the right level to even start getting House K favor. Personally I would have liked Vet II to allow a TR to start at level 4, but that's just my opinion and my wife long ago taught me the true value of my opinion

    As a new player to Lamannia I was just enlightened as to why I am only finding parties to run with on Lamannia that are, well let's just say they are unacceptable, and it is forcing me to solo everything and live without doing epic runs on the new content, if any of you reading this are part of the circle of players that I am seeking please drop me a line.
    I am on the G server if you wish to look up my stats before extending me an invitation.

  5. #45
    Community Member MartinusWyllt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rachealgoss View Post
    Also a BtA sibreys cake? I can see this being exploited readily by creating and deleting 100 toons and never needing to purchase them again. Its a great bonus to starting at that level but it should probably be looked at a little closer and BtC or just not be included - you can still get the one free one from kothos.
    My guess is that if there are BtA cakes handed out it will be a 1-time only event.

  6. #46
    Community Member Sleepsalot's Avatar
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    I have rolled up 4 level 7 toons they did not get any Cakes of any sort.. But upon doing a Reincarnation on one,, the Cakes and other items appeared in the Pack..


    Quote Originally Posted by rachealgoss View Post
    Bought Vet status 7 and rolled up a toon - everything worked fine during the creation. Got my gear for her and noticed a few things

    1 she got the chocolate 6 year birthday cake
    2 she got the cake of wishes
    3 she got a BtA sibreys cake and still got the BtC one from Korthos

    in line with these items - all my toons here got the 6year cake but no one got the cake of wishes. Was this supposed to happen this way?
    Also a BtA sibreys cake? I can see this being exploited readily by creating and deleting 100 toons and never needing to purchase them again. Its a great bonus to starting at that level but it should probably be looked at a little closer and BtC or just not be included - you can still get the one free one from kothos.

  7. #47
    Community Member GentlemanAndAScholar's Avatar
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    My main issue with Veteran 7 is basically the same qualm (and turned out to be true, in my experience) as Vet status 4. For seasoned players (assuming they aren't just TRing one of their toons) pop another toon to experiment, sure, 4 levels (and now 7) come handy. However, for the novice it is a really, really, really bad thing. I'm not sure what triggered you to think that giving the option to start at lvl7 could be good for the game population skill. There already is a lot of skill disparity from those whose have been playing this game for years and those who are trying the game or have begun a subscription. You spent a lot of resources in getting people somewhat ready via the Korthos story line and then "graduating" to the Harbor. With the availability of Vet4 (via store or 1000 fav), I get the sense many players are skipping that crucial part of their early DDO skills. That's when you get 70HP lvl 10 toons or lvl 11 rogues with 19 Search. And this skill disparity is pretty much the reason there are so many private channels dedicated to TRing or just plain ol' questing/raiding. Now that's going to be even more painfully obvious when you could get a lvl7 toon with literally zero experience and starter gear. That thought will cause many people (including myself) to be even more hesitant to taken any pugger off the LFM panel. This will only enforce the private chat channels and this will only grow the proverbial skill chasm between the true veterans and those who are new to the game. This could not be good for the game long term. Splitting the population is that way will only cause discontent and make the game very much unenjoyable for those new players who do not have neither the gear, nor a circle of in-game friends.

    My 2c.
    Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
    True Join Date: Circa mid 2007. Still a noob. My simple forum rules:

  8. #48
    Community Member MartinusWyllt's Avatar
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    Someone completely new would have to level a toon to 7 first in order to buy vet II from the store and they'd have to buy vet I first, right?

    Not that getting 7 is hard, but everyone would have had at least seen Korthos at least once at 1st level.

    Vet II would be very useful in going higher than 100 favor on every server.

  9. #49
    Community Member Kokanee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GentlemanAndAScholar View Post
    My main issue with Veteran 7 is basically the same qualm (and turned out to be true, in my experience) as Vet status 4. For seasoned players (assuming they aren't just TRing one of their toons) pop another toon to experiment, sure, 4 levels (and now 7) come handy. However, for the novice it is a really, really, really bad thing. I'm not sure what triggered you to think that giving the option to start at lvl7 could be good for the game population skill. There already is a lot of skill disparity from those whose have been playing this game for years and those who are trying the game or have begun a subscription. You spent a lot of resources in getting people somewhat ready via the Korthos story line and then "graduating" to the Harbor. With the availability of Vet4 (via store or 1000 fav), I get the sense many players are skipping that crucial part of their early DDO skills. That's when you get 70HP lvl 10 toons or lvl 11 rogues with 19 Search. And this skill disparity is pretty much the reason there are so many private channels dedicated to TRing or just plain ol' questing/raiding. Now that's going to be even more painfully obvious when you could get a lvl7 toon with literally zero experience and starter gear. That thought will cause many people (including myself) to be even more hesitant to taken any pugger off the LFM panel. This will only enforce the private chat channels and this will only grow the proverbial skill chasm between the true veterans and those who are new to the game. This could not be good for the game long term. Splitting the population is that way will only cause discontent and make the game very much unenjoyable for those new players who do not have neither the gear, nor a circle of in-game friends.

    My 2c.
    Some of your arguments are valid however, having this option in ddo store is not going to really change the learning curve of the game.

    This will be really good for:
    1- the mid to high level and veterans to experiment on new build more easily.
    2- People with many TR's to easily create Mules to store the BTA stuff.
    3- The casual players that wish to gain an "edge" and spend less time getting up to speed on new toons.
    4- Favor Farmers - People will quickly regain the TP spent and easily fly through early content to get easy Favor.

    I don't really believe that there will be many "Korthos-Fresh" people buying this.
    Vyking FvS | Spectron Sorc | Khant Wiz Completionist | Drower Bard | Squasher Ftr | xPando Monk
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  10. #50
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    it seems like people are missing a small detail about the vet 2 and the xp tomes. in other games, when an expansion comes out that includes a level cap raise and new high level content, most games will do something to increase the speed of getting through the low levels/old content in order to get more people into the new content faster. its been like this in any game i can ever remember playing that had an expansion like the one coming this summer.

    i know the level cap has been raised here multiple times, but you didnt have to purchase an expansion to play the new higher level content. they didnt have a reason to speed people through before like they do now.

  11. #51


    I know it's been a few days since the last post..but for some reason the Mino has stolen my gear and refuses to give it back, (I can't collect my belongings from the Minotaur crewman) any thoughts?
    "I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied...
    Learn to swim..."

    "This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
    Embrace this moment, remember, we are eternal
    All this pain is an illusion"

  12. #52
    Community Member Sleepsalot's Avatar
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    Yes it is a Known issues listed here


    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Uncle72 View Post
    I know it's been a few days since the last post..but for some reason the Mino has stolen my gear and refuses to give it back, (I can't collect my belongings from the Minotaur crewman) any thoughts?

  13. #53
    Community Member -Zephyr-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Uncle72 View Post
    I know it's been a few days since the last post..but for some reason the Mino has stolen my gear and refuses to give it back, (I can't collect my belongings from the Minotaur crewman) any thoughts?
    Look at the known issues list. Vet status cannot complete because of the Minautor.
    You either have to start on Korthos, or /death, use a teleport rod to get out of the ship.

  14. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by -Zephyr- View Post
    Look at the known issues list. Vet status cannot complete because of the Minautor.
    You either have to start on Korthos, or /death, use a teleport rod to get out of the ship. nifty gear???
    "I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied...
    Learn to swim..."

    "This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
    Embrace this moment, remember, we are eternal
    All this pain is an illusion"

  15. #55
    Community Member HernandoCortez's Avatar
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    Looks like they will give lvl 7s better gear. Thats good.

  16. #56
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    quick question - if I buy VetII in Lamannia, do I get it on the rest of the servers as well (whenever it goes live), or am I wasting TP?

  17. #57
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by indigokid View Post
    quick question - if I buy VetII in Lamannia, do I get it on the rest of the servers as well (whenever it goes live), or am I wasting TP?
    No you don't get it and lamma has a separate TP get free tp there as well so your not wasting
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  18. #58
    Community Member Sleepsalot's Avatar
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    And right now the ship is messed up you have to start at level 1 if you want off the ship.. With out typing /death or using a teleport rod.

    Quote Originally Posted by indigokid View Post
    quick question - if I buy VetII in Lamannia, do I get it on the rest of the servers as well (whenever it goes live), or am I wasting TP?

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Failedlegend View Post
    No you don't get it and lamma has a separate TP get free tp there as well so your not wasting
    How do I get enough TP to buy it? it shows I only have about 700? Where does it get this amount from? I have more TP on other servers.

  20. #60
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    As of right now, this is not functioning as intended!

    Mostly since nobody is able to do it.

    Stay tuned for further information.

    **** Further Information *****

    This is now available to be poked at via the DDO store as well as those who have the favor capable of unlocking it!
    Morning KookieKobold,

    I was wondering, with Veterans status II, would have to go to Level 7 exclusively?
    Or could you stop at any point between Lvl 4 and 7?

    I love the option to hit Level 7 put of the gate; that sounds AWESOME!
    But I don't want to be locked in to Level 7... As I do like running the lower level stuff.

    I would still like the option to go 1st level, 4th level, or 7th...
    Or maybe any level between 4 and 7...

    That would be sweet...

    Thanks for the hard work!
    Official Muskateers Bartender
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