Hi, the guild Red Squadron on the Thelanis server is doing some recruiting. We're looking for adults who plan to TR their characters, do epics, farm gear, and otherwise get into the game. Our ideal guildie is a self-sufficient player who solos, pugs, and gets stuff done, but is happy enough to group with guildies when they are on.

We're a level 81 guild, and we want people who will contribute to the guild, enjoy our nice ship, and otherwise be an asset wherever they go. We seek to have a reputation as players who pay attention, listen, and know their stuff.

If you're interested, go to our forum: http://redsquadronguild.forumsmotion.com/forum.htm and check us out. Then, find our guild members when they're on and impress them with your acumen, or at least your ability to pay attention, listen, and otherwise Get Stuff Done.

We're more than willing to accept newbies who plan to be around for a while. Friends and family members are welcome even if they don't play too much, including minor children (the only exception to our adults-only rule).