Your wizard could also have heroism pots, training dummy, and haste pots, probably more too.
Your barb can only get -3 from PA, cause it is capped by your BAB, you could also use a korthos weapon for another drop... And ofcourse you could go nekid ie no angers set, no goggles.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
It depends on the toon, but even when calculating DPS, when leveling lit2 lightning strike procs are generally overkill, made worse if they are not procing on the very first hit on the monster (hence effective DPS is actually much lower than calculated DPS) a SoS in hands of a toon with imp crit slashing gets very little overkill and surprisingly fast kills due to consistent crits, even if the DPS calcs are lower.
Reckter 91PLs, Anhilliation 36PLs. Rekter 17 PLs. Vikzor 9PLs. Veisha 7PLs. Rekinja 4PLs. Rekalidin 4PLs. Minirek 3PLs. Artirek 3PLs. 175 total past lives gained, 1 XP stone used (the free one)
And by level 10 or 12, the only people who will still be swinging melee weapons very often are going to be actual melee builds, not 8 Str Wizards who just need to knock off the last few HP from an enemy. That means that you can actually count on serious bonuses to damage in addition to the base damage of the weapon itself.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
If you wait until AFTER you're out of SP, you're doing it wrong. Kill them quick enough in the first place, and you won't even reach that point. Melee FTW on everyone (except Arty, maybe?) up to at least level 6 or so. (At level 7, my Wiz switched to Firewall+Web; my divines usually keep melee going up until Blade Barrier at level 11.)
Really? Another Cleric-hater who wants us to shut up, hjeal, and get to the back of the bus?
It's NOT too difficult for a Cleric to solo almost everything in the game, from Korthos up to Elite Amrath and Epic quests.
I group with others on my divine to get faster completions, but even then, I'm killing stuff, with either melee or spells, as appropriate.
That was actually kind of my point. If you use melee attacks in appropriate situations, you can save a tremendous number of spell points at lower levels to the point where you never run out of spell points between shrines. If you don't use melee attacks in appropriate situations, conserving spell points at lower levels becomes significantly harder.
There's no penalty. It's called "Master's Touch". It even comes on scrolls.
Uh...have you played a caster? No good caster ever needs to wander around with a spell clicky weapon in their hand. IT'S A CLICKY! You swap it in, click it, and swap it back out.
Where is this imaginary -4 penalty coming from? And, as much as you might not like it, that Wizard IS hitting, consistently.
Last edited by SirValentine; 01-31-2012 at 07:25 AM.
At low levels, where SP totals are small, melee on a caster is definitely an effective way to get through the quests.
My first arcane life (18 WIZ/2 ROG), was before the u9 spell change. Damage spells before Firewall were INCREDIBLY inefficient. You could burn through spells so fast that it was not worth nuking at all unless you were blasting a boss. Practically every caster at that point either leveled as a buff bot, or picked up a melee weapon, buffed up, and swung away. I never managed to get a Carnifex (the best low level weapon for just about anyone due to the massive crit range), but a Nicked Greatsword at level 2 and an Antique Greataxe at level 4 worked almost as well.
Between Master's Touch, Bull's Strength (spell or potion), and when you can afford them, Heroism potions, you will NOT have any trouble hitting practically anything in the harbour or market.
My second arcane life (20 Sorc - Air) was post the u9 spell change. I had the pre-nerfed Epic Brimstone Verge with the ML:3 requirement, and carried the cheaper-to-cast Electric Loop. Those two made leveling a breeze, but I still carried Master's Touch and picked up a big two-hander to mop up whatever lived through that. Again, had no trouble hitting.
That character is now on a divine life (17 CLR/3 MNK), and handwraps and Stunning Fist just trump everything. Melee is even more important on a divine life because of the poor spell damage at low levels. If I were pure Cleric, I'd either pull out a good Longsword and shield, or yet again, a big two hander, Soundburst groups, Command Ogres, and smash face. The -4 penalty with the big two hander isn't that horrible at low levels, when you can buff up and mitigate it a bit.
At level 7, ANY class can use a Souleater, which is an unbound base item. This is one of the most effective low-mid level weapons, so it's excellent for a divine to use between Holy Smites and Soundbursts. By then, arcanes have more SP and better AoE's, and can switch over to a more casting style.
Agree. On my first life Cleric, buying a level 10 Paralyzing weapon was the best investment I ever made. Hitting things that remained standing after the Greater Command with the Paralyzer saved an incredible amount of SP. Preventing damage is better than healing damage, and preventing damage while contributing a little bit of damage is even better.
Just note that Master's Touch cannot be cast from scrolls onto a two-hander. The good thing is there are few viable level 1 spells, so there is no harm in keeping Master's Touch loaded on a Wizard or Sorc.
This one I feel I need to clarify here since you're still getting the wrong idea.
I am not now nor have I ever been a cleric-hater. I wasn't trying to say any such thing and have no idea where you keep coming up with it. On the contrary: Clerics make great energizer batteries for my barbarian and I love it when they get behind me!
When you're at the low levels and you're starting your first healer class, you really DO need to group up with others and start learning how to heal them. Because I guarantee you that if you don't learn how to heal at this stage of the game and you start wandering off from the group and acting like a battle-cleric or battle-FvS in mid level quests, you'll quickly find yourself on server blacklists. They will expect you to heal them successfully in both quests and raids, and it's essential that you get that skill down immediately.
Yes, if you're a TR or an alt or a prodigy that can solo at that level, by all means go ahead. Nobody's stopping you.
But my advice was aimed towards F2P newbies coming from where I started. That means there were no shipbuffs, no guild runs, no metaknowledge, no Heroism pots, no Haste pots, no Rage pots, no twink gear, no alts, and no rich friends. It was just you and your starter gear with a couple thousand plat and maybe a gaming buddy or two. And I guarantee you, it's not anywhere near as easy as you blow it up to be.
A lot of high-level players have forgotten their origins and are totally spoiled by the buffs and gear they have today. They don't seem to get that all that metaknowledge and all those luxuries didn't exist at one point.
Last edited by Wraith_Sarevok; 01-31-2012 at 09:12 AM.
Khyber: Iqus Tres (Half-Orc Barbarian 20 / Epic 5 / Legendary Dreadnought 5), Ixupi (Drow Sorcerer 20), Outlake (Warforged 7 Monk-in-progress), Petroglyph (Warforged Artificer 16)
Where? Pretty simple, since you show the same shut-up-and-hjeal-me nonsense attitude right here:
A Cleric isn't your battery, and doesn't need to get behind you. Why would you say such insulting things unless you hate real Clerics?
Perhaps you're looking for that other class, "Healer". Unfortunately, it's not in DDO, it's in some other MMO.
And yeah, I do friend and follow Shade's advice mostly because... he's always right. He might make a mistake or two as do I, as does anyone, but for the most part he knows the game better than anyone since he's been here since beta. No, I don't just blindly follow his advice. I have my own agenda and personality. Some of his suggestions I ignore mainly because they don't fit into my casual time schedule (e.g. crafting a LS greataxe) or my style of play (e.g. ignoring ship buffs). I am much more concerned with finishing and designing my barbarian to deal the MAX maintainable DPS against any boss in the game while still being a great tank for all content, so naturally our barbarians will end up with slightly different builds and gear. Doesn't make either of us any less of a good player. The only thing I may regret is that he's been here longer and has much more experience with DDO so I am forced to keep learning from him. But hey, that's life! I can only hope to one day surpass him.
Last edited by Wraith_Sarevok; 01-31-2012 at 09:44 AM.
Khyber: Iqus Tres (Half-Orc Barbarian 20 / Epic 5 / Legendary Dreadnought 5), Ixupi (Drow Sorcerer 20), Outlake (Warforged 7 Monk-in-progress), Petroglyph (Warforged Artificer 16)
1. If you are comparing a wizard to a lvl3 barbarian, why aren't you assuming a lvl 3 wizzy? Wizzy 3 is using that axe on webbed mobs, has bull's strength and a few other buffs (and can get at least bull's as a broke first lifer, assuming someone pointed out that he should be using an axe). It doesn't take a whole lot of BAB to hit something webbed (you don't have to move and it won't kill you when you miss).
2. Carnifex gives 45% more damage than a typical +2 greataxe. With melee strength and power attack, it is a no-brainer. For an 8 str wiz it likely requires twink gear that is more rare than a frosted holy axe of twinkiness to beat said twinky axe.
3. Nannybots are pikers. Just because you can't oneshot your enemies with spells doesn't mean you are stuck [only] healing. While a cleric + barbarian dps might not seem much more than a barbarian dps, it requires one heck of a grind for the barbarian to increase his output to match the cleric + barbarian. Just swing that mace (better yet, use command where appropriate).
Shade is no doubt an excellent player.
He's extremely biased towards certain classes, playstyles and viewpoints which leads to him spouting nonsense and just silly things rather often.
So no, he's not always right.
Firstly, he's not the only who has been here for a long time.
And secondly, the fact that someone has been here since beta means very little. Some of the best and most knowledgeable players I've encountered in DDO have only played for 2-3 years.
I also find your worship of "OMG MAX DPS" quite amusing. Taking a damage or two away from that gives lots of classes a *huge* amount of versality. And versality is the king.
Finally, just yesterday I did Haverdasher on elite, we were a level 3 wizard and a level 3 sorc. With melee weapons. Funnily enough, we had zero to hit problems and zero problems in general. Both of us only had buffs as our spells, so zero damage spells.
Maybe you should reroll your barb if you're having trouble there?
You know I think I finally DO realize what was wrong with my comparison. It took me a while and I just had to sit down and remember that they changed this a while back:
So at the time that I was killing these scorpions with my veteran status barbarian, their AC values were far higher than what players are facing now. It's just been a while since I've done 100 point favor runs with veteran barbarians, so I forgot that the values were adjusted down.Originally Posted by Release Notes: Update 7: Half-Bloods
Doesn't mean that there aren't elite mobs with very high AC values out there, but most of them have probably gone.
Khyber: Iqus Tres (Half-Orc Barbarian 20 / Epic 5 / Legendary Dreadnought 5), Ixupi (Drow Sorcerer 20), Outlake (Warforged 7 Monk-in-progress), Petroglyph (Warforged Artificer 16)