i'm guessing the answer is yes but; if i already have 3000 favour will i automatically get vet (7) when it becomes live?
also, just due to my impatience at having to get home to check, is there a way of checking current favour via MyDDO?
i'm guessing the answer is yes but; if i already have 3000 favour will i automatically get vet (7) when it becomes live?
also, just due to my impatience at having to get home to check, is there a way of checking current favour via MyDDO?
Personally I'm waiting for Veteran Status (20) before I start farming favor for it
If you have 3000 favor now it should be automatically unlocked when it goes live...
Edit: yep probably do have to talk to drow in harbor ... didn't think about that
Last edited by BurnerD; 01-27-2012 at 11:26 AM.
Argonessenn -Officer of Storm Shadow-
Olen Anteres
Id say that you'd have to go talk to the drow guy in the harbour once it goes live rather than automatically having it unlocked per se.
I've got a from with over 3k favour but I doubt I'll actually make use of the option, though I do have a spare character slot ...
Make it work on TR toons aswell please
Deltabravo I have come here to FROG things up!
From what I remember, the last New Favor Reward (400 coin lords = +2 to intimidate and diplomacy) did not apply to characters that already had 400 CL favor, and there was no way to rectify the situation. I too have a character with 3000 favor, and my hopes are not high.