Hello all..
I need to renew my VIP account but myaccount website keeps telling me error. I have tried nearly 20 times now
and made sure I have done exacly right.. I use Visa card and my bank is Swedbank and as you hear from the name
I am an EU player from Sweden. This is one of swedens biggest banks for the record so Im sure it shouldn't be
a problem there.. I recall I've had this problem before but somehow manage to fix it via my fathers card and changed
card after VIP, it was a struggle tho but now I would really not wanna get through that again please.. I want to
pay with my card and not do any complicated change card tactic to make it work, just silly..
I have logged in to myaccount (so far so good) I pressed get ultimated access on the site and then they want me
to dial in my credit card number name adress and what so ever, so far so good.. It accepts me and now I am at
the page where Im about to select months and offers, I pick the monthly free at the bottom of the page and then
it loads for a sec or two and - ERROR. I called my bank 1 min ago and they couldnt help me since everything seems
to be alright with my card and stuff with my bank...
Why dosent it work, I got stuff planed, need to grind some xp today since my time is limited this weekned I just
wanna pay for VIP, why is that impossibleSomeone able to help ?
This is my error message.
The system was unable to update your billing information. Please verify your billing information and try again later. If you continue to experience this error, you may wish to try another credit card or contact your issuing bank. To request further assistance, please visit support.turbine.com. [err: 30005]
The system was unable to update your account at this time due to a system error; we apologize for the inconvenience. If this problem persists, or resulted in any issues in your account, please contact Turbine Customer Service. [err: -2]