It's working.
Freshly consumed tome or one you ate a while back?
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
The only way you could know that is if you TR'd and then levels back up to at least 3 (to get a +1).
Which is doable since kookie was handing out xp.. So yes u did that? verified?
I tested both. With a +2 STR, CON and CHA consumed past year and a +2 DEX consumed before the TR process.
Yes I TR'd and when I reach level 3 the +1 was applied to STR, DEX, CON and CHA.
Before level up
Uploaded with
After level up
Uploaded with
I'm curious as to whether consumed tomes are retained if one had TRed before U13.
Won't really bother me, just curious.
Oh did you just not eat a +1 INT tome? Seems to be working.
To be 100% sure, we'd have to re-level up to 15 and see if the +2, +3, and +4 tome bonuses are being applied correctly to all six stats. But I think it's safe to say that the mechanic is relatively bug free.
Khyber: Iqus Tres (Half-Orc Barbarian 20 / Epic 5 / Legendary Dreadnought 5), Ixupi (Drow Sorcerer 20), Outlake (Warforged 7 Monk-in-progress), Petroglyph (Warforged Artificer 16)
I would like to see a test with Store bought tomes too.
So, if i get it right, you have to reach the minimum level of the tome for it to come back in your stats?
That is what I am wondering. Would be cool if say you at a +3 tome you get +1 at level 3, +2 at level 7, and then the +3 at 11.
If that is not the case how does it work if you eat a new, lower value tome at lower levels. For evening stats, feat qualifying or whatever. Does this new tome override the tome from the previous life and the old one is lost? Or does that one just stay active until you reach the level of the tomes from the last life? IE eat +2 tome at level 7 to qualify for ITWF and +3 from last life shows up at 11.
One other question I would like to see confirmation on is that the tomes are staying through multiple TR's, not just the first TR after you ate it but all future ones as well. I wish I had the time to test these things myself and give people answers. Hopefully someone else will though.
Great news for the most part on U13. Hope it continues when the expansion hits as well.
Thats proof for a first life, post tome consumption.
However, what happens when you TR again, or consume different tomes each life.
While the answer should be obvious, it is better to test it than to assume.
Chelos - TRing multiclassing support
One of the top scorers of the 2011 and 2012 PAX EAST challenge and winner of 2 Lifetime memberships to DDO.
"S" of Team BAS (2011)
Well technically if the system works, you could only eat higher tomes each lives, as you'd get the bonus from lower tier automatically when you meet the required ML.
I guess it's a legitimate concern to wonder if everything works on multiple TRs though.
Like so:
Life 1: Eat various tomes
Life 2: Get bonuses back (at required levels) but don't eat any tomes
Life 3: Bonuses should be kept again, but are they? *dramatic music*
Off Topic - love your UI Junior, where can i get it?
1) "Quijenoth" Main Arcane Caster, 2life PM, 3life BrdTR, 4life FvS.
2) "Vallaes" Melee Tank build, 2nd life Barbarian.
3) "Elvraema" Experiments, 1-Mnk6/FvS14 Solo build. 2-"Dronker"
Thanks op +1 been holding off on 4 TRs waiting for something like this to happen they have all there gear and have eaten 3-5 +3tomes so didnt want to regrind the tomes before TRing. Now I need some way to login 6 of my toons at once so I can TR them all together ill pay 20k tp for it?![]()
Officer of Renowned
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Polverizing The Wise, Dotting The Cleanser, Polarities The Undying, Sosage The Killer, Shootin The piercer & many more holders of items.
Hehe i wonder if some of the people who used the chest exploit and got lucky on the +3 tomes are ticked off? I know some planned to hoard em and sell for a kings ransom but I can see the fire sales occuring already.
Oh yes... that whistling howl you hear? That's the price of stat tomes rapidly plummeting.
Now that tomes are pretty much going to be "eat one and you're done", and done forever; the market for them will be brisk at first, but the demand will fall off very rapidly.
Now the exploiters...errr...I mean tome farmers, will have to be quick to sell off what they've got on-hand (and do it at already reduced prices; they'll have to beat the price/convenience of the DDO store at the very least).
I'm sure there's already much hand-wringing going on, because it will be a sure-fire revelation as to who was exploiting, if someone decides to track all the upcoming tome-trading that's going to occur.
(¯`·._.·[ The Truth of the Draconic Prophecy will be revealed in time. ]·._.·´¯)