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  1. #21
    Community Member Ashlayna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spiffyspiffy View Post
    Your "question" wasn't asking for help it was asking "y 4 is dis so st0000pid?" when you clearly don't - or at least didn't - understand game mechanics.
    In other words, I was exactly right. I dared question the all knowing Compendium posters, and paid for it. It's cool with me, as I don't really think I gain anything from rep, or lose anything other than rep for losing it. The condescending nature of this response tells me all I need to know.

  2. #22
    The Hatchery Galeria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashlayna View Post
    The condescending nature of this response tells me all I need to know.
    Posts are generally responded to in the way they are initially worded. Think about it.

    If you really want information, ask nicely.
    A PUG is like a box of chocolates
    Get people to read your post.

  3. #23
    Community Member davidolson22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashlayna View Post

    This should perhaps be looked at. It's one thing to follow a build like this when you have the required items in the discussion at the bottom, it's another to say that "a new player will be able to do well with this build". They won't. They won't have level appropriate spells, barring some exceptional luck in either the AH or the pawn brokers, or drops. The suggested stat outlay looks like something more suited to a 2nd lifer, than a new player that maybe bought the class because they thought it looked cool. Although, I have to admit, this is the very first time I've seen the primary casting stat treated as a psuedo dump stat, and posted on a wiki as an officially supported build idea.
    Base charisma is 12, that lets them cast up to level 2 spells with nothing else. They can cast the charisma boost spell (eagle's splendor?) and have access all the way up to level 6 spells. They can use a few ap to get 2 more charisma, that gets them up to level 8 spells easily. By level 18, when they can cast level 9 spells, I'm hoping they have somehow managed to scrounged enough money for a dirty (has a min level greater than level 11) +6 charisma item. They aren't that expensive or hard to find in the ah. We're talking 20k roughly.

    How is it not a new toon build again?

  4. #24
    Community Member Ashlayna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galeria View Post
    Posts are generally responded to in the way they are initially worded. Think about it.

    If you really want information, ask nicely.
    This is exactly right. To wit, the neg rep on the post you quoted. Meh, as I said, I don't gain, or lose anything from it, but it is fun to see the childish natures of people that think they have all the answers come out. In the future, I'll try to keep my posts to one syllable words, perhaps then, people that are unaccustomed to being questioned will better understand what is being presented. I sincerely doubt it, but maybe it will help.

    This should perhaps be looked at. This is the first line in my opening post, after perusing this build and reading the discussion afterwards. Source Now, mature people, reading that, would say or think "Hey, this guy doesn't understand game mechanics, and doesn't understand that, unlike TWF, where if you don't have the base Dex, you can't take the feat, you can get the spells with items" and would have proceeded to explain from there, as some posters did.

    Ultimately, I get a really mature response, which, of course, led to more neg rep in the post you quoted. As I said, it tells me everything I need to know. My grandson is in Jr. High, from now on, I'll have him come over and deal with the community, they appear to be on the same level.

    ETA: Note, if it makes anyone feel any better, get your guildies in to neg rep me too? Hey, maybe get a mod to sanction me too.
    Last edited by Ashlayna; 01-27-2012 at 03:18 PM. Reason: Note

  5. #25
    Community Member
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    To be fair to the poster.

    I remember my VERY FIRST PALADIN. 2 1/2 years ago.

    I dumped wisdom, because I knew that was the right thing to do (it is, BTW) to 8, and didn't get my first +1 Wisdom tome until Tempest Spine (OMG, the first raid!).

    At that time the "best" wisdom Item I could find (I didn't know the AH even existed back then!) was +3, so I couldn't cast level 2 spells! And then, BAM! I could.

    That was one of my luckiest toons. I got FF boots right when I needed them for the pit, a Large Collectables Bag and a Portable hole both when I needed them the most, and then the ONLY tome i "needed" all as random loot drops.

    Never been that lucky since.

    Then I learned about the AH, where to find named loot, and so on, and realize that not only was dumping Wisdom the right thing, but that if I hadn't done it I'd have had to reroll that toon or delete him or something else, and that would have been heartbreaking.

    So, I get where you are coming from, but the advice is correct. 12 Cha on a FvS is right. Personally, I went 14 on my human, 12 on my WF, but past that, spending more that 1 ability point on an ability is not worth it.

    I had to eat an LR heart because I didn't learn that fast enough (my human FvS had 18 starting Charisma and DUMPED wisdom, and was a fail until my LR).

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