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Thread: A leveling Arti

  1. #1
    Community Member andreascott89's Avatar
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    Default A leveling Arti

    I would like to do a life as a ranged based Arti, but I can't decide on the specifics and thought I might get some suggestions.

    Here is the situation:
    -I want to do a life as an Artificer and experience ranged combat.
    -I will TR pretty soon after reaching 20, so capstone / end-game abilities are not important
    -I stock piled decent gear for this life (e.g. GS mana + chr skills / GS hp / lit 2 GS repeater), so things should be pretty easy (I hope!)
    -I do some grouping but a lot of time I am either solo or 2 manning things.

    I am looking for a good leveling build. Right now I am thinking about going warforged for better solo healing (and I have more docents than anything else...), but I could be convinced of other races.

    My big question is should I go with a 2 monk splash or should I stay pure (or something else??)

    A monk splash gets me evasion + feats which could be nice for leveling. Staying pure gets me to blade barrier at level 15 instead of level 17 which could be nice for helping the leveling at a time when ranged is getting less powerful.



  2. #2
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    Either or. But if you already have the gear waiting (I'd make a GS heavy repeater lit 2 for him) I'd just stay pure. Like you said it'll speed up the leveling process getting BB at 15 for which you can max out with enhancements and just be awesome.

    I'd go warforged just for an all out synergy. Or helf to take barb dili while leveling +1 con +20 hp. max int, 16 into dex, rest into con, throw all level ups into int and 1 into dex for improved precise shot. Shouldn't have any trouble leveling with that settup.

    Between your repeater (prolly hellfire early) and your flame turret and your rune arm you'll plow through lv's 4 to 13 quick. With a GS repeater waiting and BB at 15 to take on devils, maybe even the turret still to draw aggro away, you'll be set to 20.

    Then you can tr him, or keep em for a bit whichever.
    Through avarice, evil smiles; through insanity, it sings.

  3. #3
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    make a screaming of bleeding heavy repeater, can be ML 1 if you pop the cannith mark on it. (grab one with a guild slot to add some +to hit to it if u want)

    use this up to ~lvl7 or 9, then plop a +3 or +4 enhancement on it, then use that till lvl 12 when you can pull out the Lit2.

    a crafted holy of undead bane is also a nice repeater to have for all the lvl 7-9 undead content, compliments your flame turrent very nicely.

    for an easy time leveling an arti, its hard to advicate any build but pure (MAYBE a 2 rogue or monk splash if you really really cant do w/o evasion). you'll tear up all content with your pew pew up to the high teens, and then you have your blade barriers or a really really nastey rune arm to devaste content
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Dec 2009


    Parts of the Diaries of a True Reincarnate (Artificer) may be worth looking through for answering your questions.

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