Its time for a rogue past life and I am seeking some guidance. This character only has one requirement: after TR at 20 must get rogue past life. It will be played in a duo with a stawart defender build and the character will not be played at 20 so capstone will not be used. UMD at higher levels to help duoing-access to lots of gear and crafting. Given this I am leaning toward the following:
Rogue 10-13 levels, Fighter 6-9 levels, Barb-1, Human or half-elf, Stats something like 16,15,16,11,8,13 with +1 or 2 tomes where apropriate. Can usually keep AC viable on a TR life for most of it so will probably go with Mithral light chain...and I'm starting to ramble.
All help appreciated but am specifically looking for:
Rogue pre to take, is barb 1 best (or ranger 1) for speed/speed boost? Stalwart or kensai for 6 fighter, exact level split, race choice, etc.