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First, I would say no, they are similar. Gear you acquire is different because you put in the effort to acquire them and are entitled to reap the benefits of them. Ship Buffs are something the guild you are in required and you may not have even contributed all that much. For newly generated characters that are simply added in to the guild, they haven't contributed anything yet reap the full benefits of those shrines - that's a far cry from your other character that can wield a Greensteel Great Axe at level 12 after having had to acquire all the ingredients to create it and upgrade it.
So why punish me then? I may have joined Madborn when they were in the 60's but I have contributed a lot since then. Every end reward, unless there is a item that is just so rare and unique or a major menomonic, I take renoun. I've gathered quite a lot across the characters that I've run.
Second, while your gear does give you a tremendous advantage, it doesn't necessarily prevent you from getting killed. With the Ship Buffs however, you can enter a quest and quite often those Ship Buffs can literally prevent you from being killed. That's what makes Ship Buffs overpowered, they are usable straight from level 1 when they should have a level requirement just like your twink gear does.
I still die. Ship buffs can not preventing me from dying. I may be trying something that is beyond what my character is actually able to do but part of the fun is to see what your character limits are.
They most certainly cannot literally prevent you from being killed.
For one, it isn't really punishment for you if the content is already easy so that seems like a harsh term. For those quests where there is no impact it won't really matter to you. For those quests where the ship buffs do change the difficulty you'll know what to do to prepare for them. It just takes an easy button away from you and forces you to have to buy your Resist Energy: Acid Potions or make use of your House P or House J Favor to get certain quests done.
Yes you are punishing me. You are wanting to take away something away that I've contributed to have.
I like to have fun and play with the shinnies I've earned or helped earn. They are fine now.
I like getting through the earlier levels too, but I don't necessarily want to do it at the expensive of something else in the game. Low level content perhaps isn't as important but new players will always go through that content first and it is what prepares them later on in the game. If they aren't prepared then the game becomes that much harder for them at the harder levels That annoys me.
It isn't ship buffs that are not preparing players. We have all these bonuses to XP that getting a first life to cap now is much more quick than when I started and it was quite fast then.
Ship buffs are not preventing a player from learning the game. If a player isn't going to learn to carry pots, making ship buffs scale isn't going to help them learn.
Even still, if those ship buffs are helping those new players save some plat because they don't have to get certain resists, that is fine by me also. That helps them purchase other consumables that help way more at low level like a stack of CSW pots. Those things fill you up fast at that level and they can then at least afford to buy that item. I hated not being able to afford much when I started. It was a real PITA.
Not everything has to be implemented but I wouldn't think some of what I suggested could be hard to implement. I'm no programmer either but I can tell that certain codes won't be that difficult to adjust or add too. Times can easily be changed, they just need to adjust the time value for certain groups of shrines instead of having them all the same value (this may require them to create addition code instead of using the same one but that's just additional pathing). As for coding level requirements I don't see that much of an issue; whenever someone clicks on a shrine the shrine has two initial answers - the first answer from the shrine is if you don't meet or exceed the level requirement, you don't get the buff and you get a message saying you don't; the second answer would be that it answers back with the type of buff it provides. Now, changing what the shrine might answer back depending on your level wasn't really what I was talking about but that's actually something they could program it to do.
Personally I think it would be cool if you had a level 5, 10, and 11 characters click on a Greater Fire Resistance shrine, only to have the level 5 character refused, the level 10 character get a 20 point Fire Resist, and the level 11 get a 30 point Fire Resist. I also know that they have done similar code for example with the Relic of Sovereign Past Quest and a characters Social Skills. There your character would talk to King Dolgrim Nightforge and you would get 3 options depending on the social skill you use and its current rank at the time you talk to the King. Those options of course were - You would fight the King, you would fight the Kings Guards, or you wouldn't fight the King at all. I'm confident they can easily come up with something similar if they went this route with the shrines.
However, what I was more or less suggesting was instead of the above - you can put on a Lesser, Regular, or Greater Resistance Shrine for your guild to use if you have access to more then just one type. IE, you could put a Lesser Acid Resistance Shrine, a Cold Resistance Shrine, and a Greater Fire Resistance Shrine on your guild Ship. If a level 1 character, a level 7 character, and a level 20 character on a ship; the level 1 character can't use any of the resistance shrines at all since he doesn't meet the level requirements for any of them, the level 9 character all but the Greater Fire Resistance shrine, and the level 20 can use all 3. However, the level 20 who uses the Lesser Acid or Cold shrines will only get a 10 Acid point and 20 Cold point resistance for using them.
Now, I don't know how their code is structured but really there is a lot of stuff you can do with code. They could have it laid out so that one of the above ideas is easier to adjust to then the other and would require little work. However, I'm confident they could code either to work regardless of how the code is now.