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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default turrets in kobold island challenge

    they appear to suck

    please add a large radius aoe taunt so at least they get aggro before the extractor

    also add a "repair" aura of say 1% per second per turret level so that turrets close to the extractor can both heal and protect it

    They don't need to do more damage but having the turrets there should at least help protect the extrators until you can get party members to kill the mobs.

  2. #2
    Community Member sho-gun's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default upgrade them

    In my experience:

    Upgrade them to tier2. I find (at least at lower levels) that I don't usually have to worry about
    that extractor after I upgrade the cannons. Sure, some mobs will attack the extractors, but
    only do a little damage before the gun kills them.

    One upgraded cannon per small extractor is usually sufficient. Placement is key to make sure the
    cannon can cover most of the extractor.

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