Nice, congratulations. Any specific tactics?
What's with ninja-looting that Jacinth, Ish? I saw no roll offered in the party chat...
It is a sad day (or an average day??) when misadventure beats Earthchild in kills :P
I have one olddddddddddddddddddddddddd picture
they finished in 26min
a year ago(maybe more that a year ago)
Orien - Sonilasfx/Soniilax/Sonnifly/Soniitank
massivheals / massivsponge - Orien server
Member of Blood bath and Beyond
Guild webpage-
lol theres some memories odd to see them pop up now odly enough I think this is still possible but would be quite resource intensive. AwwI did kill stuff too healing raiseing preping all djins while keepign velah from eating everyone with cometfalls doesn't give me much time to kill stuff other then velah but atleast I beat misadventure in that one ^^. If memory recalls rily and ishy droped that dragon fast but we had some deaths on the djins had to reprep regroup cost us lots of time. I havent seen vonny in ages
oh well things move on <3 you guys lol.
Last edited by Sciencefreek; 01-31-2012 at 08:17 AM.
Tantrum, Circle, Earthchild and Randomise on Orion.