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Thread: Eardweller

  1. #1
    Community Member DaDolo's Avatar
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    Default Eardweller

    I have run Jeets 20+ times in order to find a eardweller, yet none have dropped. What si the best quest to find one in? and are they in the chests or on the ground?
    ~ Cannith ~ Returning after 5 years! Send me a tell in game if you remember me

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  2. #2
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    I've seen the Xachosian Landwalker spawn in three of the four IQ quests that it can spawn in, but I can tell you where the locations that it spawns are. Remember drop rates are higher on Elite than Hard.

    1) Eye of the Titan is the only place I've not seen it spawn (even though it's the one quest I've ran the most often). The clam chest at the end of the quest.

    2) Finding the Path during the three red names fight is a place where it can spawn, but it's a poor place to get it since you'll fall back to sleep before you can fight it. In fact, in a full group, my melee character was only one of two people who saw it and I only was able to hit it once before falling asleep.

    3) I Dream of Jeets during the end fight or the end chest is when it will spawn. Not sure which caused it because there was firewalls all over the place during the fight and we didn't notice the bag until after we looted the chest when the firewalls died.

    4) The Dreaming Dark is probably the best place to farm for the Eardweller. The Landwalker appears where the optional chest near the beginning of the quest. Probably the fastest and easiest way to farm for the item is this chest.
    Last edited by oradafu; 01-24-2012 at 02:13 AM. Reason: accidently spelt quest as chest

  3. #3
    Community Member DaDolo's Avatar
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    Default Bag?

    Thanks for the quest info. So it does not drop in a chest?
    ~ Cannith ~ Returning after 5 years! Send me a tell in game if you remember me

    ~ Doloser ~ Dolosus ~ Mirificus ~ Doloo ~

  4. #4
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    The Eardweller doesn't drop inside the chest. There's a small bug called a Landwalker that runs across the floor, usually spawning near the clam chest, that you must kill. Firewall or Bladebarrier near and around the chest before opening the chest will most likely kill it, turning the bug into a treasure bag that contains the eardweller. It drops out in the open where anyone can grab it.

  5. #5
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    Also only one person can grab it. And on elite it is the same % chance to drop, it just gets rolled twice. This does increase the droprate, but also means 2 can spawn.
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  6. #6
    Community Member TEcarson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oradafu View Post
    4) The Dreaming Dark is probably the best place to farm for the Eardweller. The Landwalker appears where the optional chest near the beginning of the chest. Probably the fastest and easiest way to farm for the item is this chest.
    Farmed my two (one for Wiz and one for FvS) in DD - on elite. Four runs for the first and 6 for the second.

    Have never seen it drop in the others...but that is just me.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?
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    That tears it. I need to get a donkey.

  7. #7
    Community Member SemiraLynn's Avatar
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    Definitely run Dreaming Dark on elite. It spawns very frequently there.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Roderickus's Avatar
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    I got mine from Dreaming Dark elite runs. If ur a Wiz definetly run that because of knock (probably the quickest way to get it). DC on those doors is quite high thou for knock spell, but if u have about 42 intel u should be able to open them.

    I think the DC on doors is 35 so:
    16 (from intel) + 1d20 = If u roll 19 or 20 ur good.

    If not well... get a friend with knock or a rogue cause I'v run Eye of the Titan 41 times and only saw it maybe twice. Then I ran Dreaming Dark optional exactly 9 times, it finally dropped.

  9. #9
    Community Member Puppetian's Avatar
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    Dreaming dark indeed seems to be the best bet, both in terms of speed and drop rate. That being said it took me 40+ runs to get mine and I've never seen it spawn anywhere else.

    Good luck!
    Silvercypher - Ahril - Silverslash

  10. #10
    Community Member Spoprockel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roderickus View Post
    I got mine from Dreaming Dark elite runs. If ur a Wiz definetly run that because of knock (probably the quickest way to get it). DC on those doors is quite high thou for knock spell, but if u have about 42 intel u should be able to open them.

    I think the DC on doors is 35 so:
    16 (from intel) + 1d20 = If u roll 19 or 20 ur good.

    If not well... get a friend with knock or a rogue cause I'v run Eye of the Titan 41 times and only saw it maybe twice. Then I ran Dreaming Dark optional exactly 9 times, it finally dropped.
    The DC on the doors is around 60-65 (tested on my rogue) on elite difficulty, so you'll need someone with open lock.

    The knock spell can't get that high.

  11. #11
    Community Member Puppetian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoprockel View Post
    The DC on the doors is around 60-65 (tested on my rogue) on elite difficulty, so you'll need someone with open lock.

    The knock spell can't get that high.
    Or you can just grab the keys, it's only 2 more waves to fight off.
    Silvercypher - Ahril - Silverslash

  12. #12
    Community Member gavijal's Avatar
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    Eye of the Titan - elite - got 2 in about 50 runs

  13. #13
    Community Member SickCat's Avatar
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    Default Fwiw

    Just went into Dreaming Dark and popped a door using Knock...rolled a 19 (+38). PM Wizzy. Haven't rolled an 18 yet to see if that fails or not.

    EDIT: OH, on elite.

    EDIT: 18 (+38) Success

    EDIT: 17 (+38) Failure

    EDIT: Eardweller obtained, 2nd run
    Last edited by SickCat; 01-24-2012 at 11:23 AM.
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  14. #14
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoprockel View Post
    The DC on the doors is around 60-65 (tested on my rogue) on elite difficulty, so you'll need someone with open lock.

    The knock spell can't get that high.
    Pretty sure it's 55. Knock can get that with decent gear, I've done it.

  15. #15
    Community Member Spoprockel's Avatar
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    Hmm, either my data is outdated or i failed my memory roll by 10...

    Thanks for the correction.

  16. #16
    Community Member Ginarrbrik's Avatar
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    Default just solo Titan

    If you wanna get an eardweller, you're best chance is to run Eye of the Titan on elite. Solo it if you can. It's not that hard to solo, and of course, if it drops, it's all yours! Here's the drop rate breakdown: 0% on Normal, 2.5% on Hard, 5% on Elite. So as you can see, it's really not that bad if you are able to solo it on elite. The dweller pops out of a clam in the final boss room. After you kill The Dreamwatcher, put up any AoE spells you can (like blade barrier, firewall, etc.) to catch the dweller if he happens to show up. Cause if he does, you basically have to kill him and if you surround the clam with AoE's, this will automatically do that. If you're lucky enough for it to drop, you'll hear a little "skittering" noise and in your combat log, you'll read, "You killed Xachosian Eardweller." Then look around the clam and you'll see a Treasure Bag. Inside lies your hard-earned dweller. So if you just spend a whole day or so farming it out, you'll definitely get one. It just takes a little perseverance. I got mine on my 28th run. Granted, the first several of those were on Hard. Then I got another one for my guildie exactly 20 runs later. (the math works out perfectly... 5%). I just held the instance for him until he was able to come and pick it up. Anyway, soloing is the way to go. Otherwise, you'll probably have to roll for it or whatever. As a cleric with patience, I just put up Symbols of Death, kited them through until they were sufficiently negged, and then I imploded them. While I was waiting for the cooldown timers to wear off, I just put up a blade barrier and kited them through that. And be sure to carry plenty of curse pots on you, or bring a hireling. Then just kite the boss through a bunch of blade barriers (ignoring the trash) and dot him up. It takes a little practice and a lot of time and effort, but don't get discouraged - the dweller is well worth it. Good luck!

  17. #17
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    Wall of text above is mistaken; Dreaming Dark is by far the quickest/easiest way to farm eardwellers as long as you have someone to pick or knock the doors. Even if you don't, it's not so bad if you have decent platforming skills to grab the keys.

  18. #18
    Community Member Absolute-Omniscience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdr View Post
    Wall of text above is mistaken; Dreaming Dark is by far the quickest/easiest way to farm eardwellers as long as you have someone to pick or knock the doors. Even if you don't, it's not so bad if you have decent platforming skills to grab the keys.
    This. The spawn rate is about 5-10%, and each run takes about 3-5 minutes if you have to jump for keys, about 2 minutes if you don't. It goes really fast and just dedicate an hour and two and you are sure to get one.
    EU player since release, US player since the summer of 2009.

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