Please, pretty please with extra sugar on top. it would cut the annoyance factor down a great deal.
Please, pretty please with extra sugar on top. it would cut the annoyance factor down a great deal.
Yes, oh god yes. Either this or let us grab em all with one click on the ship (although, making em last 24 hours or so would be much easier to code)
I would favor this even at risk of an increased amenities cost.
Community Member
The problem isn't really the ship buffs!
It's the people that MUST have these that join later in the group.
There is no problem with their durations, or the amount of time it takes to get them.
If you join a pug and it's 90% full, forego the buffs. Cast them yourself, use some pots, or just go without. It is rude to make others wait.
If it's 1/2 empty, go refresh your buffs NOW, before it's time to hit the quest.
<-Curelite Bottling Company->
Originally Posted by Chilldude
/signed to infinity
Order of the Silver Dragons||Argonessen
Theologians don't know nothin' about my soul.
Hell, even for extra TP or a higher level guild.
I second (or third?) the idea that making guild buffs last a lot longer is the simplest way of effecting this really straightforward but extremely game experience enhancing change.
I think the durations should be dropped to 30 min but any toons in the guild should automatically get all of the ship buffs when you enter an instance.
Any toons who want "guest" buffs should still have to run the ship circuit.
The exception should be the XP buff which really should just be permanent for guild members.
In my experience, it has nothing to do with raiding and filling groups. Leveling is where the duration gets most annoying. But, that's also where the buffs are most OP (capped characters getting ship buffs is nice but not all that important; leveling toons, especially at the low levels, take massive advantage of the buffs). I hate slowing down the xp train just to go get my buffs back, which is more important than ever when running everything on elite.
signed like crazy.
Anything to get rid of 6th/12th man "brt buffs."
I like the idea... however, with one amendment. That long duration ONLY applies to guild members of that ship. Those are the people that earned it, that are part of the prestige that helped to get it there.
I am of two minds on this but leaning more towards yes
Beware the Sleepeater
I can't stand ship buffs at all but every one of the above would be a great improvement. I'd only amend the third point that the xp buff can *only* apply to guild members, not guests. I speculate that right there would likely cut down 80% of the "what level ship" and "ship inv please" time wasting.
Guild buffs should be removed from the ship and put into House K with the guild vendors. Once your guild hits a certain level, you go talk to a single vendor, who gives you all the buffs earned by your guild up to that point. And they last until you die or log.
The problem is that the process of getting buffs is a nuisance. It does not increase challenge, it is not interesting. A game should not have unnecessary nuisances. That it gives people an opportunity to be rude is a separate issue.
There is no end to the suggestions that would be dramatically, unarguably better than the current implementation. It is an indictment of the executive focus of the developers that the implementation hasn't been changed.
But why have a ship then? This is a serious question. If Turbine made the buffs last til log out, they might as well just make them auto buffs you get as soon as you log on, and find something else to do with the ship--something cooler.
The ship buff people are annoying, but boy, they learn fast not to get them when you finish a quest before they even get there. On my 16 TR right now running elites, and we just go quest to quest and pick up pugs as we go, but we make it clear that if they stop or recall for buffs, we are not slowing our pace one bit.
Also raids, we constantly have to say get your buffs now, and do kick people who are early to hit the LFM but then do the ship buff thing. Can't tell you how many people we've locked out of Shroud and Reaver.
Perhaps if the DC issues were fixed it wouldn't be so bad as well.
Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels
The ship can still be where the various amenities have to exist, to continue the reasonably sensible trend of limiting the # of buffs you can have on any given ship. All that has to change is physically walking up to and interacting with each individual buffing amenity.
The process of buying/renewing amenities is another glaring example of nuisance implementations, but that is a side point.
Ad. OP
/Signed for 6h, till death or log off ;-)
This are gold words, the problem is that some solutions in the game just take time when they do not provide any challenge, nor are any particulary interesting, not even provide balancing. Just wasting the time. And short term global buffs are one of this.
Similar issue is with toolbaring arrows from quivers, if u r real pro u will click them from the open quilver panel. :-) But then there is no reason to justify lack of toolbaring arrows from quivers, it look that way since coders dont have time to code that.
In the same way there is no reason to make it difficult to pick up ship buffs. And saying that ppl just should ignore them does not solve problem. If ships was implemented then using them should be easy. If some aspect of the game do not work well, should be fixed not ignored "we dont need it anyway, if so then why to waste the time to introduce it in the 1st place?
BTW: If we start talking about ship buffs term of use, i also support the option to pick axer package from teh 1st mate. Simply getting all the buffs with single click. Running around ship and clicking amethyses is not really cool.
Last edited by licho; 01-23-2012 at 09:29 PM.
It's a **** nuisance having to get off my ship to go run quests!
I should be able to get my loot and exp handed to me when I click a box!
Enough of this useless wandering around! Just give me what I want already!
In case you didn't catch on:means I'm being caustically sarcastic, if not viciously so.
There will ALWAYS be things some people don't like in any MMO.
The only way you get everything you want is to make your own the way you want it to be made.