Hiya, I currently have a lvl 20 fvs elf. I want to respec her into a pure healer. Main focus being heals then spell points then keeping myself alive(just talking hp here) I don't care about fighting at all myself. I have access 32 pt builds and +2 tomes. So any1 out there with a Pure healer spec pls give advice on feats, eguipment ,stats and enhancements. I have items from amrath that have potancy 6 and spell pts 175(double for fvs I think) and the ring of telis and a couple other healer items. I'm not new at the game by any means but I have never went strickly heals b4. For instance on this toon I took heighten instaed of quicken. Also took spell pen instead of something that would help my sp(mental toughness maybe). So any advice on my overhaul?