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  1. #41
    Community Member Bakarne's Avatar
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    First of all, I have very little interest in crafting anything from LoB, so congrats I guess on the completion, but I'm not really sure you should be all that proud of the 100+ min duration & 50 deaths.

    When Caffeine completed this in 70+ minutes, my first reaction was "what is taking them so long?" Mahmood had to slam 39 pots, and I can't imagine the amount of extra resources needed to draw that out for 30+ more minutes, which requires weathering several more extra combinations of LoB specials (more opportunites for things to go haywire). Clearly, the tactics used for both Sarlona guilds are not optimal, which Sergod is less than eloquently pointing out.

    There are videos for 20-30 minute completions on other servers, and though some of the people in those runs have 45+ DCs for Conjuration and Necromancy, I imagine there are things to be learned from those videos that can cut your completion times by 33-50%.

    If I recall correctly, a guild even completed epic on the first day of release, so Sarlona isn't really that special, or maybe to the contrary, we really are Super Special Server Sarlona.
    Last edited by Bakarne; 01-25-2012 at 01:39 PM.
    Collecting Holy Aura Scrolls - Please mail to Surare, or the cursed Illithids will eat my brains.

  2. #42
    Community Member Healsavant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by totabc View Post
    Yes it did say: '
    the party or faction with the majority vote: The Democratic party is the majority.'

    Now if you took the time to acutaly read, and comprehend as Sergod said you'd realise that is not a definition more so a example a word cannont be defined with the same word.

    So correct me if im wrong but I dont think the world revolves around you and meanings of words arnt going to change just because you say so, so the definition stays the same.
    the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total'
    ok since we are talking about it being a guild run...and friends...ill try to help you comprehend yet again...THE NUMBER LARGER THAN HALF THE TOTAL, Gravis had 6, My guild had 1, caffeine had 1,another guild had 1, another guild had 1, another guild had 1, another guild had 1 and that my friend mean Gravis had the majority of players in the group....You have painted yourself as an idiot, and i gotta say it isnt a pretty sure 99 percent of the people who take the time to read this will agree with my interpretation
    Ratthlin,Rathlin,Ratlin, Healsavant
    Englorious Basteurds

  3. #43
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bakarne View Post
    If I recall correctly, a guild even completed epic on the first day of release, so Sarlona isn't really that special, or maybe to the contrary, we really are Super Special Server Sarlona.
    To be fair, those people had plenty of practice on Lamannia and likely even Mournlands. That doesn't excuse Sarlona for not doing the same thing, though.

  4. #44
    Community Member djl's Avatar
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    Gravis has been trying for a while to complete ELOB and finally completed it. Regardless of how long it took them and regardless of how many people in the group were actually from the guild sponsoring the raid, it is still a major achievement. So if you can't say anything nice, keep your put-downs to yourself.
    Last edited by IWZincedge; 01-25-2012 at 07:38 PM.

  5. #45
    Community Member Mangloid's Avatar
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    Grats to Gravis. Haters gonna hate. I think some people are just upset because they have not managed to break that hump yet. It will come, and sarlona will be better for it. They just need a little patience.

    I would like to point out some wrong statements though
    Quote Originally Posted by Bakarne View Post
    When Caffeine completed this in 70+ minutes, my first reaction was "what is taking them so long?"
    Hmm taking so long? with the new posted runs by other servers, yes this is a long time. However, at the time that the run was complete and posted....well, it was the fastest initial run completed that was posted. I'm not saying other severs weren't already doing it faster by then, so don't twist what i typed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bakarne View Post
    Mahmood had to slam 39 pots,
    We all know that uncle mah likes to drink pots, but this is not correct. for the posted completion he did not drink that many. He did drink that many on another separate run that was much later where the main tank was quite drunk, but definitely not that many on the first completion. Also pot usage and resource usage has greatly decreased since that initial run. I'd also like to point out that while Uncle Mah does have a phenomenal build, it's not really a healing build. Can he heal, yes. Can he do it well, yes. But even he admits that with how he's set up that he's not comfortable without other healers along. so, to quote usage from his build alone isn't exactly the standard. You should be quoting usage from Sissy or Aussie if you want to make a true argument about pot usage by healers. ~just sayin

    Quote Originally Posted by Bakarne View Post
    Clearly, the tactics used for both Sarlona guilds are not optimal,
    Maybe they aren't, but they ARE completions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bakarne View Post
    If I recall correctly, a guild even completed epic on the first day of release, so Sarlona isn't really that special, or maybe to the contrary, we really are Super Special Server Sarlona.
    I don't think anyone claims to be special. It's an accomplishment by the guild or collective group of people. They are proud of it. Not everyone's done it on the sever. I say they should be proud.
    Last edited by Mangloid; 01-25-2012 at 04:12 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper View Post
    Hi welcome!

    (I wonder if I'll get banned for this?)

  6. #46
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    Gratz guys, well done. Now that I'm back from friggin Business travels, I got the chance to actually read everything.

    Keep 'em coming.
    Sarlona: Riyana | Ilyrae | Elaeria | Arlayh | Aryis | Lyanis | Yaera | Kyilsi | Malitae | Niariel | Laeriya
    'Polluting Sarlona with gimpy elves since 2009.'

  7. 01-25-2012, 04:49 PM


  8. #47
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    * First and Foremost - Grats to Gravis Negotium, your Aerenal upbringing shines yet again.

    * # of Completion? Screenshot or it never happened and no matter what the haters and trolls and clowns say, let Gravis have their day. If Grinder or whomever "say they did it and you can ask x, y or z.... it's all BS and your claim of Humility has just cost you bragging rights........

    * Resources used too many for you? Then don't run it and zip it, I remember when we had to chug pots to research & complete the Reaver Raid..... now (even after Raid-Boss Buffs) it's still a loot run.

    * Guild Run & Majority: Can't recall who (and it doesnt really matter) gave a definition of Majority, but maybe a lesson should be had once he/she gets their Foot out of their Mouth.... MAJORITY in a group of 12 is subject to interpretation...and ABSOLUTE MAJORITY is what your Foot was trying to tell you describe.....

    Pull - Pull and once it's out you can breath and send some Oxygen to your brain.

    Hope you clipped your Toenails.


    "Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
    Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya

  9. #48
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    Default Hello peps

    This is in response to the ELOB completion.Well i have almost 60+ completions on lob norm and after alot of patience and hard work by gravis and GN friends.With that said my intent on formin these elob groups was to complete the hardest raid in the game on the hardest difficulty so we acheived our goal.I wasnt tryin to compete with any guilds on our server and wasnt tryin to out do other servers. Well inresponse to our tank Helasavant is the best lob tank ive ever seen in the mass amount of times ive done it.And about being not in our guild, well if u are friends with us u got our channel therefore in our eyes a guild mate.Our guild is small and we want it that way but through our channel we can have a big guild without taking a guild renown hit.We treat our friends like guild they dont need our guild tag.Also for a noob who says that its garbage for a wiz is badly mistaken.With the right gear u increase ur dps spells by 3 die steps and ur spell pen by 6 sooo just sayin.But was a group effort everyone doin their job.I wish the best for guilds who try it and the reward is great.Time will improve as well as other things not competing just tryin to have fun with our friends.So if ur hatin ur hatin on urself but i wish u the best.


  10. #49
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    Default EPIC LOB completion

    I want to say thanks for all the positive comments all the others can keep hatin. Healsavant did a great job tanking. Takes a team effort.
    Last edited by sweet411; 01-25-2012 at 06:06 PM.

  11. #50
    Community Member totabc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Healsavant View Post
    ok since we are talking about it being a guild run...and friends...ill try to help you comprehend yet again...THE NUMBER LARGER THAN HALF THE TOTAL, Gravis had 6, My guild had 1, caffeine had 1,another guild had 1, another guild had 1, another guild had 1, another guild had 1 and that my friend mean Gravis had the majority of players in the group....You have painted yourself as an idiot, and i gotta say it isnt a pretty sure 99 percent of the people who take the time to read this will agree with my interpretation
    number larger then HALF the total. 12 divided by 2 is 6 (half the total) 6 is not larger than 6... (6 = 6) therefore 7+ would be the majority.
    Last edited by totabc; 01-25-2012 at 06:37 PM.
    Iplaye (20 - Bard) Alinosa (20 - Barb)

  12. #51
    Community Member Taimasan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by totabc View Post
    number larger then HALF the total. 12 divided by 2 is 6 (half the total) 6 is not larger than 6... (6 = 6) therefore 7+ would be the majority.
    Your missing the point, the point is off the sample sizes given. GN represented the one with the majority of the members within the groups therein.

  13. 01-25-2012, 06:58 PM


  14. #52
    Community Member totabc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taimasan View Post
    Your missing the point, the point is off the sample sizes given. GN represented the one with the majority of the members within the groups therein.
    ok heres how it is 6 are in guild 6 (gravis) 6 are not in the same guild (pugs or friends of gravis) therefore no i am not missing the point. if your talking which guild had the most amount of player from their guild in group gravis did. but i am talking about the group in general 6 people out of 12 have 1 thing in common they are in gravis, the other 6 are friends of gravis.

    and no saying "if your talking which guild had the most amount of player from their guild in group gravis did." is not contradicting myself because having most of the players in the same guild (again still 6/12) is not 7+ so still not majority.

    Anyways, i feel no need to fuel this thread anymore, either people will understand or stay in the mindset "I'm always right." either way im done wasting time moar ddo.
    Last edited by totabc; 01-25-2012 at 07:41 PM.
    Iplaye (20 - Bard) Alinosa (20 - Barb)

  15. #53
    Moderation Team IWZincedge's Avatar
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    As you may have noticed, this thread has recently lost a bit of volume. So, please everybody pipe down a bit, if you want to keep it open.

  16. 01-25-2012, 09:10 PM


  17. #54
    Community Member Arshan's Avatar
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    I totally admit i'm a bit jealous that we are scratching the 30-40 minutes completion and that we pathetically fail at quoris kiting at almost each of our attempts ^^ But i know you have a lot of tries behind you, thus prolly more experience, and i'm sure we should share some Sarlonian awesome tactics (hurm, ya i was sarcastic) to make it happen, faster and smoother for you, and completed with advices on quoris for us
    Tarnesh(GateauFRANCIS, Life 10/10+) / Thazok(GateauTUNES, Life 5/4) / Thaerom(GateauHJEALS, Life 3/3)
    Iccir's Badger Minsc and Boo approve this build

  18. #55
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    Default eLoB completion

    For the people who don't think it was an accomplishment, I respectfully disagree.

    For the people who congratulated us, thank you.

    For the people who want to debate the difference between majority and plurality, why bother?

    To warlockxx who organized the raid and all the attempts leading up to it. (and put up with my questioning every strategy - even my own) A double thank you - he made this happen.

    To the five of my guildies who ran this with me, I look forward to more completions.

    To the GNFriend members who joined us, ditto. You are always welcome in our social channel, groups, and raids.

    To the new acquaintences who joined us, you are welcome to run with us again.

    I for one am proud of the accomplishment. And would thank everyone individually (e.g. Healsavant for tanking, Sweetthang for kiting dogs, etc.) but the thread and this post is already too long.
    Last edited by lastseer; 01-26-2012 at 01:24 PM.
    Sarlona: Lyraa and Bazer

  19. #56
    Community Member totabc's Avatar
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    I've been talking to a friend of mine in grinder, Elhaymt (which happens to be the leader) and he says that grinder has completed and in 36minutes iirc. From what he told me when I ask why some of his guildies are saying no is because they are trying to cover it (they dont want pugs begging them to bring them along) which i can completely understand.
    Iplaye (20 - Bard) Alinosa (20 - Barb)

  20. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by totabc View Post
    I've been talking to a friend of mine in grinder, Elhaymt (which happens to be the leader) and he says that grinder has completed and in 36minutes iirc. From what he told me when I ask why some of his guildies are saying no is because they are trying to cover it (they dont want pugs begging them to bring them along) which i can completely understand.
    And now everyone knows.

  21. 01-27-2012, 01:33 PM


  22. #58
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by totabc View Post
    I've been talking to a friend of mine in grinder, Elhaymt (which happens to be the leader) and he says that grinder has completed and in 36minutes iirc. From what he told me when I ask why some of his guildies are saying no is because they are trying to cover it (they dont want pugs begging them to bring them along) which i can completely understand.
    ................If I couldn't backup my claim I'd state something of that sort too.

    Screenshot or it never happened.

    "Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
    Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya

  23. #59
    Community Member iraiqat316's Avatar
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    Red face Congratz

    Awesome job on the Big Tamale!

    --Uncle Mahmood

  24. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dexxaan View Post
    ................If I couldn't backup my claim I'd state something of that sort too.

    Screenshot or it never happened.

    You really don't get how GRINDER works do you? If you're not friends with them or part of their guild they don't give a **** about you or what you think. They're the definition of tight knit. They're also probably the most honorable and nicest people I've met in DDO. I'll be sure to let them know they're also apparently liars now.

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