Your best post ever.
I remember being in my single digits sneaking a flashlight and the Players Handbook, Monster Manual and eventually Dieties and Demigods under the covers, pretending to be asleep, but all the while memorizing every spell, picture and word in those books. Some giants had 25 strength, TWENTY FIVE?! That's like.... way better than 18/00.
Athlete and part time bully during the week, undercover nerd on the weekends with those four-eyed kids from down the street that went to private school, running D&D campaigns until the wee hours. Some things never change...
Can't wait for this expansion. Way to step it up Turbine.
Guilds: Prophets of the New Republic & Revenents Khyber
Active: Clean 18barb/2ftr Cleen 20arti Kleaner 20monk Darkstaar Dark Knight Psyborg 20sorc Warrwitch 20wiz Roque 19rog/1mnk Killeric 18fvs/2monk AA Duality Helves Angel
Builds: Helves Angel Hurtlocker Dark Knight Riddle of Steel
I don't mind the campaign setting crossing especially since devs confirmed they will be developing content for both settings now. I can't wait for this summer. Campaign setting crossovers are big parts of D&D's history, Spelljammer and Planescape especially. And some of my favorite times playing pen and paper have involved traveling the planes to other settings. Traveling the Planes is usually a major part in Epic campaigns so makes sense for DDO to do it.
This isn't the first DDO campaign setting crossover either. We have a Mindflayer from Spelljammer navigating the higher level guild Airships and there's probably a lot more easter eggs as well.
If done right there could be some interesting concepts to explore. I really want to see how Lolth, Vulkoor and their Drow worshipers interact for example. The civilized Dragons of Eberron and the usually lone dragons of the forgotten realms interacting would be interesting. Would the Argonessians welcome them or wipe them from the planes? The Underdark and Khyber interacting has a lot of potential as well.
Last edited by Vengeance777; 01-21-2012 at 03:03 AM.
Server: Orien
Guild: Over Raided
Toons: Phasma - Swashbuckler ; Ceroni - Acrobat ; Selina Air Savant ; Cachin - Artificer
This is box that I popped my D&D cherry on...
Think I was 9 or 10 at the time, good times...
1) "Quijenoth" Main Arcane Caster, 2life PM, 3life BrdTR, 4life FvS.
2) "Vallaes" Melee Tank build, 2nd life Barbarian.
3) "Elvraema" Experiments, 1-Mnk6/FvS14 Solo build. 2-"Dronker"
All Hail Lolth!
You say that now...
Then when the expansion comes out, you'll all be knocking down her doors to get a piece of her and steal her valuable loot. Which reminds me... I'm really excited to see what kind of loot will come out of these epic quest. It makes me all giggly inside. ^-^
Then it makes me sad because I'll probably be going without water for a month because I have to pay for the expansion instead of my water bill... Let the nerdy basement good times begin. No body open my basement door. It will smell like a bunch of dead Driders down there.
I'm really hoping that we get a shot at Tiamat at some point... I mean come on badass Dragon God with a temper
ps: I also hope that we'll be able to bring sub 20s into FR. I haven't been playing in the upper levels in some time started new characters on a new server (or 3) and been soloing slowly since. I only play once in a while now and on my new home of Orien the highest I have is 11... of course I have 19 characters on Orien and try to spread my time around among them.
Last edited by Aesop; 01-21-2012 at 04:20 PM.
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig
I just hope I dont ever run into Drizzt, or Elminster. been doing that all the time since at least the BG series of computer games, and its not much fun any more!
No longer reading the Forums.
it sucks to be who??????
yay for the dmg.
The Office of the Exchequer. 1750 on all live servers via Pure pugging. Thank you very much to all who helped carry a gimp . (wayfinder was a soloist build)
Unearthed Arcana? I bought that out of early nostalgia as I was no longer playing much AD&D.
New Classes:
Barbarian. Plays poorly with others. Won't play at all with magic users, eventually (I think level 2) tolerates *clerics*. Think about it. Barbarian. won't party with clerics.
Cavalier. I liked this one, and played one after it came out in the Dragon. Still, won't fight tactically with others (one rule you *know* will only be followed by accident). Overpowered (compared to fighters, nobody talked about "balance" in AD&D except player/monster balance). Try sneaking in a 18/73 strength in on a DM who doesn't know it is going to be 18/00 by level 4.
There were other rules, but it seemed pretty pointless. I'm sure there were plenty of munchkins excited about the possibility of +6 weapons instead of +5 (wait, I ground for those cove cutlasses to, didn't I?). Most of the book was a reprint of Dragon articles. This was pretty bad considering you could get just about everything in it, much more stuff, (including a lot of how stuff was published before making its way into the DMG) by buying the Best of the Dragon #1,2,3,4(more?) for roughly the same price.
I would much like to see something along the likes of that as well, Eberron may have much left to explore, but I am hoping for some cross planes Conflicts, Enemies uniting for a common goal against the hero's of DDO, Or even Vulkoor's and his drow, conflicting with Lolth and her drow. Maybe the Daelkyr seeing these strange new paths to new realms as a chance to escape khyber and rule over new land *Seeing We left a bad taste is poor ole Belashyrra's mouth *
Thelanis: Larzen
Guild: Leader of The Hatchery
All I have to say is....
As I sat with the wife watching the game, I said "Kick? Are they crazy? I hate single elimination games where they play for a tie ... win or go home. If you go for the win and fail, you're gutsy. If the flip happens and you fail to tie, you're a goat. That's a ton of pressure on a kicker."
It's like I'm a prophet.
I wonder if there's a hotel room somewhere with a kicker in it with a Tebow stance....
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane