I have just gotten the new amd 7970 also. But I only run 1920x1080 , on a Asus monitor. I run my card max out "oc", and I run the game on ultra settings, but I only get 60 fps. Could you give me some tips on how you get 80+ fps.
I have just gotten the new amd 7970 also. But I only run 1920x1080 , on a Asus monitor. I run my card max out "oc", and I run the game on ultra settings, but I only get 60 fps. Could you give me some tips on how you get 80+ fps.
I'd love to see other views similar to this one.
Actually, I think it'd be pretty cool to have a wallpaper that was five or six of those stacked on top of the other.
-Classic DDO
House J
House K
House D
House P
-The Devil Invasion
Marketplace, Chronoscope style
Amrath Explorer
Vale of Twilight from the highest point/perch/whatever explorer
Subterrane, by VoD
ToD Throne Room
It makes me wonder if there's a way to do that in high enough detail, and at appropriate dimensions, to make the wallpaper unique and interesting.
Do you have Vsync turn on in the Options for graphics? That syncs your FPS to your monitors refresh rate (usually 60). I have the same monitor probably (the Asus 27" one) and a 7970 as well. If I turn off the Vsync, FPS's jump waaaay up to 150-200. But I prefer Vysnc on as it create a much smooth game experience.
Last edited by Drwaz99; 03-02-2012 at 06:32 PM.
I have been away for a bit over a year, but with the new update in Faerun I am looking at getting back into it. Family and such has made it hard over the last year, but the kids are getting bigger and I am hoping to have a little more game time. Anyway. I recently built an eyefinity 3 machine with a new 7900 card as well and was curious how good the support for it was in DDO. Is it buggy or does everything display well, how is the FOV? Any insight would be helpful!
People use to know me as Gilbatorix or Ulugar on Sarlona.
"You mean if I jump from the battlements and roll a 20 Ill do 3 times the damage!!!!"
Holy flurking shmitt, that...is..awesome!!!![]()
Hello, hope all is well. And if it isn't, sorry about that.
Have you tried Portrait mode for more hight and less width ? I would think better immersion, with less head/neck movement.
You might want to look into TrackIR for head tracking. It works very nice for flight sims.
Very nice Rig....still drooling
um....wondering something odd here.
I have two monitors.
was wondering if I could use one to view what is behind me while playing?
Cannon fodder build The Stalwart Defender, Raid Tank
Worst Shroud PUG EVER!!!!!! Epic Fail (started 1/13/10, necro'd 3/9/10, 4/20/10, raised dead 3/ 9/11, necro'd 4/9/11, 5/28/11, fame petition necro 8/5/11, necro'd 9/30/11, KIA 10/3/11, True reincarnated famed (by cleric Cordovan) 10/4/11,
Caster heaven!
"Hikari datte, yami datte, kitto"
Into light, into darkness, surely.
No bugs that I could see. Pretty sexy right out of the box... Star Wars The Old Republic looks nice too...
That TrackIR is freakin Awesome! not sure how it would work with a multi monitor setup but thinking of giving it a try...
Ask BendOver, he knows about things from behind![]()
.: Reaper :.
Kongo - TR | Brolik - Warforged Ranger | Bonemender - Clerimonk | Torqata - Warforged Sorcerer | Fresco - Tempest III UMD | Ognok - Intimi Guard Tank
How does the monitor edges affect the immersion, wouldn't the inch or more at the sides of each monitor leave blank spaces or did I miss something?
At first it is very annoying and distracting and you will focus on and be aware of the bezels. Kind of like the first time you wear eyeglasses. But then you get pulled into the game and you stop noticing the bezels; they vanish and your left with this incedible immersion in the game. The overall experience becomes rather aweseome...
.: Reaper :.
Kongo - TR | Brolik - Warforged Ranger | Bonemender - Clerimonk | Torqata - Warforged Sorcerer | Fresco - Tempest III UMD | Ognok - Intimi Guard Tank
It also depends of the size of the bezels.
I have a 4cm interruption between my two displays ( 2 bezels side by side ) once you get used to it, it disappear from your mind.
The really important thing is to have the same screens if you go dual screening. Not same resolution, same screens.
Before my current setup I had two different screens ( with the same resolution ) and as the bezel colors weren't the same it was really noticeable and annoying. ( as the color change will attrack your eyes when you go from a screen to the other )
I won't even go into screens with different resolution, because that's not a workable solution for dual/triple screening in games like DDO. ( though it works well at work, one screen with the mails the other one with whatever you're doing at that time )
On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...
Roman, I was so in love with what you did I researched and purchased 3 monitors (much smaller, 23" monitors) and have the full screen setup. It is an odd sensation running around with things surrounding you. Like you said, very immersive with 3 23" monitors; I can only imagine 3 30" monsters!
I am running at 5760 x 1080 and have only been able to run in full screen mode. Just curious if you have tried running in a windowed mode and have you been successful.
Anyway, great post. You are an inspiration to gaming geeks everywhere.
I actually play on my 105" plasma with full amenity Captain's Chair with recline and tray. It's cool.
Or maybe that's just my fantasy and I play on a laptop with a meh graphics card and a Microsoft mouse. sigh. Reality sux.
As mentioned I too volunteer to look after your rig.
Sweet pic! SS some moar wide shots of different areas!
Hopefully you have those hotbars hotkeyed or at least a ton of real state for the mouse to work you way over, lol.
Looks sick.
Using a 46" 1920x1080 LED TV. 3D is kinda cool in this came but limited down to 24 fps because of hdmi 1.4 tech limitations.