Just posting for fun...
Screenshot at 7680x1600 resolution. 80+ fps on ultra settings with Radeon 7970. Of course, now that I have a fun rig to play on, I have no time to play.
Just posting for fun...
Screenshot at 7680x1600 resolution. 80+ fps on ultra settings with Radeon 7970. Of course, now that I have a fun rig to play on, I have no time to play.
.: Reaper :.
Kongo - TR | Brolik - Warforged Ranger | Bonemender - Clerimonk | Torqata - Warforged Sorcerer | Fresco - Tempest III UMD | Ognok - Intimi Guard Tank
That looks awesome... Now you need a collar that pans your camera to the right and left as you turn your head
Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier
You are sadly lacking in the number of hotbars you have up.
If you have no time to play, you could always send them to Salisbury,UK, where I will look after it until you do have some time. Drool. Nice one
Willibold,Hesteban,Tooflower,Commabayou,Skummspawn ,Machiavehlli,,and Dramoh.
Look out for them in-game.Tyrs Paladium on the big G ftw
I wanted to say something snarky...but that does look really cool!
Oh I got something...
In that resolution, you can't play Halflings...you would not be able to see them.
Thats the best I can do atm...
"Hireling" and "Hjealer"
Member of THACO on Ghallanda
That is awesome.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Might need to do that if I add anymore freaking hotbars!
So sad. I can only have about 4 toolbars on my screen. Even with two they almost overlap when side-by-side. I had to squint to even see your bars.
Laptop woes.
Get an XBox Kinect unit and download the Windows SDK for it. Make your own sensor for gaze following.
Microsuck is making a Windows version shortly, so you can just wait it out also.
To hunt beside a brother is the best of times.
.: Reaper :.
Kongo - TR | Brolik - Warforged Ranger | Bonemender - Clerimonk | Torqata - Warforged Sorcerer | Fresco - Tempest III UMD | Ognok - Intimi Guard Tank
With 3x30" monitors you will have complete immersion. beyond what your peripheral vision can see. It's almost too much, you actually need to turn your head to fully see the sides. For gaming I think 3x27" would be better. Less resolution to drive and not as overwhelming.
I use an AMD card and they call their technology eyefinity. The 7970 is the first single card to be able to drive 3 monitors. Before this you had to have at least two GPU's. When setup through the cards driver the 3 screens appear as a single high resolution monitor to all software that can support non-standard resolutions.
Many games do support this multi monitor tech, but not all. And a game may support one platform, but not another. For example, Alice: Madness Returns works fine with nVidia Surround but does not support AMD Eyefinity. Skyrim also has no official support for either, but there is a work around to make it work. I've not tried it yet, but I hear it looks phenominal.
There was a free 3rd party app at one time that would allow you to have wide screen gaming on just about any game. But it was a single developer that created it and he was unable to maintain the updates for every game after every patch, so its no longer being supported.
There's an entire forum dedicated to gaming on these types of setups. Good luck with your setup!
.: Reaper :.
Kongo - TR | Brolik - Warforged Ranger | Bonemender - Clerimonk | Torqata - Warforged Sorcerer | Fresco - Tempest III UMD | Ognok - Intimi Guard Tank
my guess is you could have 200 some odd hotbars and still play. do it do it now.
i find myself and others saying "glad im not paying for this ****" vip from ftp beta till 10.9.2012 fix it...fix it Now!
Can u kindly refrain from posting in the minimum screen resolution thread?
Thanks Roman!
+1 for you for all the helpful information.