Man all I want to see are a few more handwraps that can go epic. Seriously you all complain about monks this monks that, but how much gear of yours can you go epic with. Monks have only a few true "monk" gear that can go epic. lets count them off. One the bracers of Jidz Tetka can go epic,......hmm untill the challenges that was it. NO wraps no armor nothing. Now they came out with the new challenge gear, but thats only two handwraps in the whole game that can go epic. The Calomel and the endless night, both of these are crafted. Why not make the vampiric stonedust handwraps go epic, or say the devotion, or eternal rest. Give us monks a few more weapons that can do the epic dmg needed. On a side note the Challenge wraps suck monkey butt. Fix them pls. I ran tempest spine three times strait and never saw a single tidal burst why?