Originally Posted by
It's not dead.
Bad laws are never dead in the usa. It WILL come back. Under another name. Slipped into some other bill we actually want. Something. Bet on it. And it will keep comming back until it passes because we're not paying attention. Why? Because money. Because our goverment is now bought and paid for by the obsolete entertainment industries. Because that's all our country really produces anymore. IP.
And i'd bet in theory that turbine and warner brothers supports this bill. Because they have not thought how or even of the possibility that it can be used aginst THEM too.
Until this site here is shut down one day because some user posted a funny picture in a thread. And the copyright owner (or anybody claiming to be them) complains. Boom. Shutdown.
When this bill passes finally i plan on claming everyone is infringing everything and getting large chunks of the internet shutdown. Sometimes you have to fight stupid with stupid. And everyone loses until we wise up.