I disagree.
The only way a fleshy artificer will get a self cast interruptable heal that WILL LAND is by taking construct essence. Throwing potions and praying they hit you too, is for the birds.
My half elf has ~500 HP. Arty is a striker class. Im not trying to tank or constantly take damage on this toon.
100% *1.2 *1.1 *1.2 *.75 heal amp for 118.8% - more than enough for a 500 HP striker class.
50% repair *1.5 *1.5 *2.0 enhanced max/emp repair off the mana bar for 225%
Scrolls: Artificer level 1. Grants a +2 to UMD checks related to scroll use, and all scrolls used by the Artificer have their caster levels increased by 1. This caster level bonus increases by 1 at Artificer levels 4, 7, 10, and 13, and is capped by the Artificer's Intelligence Bonus.
Regular heal scroll starts at 110 - artificer heal scroll starts at 150. Add 75% scroll mastery to that.
Heal scroll: 150 *1.18 *1.75 = 309.75 on a 500 HP half elf artificer.
Reconstruct spell: 150 *2.25 = 337.5 on a max empowered quickened repair when needed, on a 500 HP artificer, not interruptable.
Construct essence is not needed for a constant source of healing. Its needed for that moment where nothing other than a un-interrupt-able heal will do. WHen you are cursed in TOD or VOD and have 20% of your HP left, a fleshy without the feat has to hit a curse pot, then arm a scroll, then hit the scroll, and pray they aint getting hit for damage or else they have to beat a concentration check. All I have to do is hit the repair button, done. Then I can deal with the curse after, when I have most or all of my HP back.
Trap? I dont think so.