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  1. #1
    Community Member Such755's Avatar
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    Default A few artificers suggestoins

    I'll start from what annoys me most:
    I am not sure if this is WAI or is it a bug, but currently, when you want to shoot your rune arm you have to actualy aim at the target. Needless to say that you don't need to do that with spells or any ranged attacks, just with rune arms. It really makes the rune arm not fun to use, the energy you need to put for a single shot is not worth using it at all.
    So my first suggestion: Make run arm target like any other ranged\spell. I suggest make some of the rune arm projectiles chase the targets much like the spell Force Missile, and some just shoot in the target's direction like fireball (Target can manually avoid being hit.)

    Repeater crossbow reload: Currently, one click will fire the bolts, second click will reload it (Unless you hold the fire button, which will fire->reload->fire->repeat).
    My suggestoin: Make it automatically reload after every shot.

    Artificer prestiege enhancement:
    Currently there is only one. This isn't a big detailed suggestion, but for tier2 and 3 I would like to see improved Endless Fusillade. Maybe make it 8 seconds at tier2, 10 seconds at tier3. Also, some boots to UMD (+1 at tier 2, +2 at tier 3) and a little better save against traps.

    Score board doesn't matter a lot, but it's still a bit annoying that the kills from Flame Turrent count as Misadventure. So yeah, it's a construct, and it can be killed, but come on, I created it! It doesn't have its own will like ohter summons, it's stationary just like firewall, ice storm etc.

    To sum it up:
    #1: Rune arm target like spells\ranged, not having to actualy aim at the target.
    #2: Crossbow auto reload after each shot without having to click again.
    #3: Idea for Artificer prestiege tier2 and 3.
    #4: Flame turret kills don't count as misadventure

    Last edited by Such755; 01-17-2012 at 06:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Such755 View Post
    To sum it up:
    #1: Rune arm target like spells\ranged, not having to actualy aim at the target.
    #2: Crossbow auto reload after each shot without having to click again.
    #3: Idea for Artificer prestiege tier2 and 3.
    #1 actually, i would like that, if it would work correctly - more weapons should be aim-only
    #2 yes please
    #3 i am sure they are working on that - and it will take them only as long as other pre's

  3. #3
    Community Member DragonTroy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Such755 View Post

    To sum it up:
    #1: Rune arm target like spells\ranged, not having to actualy aim at the target.
    #2: Crossbow auto reload after each shot without having to click again.
    #3: Idea for Artificer prestiege tier2 and 3.
    1) That does make sense, should be done.
    2) They just changed it so you would have to manually reload it. It isn't that hard to do it, and it is unlikely they would change that.
    3) There has recently been a thread here in the forums started by Madfloyd(a dev) about them planning on reworking the majority of enhancements, and adding in all the prestiges that are missing. Battle engineer included.
    Quote Originally Posted by DragonTroy View Post

    at one point during the aggro issues i pulled horoth on my monk, which i admit i kind of enjoyed for about half a second. but then he hit me.

  4. #4
    Community Member Such755's Avatar
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    Bump with another thing.

  5. #5
    Hero Phoenix-daBard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Such755 View Post
    I am not sure if this is WAI or is it a bug, but currently, when you want to shoot your rune arm you have to actualy aim at the target. Needless to say that you don't need to do that with spells or any ranged attacks, just with rune arms. It really makes the rune arm not fun to use, the energy you need to put for a single shot is not worth using it at all.

    So my first suggestion: Make run arm target like any other ranged\spell. I suggest make some of the rune arm projectiles chase the targets much like the spell Force Missile, and some just shoot in the target's direction like fireball (Target can manually avoid being hit.)
    Actually my sorcers' SLAs are the same way. I just adapt for the most part.

  6. #6
    Community Member Mithis's Avatar
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    1. I agree targeting needs help.

    2. The firing and reload animations were separated from each other for a very good reason. After you fire a shot, you can immediately cast a spell or perform some other action without have to wait for the reload. Don't look for that to change.

    3. Already covered by others.

    4. I have no opinion really but if it is important to you...what the heck I'll support it...

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