Hi, I have a big problem multitasking in DDO on a relatively new machine.


Nothing is overclocked, not the CPU, not the GFX, I want the machine to last for 2 stable yrs more before I turn that on. It runs at 45 degree when idle and max 55 degrees on the CPU when DDO going full fire in raids etc. I do not monitor the GFX as I dont know how.

OS is Windows 7 64 bit as the pic shows. Everything non gamey runs smooth and fast and I only have problems with the connections when I go overboard in multiple downloads, never ever had issues "in house" with IO/s, transfer speed, response of programs etc and that was with Visual Studio 2010 and Chrome x 20 tabs running.

I monitor the CPU and memory usage using the Core Temp gadget and I have never seen the CPU over 42% usage or the memory over 60%.

The memory swap file resides on my SSD drive, as does the DDO client and Windows itself.

I run the game at 1920x1080(probably scaled as my windows bar is visible), windowed, DX9, High details, with Stencil Shadows off as it use to mess up stuff.

I run a dual monitor setup, dual 1920x1080 with Aero turned off and browser and the gadgets for clock, calender and Core Temp on the other screen along with a Chrome with 4-10 tabs on it and sometimes a Windows Task Manager.

I have checked my drivers on the main board and can't find any newer and my GFX is using Nvdias 285.62 according to their own control panels about thingy.


The problem now is that when I run the game, all runs fine, bar server lag and the odd conn problems and crashes, but when I multitask by clicking out of the DDO window it takes 10-25 secs toget Chrome or whatever other program(tested with calculator for ref) active and then 45 sec to 3 mins to get DDO active again. Often DDO just crashes when I refocus it, or at least use more than my paticience threshold of 5 min, after which I reboot as nothing reponds, not even Windows Task Manager(ctrl shift esc).

Its a pretty nice comp with a new GFX card(not SLI but DDO isnt overusing), only DDO worth mentioning runs of heavy programs and the CPUs even when setting Affinity to just allow ddoclient to use core 4-7(last 4 of 8), it still never crawls over 40% CPU and temps stay low enough at 55-60 degrees as I sadly use a box cooler for now.

I notice that when quiting the client after some hours and the initial 600-1000MB RAM it swallows crawls to sometimes 2GB I can see that cleaning up all the RAM in the Task Manager takes over 10 seconds. This seems odd for such fast RAM to do that.


Now I've suspected some things but it seems to not matter:
- Lowered details to Medium, even tried Medium at 1680x1050 and still the same appaling multitasking.
- Tried running on 1 display only and still same

If you guys need more info, then tell me how to monitor it for you and give you feedback, cause this monkey is turning in to a gorilla on my back and ruining the leasure of playing the game.

- Can it be due to windowing it in the first place? (Full screen on screen 1 is better and then alt tab to get to chrome?)
- Am I asking too much of the computer, even though the vital stats are really low, never above 50% in either CPU or memory?
- Am I asking too much of the GFX card?...what todo?..need i stop using 2 screens when gaming?
- Any ingame GFX setting i can turn off like shadows etc?

Exact GFX card btw: