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  1. #1
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    Default Lower the cooldown on tactics for Kensais

    I think that an interesting way to make the master tactician more, well, of a master, is to allow a kensai fighter to cycle through their tactics faster than a barb or monk would. This would serve as a good way to improve the capstone, making the pure kensei the more powerful tactician. Much like how sorcerers cast faster than a wizard does, a fighter ought to land his stunning blow at a higher rate than the other competing classes.

    whaddya think?

  2. #2
    Community Member Psiandron's Avatar
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    I think that it sounds like a pretty good idea. Makes sense and fighters, in general, could use something to make them a more attractive option. Besides, it'd be a nice bonus for my Kensei. Maybe you ought to post something in MF's enhancement thread. If the Devs are still reading it anymore that is.
    Quote Originally Posted by MalkavianX View Post
    and then dropped it like a burning kitten

  3. #3
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    This is an easy suggestion to agree with. Melee need all kinds of buffs right now, this is one that makes all kinds of sense as it increases versatility both solo and in a group as well as survive-ability. I'd kind of like to see it done through the updated enhancement system though - for example, 1 AP to reduce to 10 sec cooldown, another 1 AP for 6 secs, another 1 AP for 4 secs cooldown.

  4. #4
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
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    /signed for an excellent idea. Makes a lot of sense.

  5. #5
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    I suggested it be part of the capstone, but then that might make splashed fighters at a loss.

    I like the enhancement idea, maybe lower it by x amount of seconds per tier of enhancement, and the capstone can add an even more of a cut to the cooldown. That way, fighters in general can be better tacticians, but a pure would excel best at it, or something along those lines.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery Urist's Avatar
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    The intent of a Kensei, as I understand it, is to focus on mastering a single weapon beyond all else.
    Mastering tactical manoeuvres, beyond those basic enhancements available to all fighters, should be a different PrE, IMO.

    I suspect fighters will get a tactics PrE out of the planned enhancement revamp, anyway.

  7. #7
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urist View Post

    The intent of a Kensei, as I understand it, is to focus on mastering a single weapon beyond all else.
    Mastering tactical manoeuvres, beyond those basic enhancements available to all fighters, should be a different PrE, IMO.

    I suspect fighters will get a tactics PrE out of the planned enhancement revamp, anyway.
    You do get a + to combat feat dc's.

  8. #8
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    Although I wouldn't make them pass what monks can already do with stunning fist. 1 stun every 6 seconds is about as far as it should go. Of course the kensai could be much faster at trips and sunders though.

    Something like:
    Add Improved stunning blow feat (10 second cooldown)
    Give each tier of kensai + the kensai capstone reduce tactics cooldowns by 1 second.

    So a pure kensai with capstone could cycle improved tactics feats each every 6 seconds, or regular tactics feats every 11 seconds. Multiclass kensai would see 7-9/12-14 second cooldowns, etc..

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey_Archer View Post
    Something like:
    Add Improved stunning blow feat (10 second cooldown)
    Give each tier of kensai + the kensai capstone reduce tactics cooldowns by 1 second.
    Definitely prefer to not see them address this using more feats. Improved Trip is already a bummer since you need Combat Expertise in addition. They have enhancements to improve tactical DC's and enhancements are where more tactical improvements belong. Then it's more likely not only for fighters but other melee classes to take advantage, although I agree fighters should be able to take them the farthest.

  10. #10
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urist View Post

    The intent of a Kensei, as I understand it, is to focus on mastering a single weapon beyond all else.
    Mastering tactical manoeuvres, beyond those basic enhancements available to all fighters, should be a different PrE, IMO.

    I suspect fighters will get a tactics PrE out of the planned enhancement revamp, anyway.
    Well, even with their chosen weapon, they aren't the undisputed dps kings, at least not anymore (ever since the damage boost change for barbs).

    So, with barbarians out dpsing fighters, or at least matching their output (and they aren't even limited to a single weapon type like a kensei is) and monks being better tacticians, I feel that allowing the fighter to cycle through their tactical feats at a faster rate would give them more appeal. Much analogous to a sorcs casting rate versus a wizzy's.

    I like monkey archers ideas, a pure kensei cycling through their tactics every 6 seconds would be a major improvement.
    Last edited by Durnak; 01-16-2012 at 06:42 PM.

  11. #11
    Community Member
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    I don't know if the game engine can handle the mechanics but it would be cool if fighters got something like the equivalent of a smite clicky that reset the cooldown on all your tactics. So you start with 2 resets and you can get more with enhancements. The resets regenerate every 90 seconds like smite.

    So you use stunning blow, trip, sunder, pop a reset and use them again.

    Also it would be cool if the tactics had a "boss" component so that a successful trip lowered reflex saves by 1 for 20 seconds stacking up to 10x, and a successful stun increased damage from all sources by .2% for 20 seconds stacking up to 10x.

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