So i made a halfling, rogue/wizzard..
I see i have enhancements for spells, and its requirment, is a single wizzard enhancer, and halfling lvl 2, But i for the life of me can't figure out why i can't choose the skill. It says i only need 3 points spent, but even then it doesnt show up as pickable.
Basically the enhancement i want is a crit fire spell ablity. (listed as lvl 2 halfling) says it makes fire crit more likely. I want to have really good fire spells, as it fits the character, But why i cant choose these halfing only ablities is very puzzeling.
btw, what class are the firespells in this game? i cant recall.. its been a while. I know in old school they spread out across evocation, conjouring, and even alteration.. But i was wondering if any of these were combined in 3rd editon.
My thinking was taking a feat that helped with casting fire at first lvl, then taking some of the fire enhancers. I was thinking i should take evocation for my first lvl feat, but now im not so sure.
any thoughts on this?