Helm - Pirate Hat with ???
Neck - Nightforge Gorget (Heavy Fortification)
Trinket - Giantcraft Siberys Compass (Search +13, Resistance +2, Will Save +4)
Cloak - Charismatic +6 Cloak of junk skill +3
Belt - Knost's (Con +6, GFL)
Gloves - Level 12 Brawling Gloves (What Tier?)
Boots - Madstone (Striding +20%, Dex +4, Madstone Proc) (Upgradeable version, or old version?)
Bracers - Armor +? of junk skill +3
Armor - Icy Raiment (Dodge +4, Prot +4, Resist +3)
Goggles - Intricate Field Optics (Spot +13, Secret Door Detection, Wisdom +2)
Ring 1 - Ring of Balance (Balance +13, Stability, Natural Armor +2)
Ring 2 - Ring of the Buccaneer (What Tier and Level?)
UPDATED - (Or at least a list of possible suggestions)
Helm - Minos Legens (Toughness +20 HP, Heavy Fortification)
Neck - Alchemist's Pendant (Alchemical Conservation, +20 Shroud HP)
Trinket - Luck +2 Cannith Crafted?
Cloak - ???
Belt - Knost's (Con +6, GFL)
Gloves - Fabricator's Gauntlets (Strength +6, Resist +5, Melee Alacrity 10%)
Boots - Madstone (If Dark?)
Bracers - Epic Bracers of Wind, Tier 1 (Blurry, Dodge Bonus +3, Air Guard)
Armor - Epic Frozen Tunic, Tier 1 (Armor Bonus +7, Freezing Ice, Fire Shield (Cold), Enhanced Ki +1)
Goggles - Blindness Immunity of Attack Bonus +2 Goggles, Cannith Crafted.
Ring 1 - Epic Ring of the Stalker, (Exceptional Sneak Attack +2, Seeker +4, Manslayer, Ethereal)
Ring 2 - Wisdom +6 (random drop or Cannith?)
Thoughts - Better Soloability. More HP (40 more?), Higher Saves, More Strength, Higher un-hasted attack speed, higher ki generation, higher to-hit, 10% Concealment, a knockdown/haste guard, an autocrit on-hit proc, a vorpal proc...
All on gear that is pretty easily obtainable. I can Unbound Craft everything I listed Cannith-Wise, and the rest... well, it's easy, too, and doesn't require stepping into Epic Quests or challenges. The only "cost" here is possibly lower AC, but we've already established your AC wasn't high enough to matter for the moment.
As for the Cloak slot.. I don't know. You could cannith-craft Feather-Falling of Resist Fire/Acid/Electric/Sonic/Cold 30, and Hot-Swap them as appropriate. Could wear the Tier 1 Epic Cloak of Flames (Heightened Awareness IV, Fire Absorption - 20%, Fire Shield (Hot)). You could wear a Prot +5 Cloak in content where you feel AC matters. If you have a level 12 Cloak of Night or higher laying around, I suggest grabbing that.
Also, the Bracers *could* be Hot-Swapped for Fabricator's Bracers (Cannith Combat Infusion, Incite +20%, Balance +10, Enhanced Balance +5), and you could unlock the Set Bonus for the Bracers + Gloves, which is +2 untyped bonus to both to-hit and damage. This could be swapped out in Party situations where you already have Blur, and you're less concerned about guard-based CC.
This is just a generic, first-blush gearset popped together that involves fast, targeted, pre-epic grinding to make your character all-around more capable in Soloing/Epic/Raid/Questing. This is by no means the "perfect" gearset, nor a final gearset. This is just to prep you for that next level - and indeed, you'll even find Shroud/VoD/that sort of thing to be easier.
I already have some other ideas, and will continue to think about them. Would love some input back from you though, OP, so we can work more on this!