It has been going swell. I have had wipes, I have had awesome parties and mediocre ones and shocking ones and they are actually all fun. I can't get angry when I myself am still a newbie and sometimes n00b. And all that happens at the worst of times is I have to return to the bar where I am bound with no loot or completion. The very worst. How is that bad?
I have made mistakes, huge ones and small ones and I have learned tons. And for the most part people are kind and fun. And I am still having an absolute ball. This game rocks.
For the record whisperghost has completed Shroud and Reaver and Demon Queen many times, and have done a few ToD and VoD's and HoX twice - **** HoXSeems to be the only one where I fail more often than not. I have even made a gimp GS item :P
Now I need Epic Tokens and I'd like to know the best way to achieve these. I stepped into Wiz King on Epic and promptly got swatted down by a CR 32 gnoll .... just when you think you are uber eh? I tried it again with a hireling and she kept me alive and I almost killed that first gnoll... but nope. It just ain't gonna happen.
I stepped into an Epic challenge with free challenge tokens and killed two tieflings. Just as I were feeling proud of having killed epic trash, two epic scorpions ate me for breakfast. Disconcerting to say the least.
I think I have to ask to join a Guild and prove to them my dedication and ability, meager as it may be.
Is there some assistance anyone can give me on either joining the right guild or how to farm epic tokens and stuff the right way?
I (almost) never see LFM's for epics and the one I did ask to join didn't want to take a gimp and I forgive them. But surely there must be another way to get these going?
Thanks in advance![]()