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  1. #1
    Community Member mondo's Avatar
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    Default Search Disable ?

    I have been contemplating TR'ing one of my toons to Arti, I have some gear that makes it tough to decide to go WF or not. Whats the highest search disable needed for epic end game content. And is there such a thing as (overkill) for search disable.

    TY Gem
    Gemdeath (Gimp Completionist)
    Wolfclan Wharfrat Furios and others. Yes my grammer sucks

  2. #2
    Community Member DragonTroy's Avatar
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    take a look at that brilliant list
    Quote Originally Posted by DragonTroy View Post

    at one point during the aggro issues i pulled horoth on my monk, which i admit i kind of enjoyed for about half a second. but then he hit me.

  3. #3
    Community Member mondo's Avatar
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    TY Dragon, alot of ? in the list but still very helpful.
    Edit* Do you think it would be worth going fleshy Arti for Epic Utilty Vest, or could I achieve good enough search disable stats with WF
    Last edited by mondo; 01-14-2012 at 02:22 AM.
    Gemdeath (Gimp Completionist)
    Wolfclan Wharfrat Furios and others. Yes my grammer sucks

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by mondo View Post
    TY Dragon, alot of ? in the list but still very helpful.
    Edit* Do you think it would be worth going fleshy Arti for Epic Utilty Vest, or could I achieve good enough search disable stats with WF
    If your int is high enough you can do it with a WF. I was able to create a cleric/rogue that was able to hit 30 in Search and Disable with a base of 14 intelligence with a +4 tome.

    Add in equipment that is a 45 to disable add in your +9 from tools (I think +5 gives a 9 to disable) and if you have the skill boost for another 2 that is 56 to disable, and at least 50 to search.

  5. #5
    Community Member DragonTroy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mondo View Post
    TY Dragon, alot of ? in the list but still very helpful.
    Edit* Do you think it would be worth going fleshy Arti for Epic Utilty Vest, or could I achieve good enough search disable stats with WF
    i personally do not have an arti yet, but if you go the route most do (max int, enough dex for IPS and good to-hit) and put all your ranks into the skills, i see no reason why you wouldn't be able to get every trap in the game. Trapping is all gear, if i looked i could find at least one rogue build that goes 6 int and can still get every trap in the game. keep your skills high, keep the highest trapping gear for your level and some +5 tools, you should have no problems finding disabling the traps. outside of epic, i don't think there's a search DC above 55-60.

    a couple notes, you may also want to invest in spot, makes finding the box on the rare occasion that it can appear in a random place (ex: The Tides Turn, and the end room of Schemes of the Enemy)

    also: just because you can find the trap, doesnt mean you can survive the trap, especially on elite or epic. you should have a decent reflex, but traps can still hurt quite a bit, assuming you don't have evasion. be prepared for them to hurt.
    Quote Originally Posted by DragonTroy View Post

    at one point during the aggro issues i pulled horoth on my monk, which i admit i kind of enjoyed for about half a second. but then he hit me.

  6. #6
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    I've recently leveled a rogue with 12 base int with good gear and self buffs and never had a problem.

    However, there are some specific traps that are difficult and not necessarily designed to be able to be got:
    Von4 on elite the force traps to the last shrine are really high
    One of the tombs in necro 3 has a chest with a super high DC trap
    Cable for 1 trapped chest is super high

    I left these alone. At level 20 with a +15 item (epic spare hand), +5 enhancement (tinkers gloves/goggles), GH clicky/scroll, +6 int item I'm definitely in the overkill realm. However, that's ok as if I should happen to die a few times I'll still get the trap.

    I'm really appreciating my high wisdom and +20 spot goggles (epic time sensing) for letting me know where traps are but this probably isn't viable on an arti.

  7. #7
    Community Member mondo's Avatar
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    TY Wax, Dragon, and Mubjon. Very helpful +1 I did alot of number crunching in the character planner and wasnt sure about endgame. I do have alot of good gear, so guess I really shouldnt have worried about it, just wanted to make sure I wasnt building something that would be useless in epics. Thx again -Gem
    Gemdeath (Gimp Completionist)
    Wolfclan Wharfrat Furios and others. Yes my grammer sucks

  8. #8
    Community Member Ganolyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mubjon View Post
    (i think +5 gives a 9 to disable)
    +5 tools give a +7 to disable/pick
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