Increase effectiveness of any one spell type:
.....Corrosion, Glaciation, Magnetism, Combustion, Resonance, Impulse,
.....Devotion, Reconstruction, Benevolence, Radiance, Nullification
Any one spell Focus: (Increase DC to resist spells from that school)
.....Abjuration, Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy,
Any one Efficient Metamagic:
.....Empower, Enlarge, Extend, Maximize, Empower Healing
Blindness Immunity
Casting Dexterity (Reduce arcane spell failure chance)
Feat: Mobility
Natural Armor
Potency (Increase spell damage)
Silver Flame
Spell Penetration
Any one skill except UMD:
.....Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Haggle, Heal, Hide,
.....Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Repair, Search,
.....Spot, Swim, Tumble
Any one Save:
.....Reflex, Fortitude, Will, Poison or Enchantment
Any one mana boost:
.....Power, Wizardry, Magi
Melee Alacrity
Ranged Alacrity
Attack Bonus
Eternal Faith
False Life
Good Luck (Bonus to all saves and skill checks)
Good Luck - Will Save +1
Good Luck - Reflex Save +1
Persuasion (+3 to charisma-based skill checks, eg: UMD)
Resistance (Bonus to all saves)
Secret Door Detection
Spell Resistance
True Seeing
Any one Lore: (Increase spell critical hit and damage multiplier)
.....Healing, Repair, Void, Acid, Ice, Lightning, Fire, Sonic, Kinetic
One of two energy Absorption: (Absorb 33% of incoming spell damage)
.....Electrical, Fire