I am planning to TR my cleric into a cleric and I need advice and to clarify a few points. It will be a pure healer with obviously attack spell.
- does concordant opposition crafted on a weapon will stack with concordant opposition crafted on an accessory ?
- arcane lore increases critical for all spells, included cure and heal ?
- heal lore increases critical for cure spell and also heal spell ?
- heal lore and arcane lore doesnt stack, right ?
- does a item greater heal lore (9% crit, multiplier +0.25) stack with enhancement cleric prayer of life (9% crit) and cleric prayer of incredible life (multiplier 2.25) ? If so, shall it be 18% crit and multiplier 2.5 ?
- for lv 14, i have 2 armors, I can use : Parasitic Breastplate (http://ddowiki.com/page/Parasitic_Breastplate) or Fleshshaper Brigantine (http://ddowiki.com/page/Fleshshaper%27s_Brigandine). Which one should be more usefull till lv 16 (lv 16 armor is cove one) or more ? What should be crafted on it : 10 reflex save or arcane lore (6% crit, multiplier +0.25) ? maybe u have a better suggestion too. (my reflex save should be around 9 at lv 14)
- does nullification and void lore are so important (i m not using inflict wounds spell) ?
Ty in advance for ur help