While you're at it, make some too with efficient metamagics, for those spells that don't take components.
While you're at it, make some too with efficient metamagics, for those spells that don't take components.
I haven't read the full thread, but while they're at it a scroll case collectible storage for scrolls would be very useful as well
Personally I'm hesitant to have any sort of item that needs to be equipped to be stored, with a scroll case the biggest issue I see is having to pull out the scroll before you can use it, which is just a hassle, and really would only be used to 'hoard' 1k+ scrolls at a time. (since we cannot select hotkeys items inside the 'case' at the moment, the most likely solution would be to 'equip top item' sort of use that the quivers have, which would lead to needing heal scrolls, and accidentally loading up with fire shield scrolls instead, or something along those lines)
Potions have the same problem, how do you 'decide' what potions you want to use at that time, the heroism one, the crit heal one, etc., arrows sorta have the same issue, because on my ranged chars (when they have quivers equipped) I find it extremely annoying to load +x greater construct bane arrows when I am shooting devils in the face.
The 3 items I proposed are mostly there for inventory consolidation on consumables that do not need to be equipped (thieves tools, spell components) and a quiver that would allow mechanic rogues, and non AA ranged characters, to still have the 'ease' of not having to restock arrows/bolts after every quest. The utility belt for example is 'weaker' then +15 skill items (or the epic +20 variant), and the tools it creates aren't +5's either, so a 'good' rogue will still carry some +5 thieves tools with him/her to do traps that are absolutely vital, but he won't need to carry 4-5 stacks of tools to last him a few quests
And to sylph:
Melee's have to carry a few more weapon sets if they want to function at their top potential, usually involving a ton of +5 [alignment] burst [metal] [weapon] of greater [creature type] bane. For casters it's much easier to slot everything they would want in 5'ish weapon sets (10 items total) + scrolls, where (two weapon) melees will quickly run into the 20-30 weapons if they want to perform at the top of their potential + scrolls + pots + spell clickies (GH/invis/jump). Sure, they could make do with 'generic trash beaters' but those are in many cases weaker then specialized weapons.
If you need those nine inventory slots that badly, take the eschew materials feat.
Problem solved.
Alternatively, you could make turbine happy by buying that 6th inventory tab.
I like these.
Can we Epicify them?
Quiver summons +1 Transmuting 100% Returning Arrows/Bolts, and Grants a 5% Ranged Double Shot chance.
Satchel increases to Archmagi and grants +2 to Spell DCs
Utility Belt increases to +15 skills, tools to +3/+6(with Mech). Increases Trap Part reclamation by 20%.
something along those lines
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig
I'd say no to epicing them, especially not the satchel idea you propose, the wizardry 6 on the satchel it mostly fluff, and again, inventory/slot consolidation, the spell DC's idea is just a flat out no in my opinion, currently only 1 item grants that, and it takes both hand slots, however, I'd be more open to a +1 to all spell DC's, leaving the +2 to all spell DC's to the epic staff of inner sight but still allowing to consolidate slots. The slot I'd put on it would be a yellow slot.
The quiver idea you propose is interesting, maybe put that in an epic-able pack.. that would mean VoN, or ADQ though. I wouldn't put transmuting, but metalline instead. Ranged damage could use the boost, and being only 5% it would likely be under what the eclaw set does. I'd put it differently though, and instead of what you are proposing, the double strike idea, make it 20% ranged alacrity (5% above haste) to prevent stacking of the double strike stuff. The slot I'd put would be a colorless slot
The utility belt idea is also interesting, +15 skills aren't overpowered in any means, and the trap reclamation is interesting to think about. I'd also add +2 exceptional bonus to int based skills. The slot I'd put here would be a green slot
Last edited by Forgeborn; 01-15-2012 at 04:35 PM.
Sorry I was thinking of Greater Arcane Lore not sure why I put the +2 DC. Maybe some extra towards Greater Spell Pen 9 instead. After all it is Epic . I suppose it would depend on where it came from.
I also meant Metalline not transmuting... Its what i get for typing in a hurry. As for the alacrity I wouldn't want to step on the Quiver of Alacrity's toes maybe we should leave that for it and do something else this one. If they could code it maybe a damage mod while the Quiver is equipped similar to unarmed and handwraps ...only not broken . Maybe let that be selectable... or like various versions similar to Rahl or the combined weapons.
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig
Just remove the cheap components, they add nothing good to the game
The issue you most likely have is, 'but if I want to use it, I cannot use [other item] in that slot, which I want to use anyways!'. The two slots I'd see it in are either belt (belt pouch) or trinket (small satchel attached to something)
caster belts from shavarath are mostly clickies anyways, that's the reason why I put it on the belt slot in the first place, it forces people to make decisions, to make sacrifices for utility/ease... a quiver slot is, for everyone that doesn't have a quiver of alacrity, a 'dead' slot, only used to store arrows in, putting on the quiver slot would thus only add to the power of casters, which is something that shouldn't happen at this point in time, casters are extremely powerful as it stands.
OMG ya, Casters need the love, SHOW CASTERS SOME LOVE!
If u get this I want a similar item for melees: Tanks jug- An unlimited cure critical wounds pot :P(Hmm actually thats sounds good )
(That Guy! build) http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=3957241#p3957241
But that isn't a decision, who would choose eschew over the Shav belts?
Those belts aren't just clickies.
Rahkir's set + greater arcane lore = major arcane lore.
All the Savant Sets add 2 to caster level as well as give major elemental lore if you have greater arcane lore.
The divine sets you could live without, but thats it.
So it isn't a matter of it being a decision, its a matter of it being useless at that level.
Finally, regardless of what the forums claim, the general DDO populace doesn't regard arcanes as highly as melee, so I hope you'll excuse me if I couldn't care less if we get more oomph, but sorry that's off topic. I just get tired of people having such a disdain towards arcanes. On the forums, people whine about them being OP and in the game we're restricted in grouping, it's absurdly contradicting.
Check the min level on the belt I 'described' before you speak, you're wearing shavarath belts at level 9? curious how you're pulling that off. Sure, there are more different ones, and I don't -hate- arcanes, I have a few myself, I like em here and there, but overall, not my cup of tea. I am not crying for them to be nerfed, I am just against buffing them up even more, and even more so in giving them extra slots to cram stuff in. Now... for them not being OP... They can be incredible OP'd, depending on the circumstances, and the player controlling them. A properly played arcane is leaps and bounds more efficient then a properly played melee, however.
The 'choice' you have at level 9, if that belt would be implemented as it is:
Cannith crafted +6 con/str belt
Cannith crafted Greater false life
Belt of brute strength (strength +6, greater false life)
Some random assorted named belts which aren't worth remembering in my opinion.
and the 'new' Casters satchel we've been describing (wizardry 6, eschew materials)
Like the belt of brute strength, the belt won't be 'viable' at level 18+, it's not intended to be powerful enough to be viable at those levels. Now, if the belt I described would be level 18, then yes, you'd have a point about it being useless (also, then I would have at least given it archmagi, probably Spell focus mastery (+1 to all DC's, as found on the reaver's napkin) and arcane lore, in addition to the eschew materials.) And again, the belt is for utility, not to be 'best in slot'. For the level I put the belt I described at, it seems to be decently powered (wiz 6 slightly earlier then it's normally available, and a little extra)
edit: I should have put it differently, choice of belt slot has multiple reasons. One, it's a slot that makes sense, a caster wouldn't constantly be reaching behind him and rummaging through a quiver to find a single ingredient for his spells, a belt comes with pouches most of the time, so is a lot easier to reach (aesthetic reason if you'd like), second is that it locks out much more efficient items, in favor for utility or 'ease of use', or just freeing using up a few inventory spots, namely ToD sets (you should have outgrown this belt then anyways). A higher level variant would of course be more powerful then the one I described as the level 9 version, but still remain a 'weaker' choice then a ToD set in that slot, albeit not by such a glaring margin as it is now.
also: rakhirs set + greater arcane lore item = 3 slots, this belt is one, if it belt would rival, or be equal to that, why ever wear anything else? (assume you mean rakhirs belt + ring, and green blade/skiver)
and also: what I personally can't understand is that it would suddenly be okay to just freely give a caster 9 extra inventory slots, or if you prefer that term, a free feat, by making it occupy a 'dead' slot, but it's a sin against god to put it in a slot which has more useful choices to pick from. [sarcasm]If that would be alright, can I then please get a quiver that grants me power attack? since every melee needs to waste a feat on it anyways it's only utility. Or a way to make my weapons +5 metalline, holy burst, anarchic burst, axiomatic burst (made from glass as it's base material!) of greater everything bane, it's only inventory consolidation![/sarcasm]
Last edited by Forgeborn; 01-15-2012 at 10:32 PM.